Des Moines Register 12-05-06 ISU wins federal contract for Ames lab By LISA ROSSI REGISTER AMES BUREAU Ames, Ia. - The Ames Laboratory retained its multimillion-dollar contract with the U.S. Department of Energy after the contract was put out for bids last summer for the first time in 60 years. The Department of Energy announced Monday that it had awarded Iowa State University a five-year, $30 million-per-year contract to manage and operate the federal government's lab here. The new contract takes effect Jan. 1. The federal government started to require competitive bidding on its labs after problems surfaced at other labs around the country, Department of Energy officials said. The Ames lab was not included in the list of labs that needed improvements. The lab's contract success was expected, "because sometimes rationality wins out," said Thomas Barton, director of the lab. He pointed to what he said was the efficiency of the operation, with many of its staff members also holding professor and director positions at ISU. "We share people," Barton said. "The winner is the American taxpayer." About 20 percent of the lab's work force is ISU students. In addition, the lab has relationships with more than 270 nonpaid associates in departments throughout ISU. The Ames Laboratory is operated for the Department of Energy by ISU. The lab - an outgrowth of the university's involvement in the top-secret Manhattan Project during World War II - works to find solutions to energy-related problems through the exploration of the chemical, engineering, materials, mathematical and physical sciences. Reporter Lisa Rossi can be reached at (515) 232-2383 or