ASLS Focused Initiatives 2015-16 Please complete the “progress reported as of 12/2015” column and also highlight one action item that you plan to focus your presentation most closely on. Name of Action Plan Task Due Date Responsible Are you requesting funding for this initiative? Yes/No* ASLS Focused Initiatives Expand MAP-WORKS student retention program and extend to off-campus freshmen and 500 at risk sophomores. May 2016 Student Life Services • $11 per off-campus ASLS Focused Initiatives Implement an online Fall 2015 training program, including Clery/Title 9 training, and look for synergies to consolidate existing online training systems. Safety and Risk Mgmt in collaboration with Human Resources ASLS is supporting funding of the Clery/Title 9 training program. Cost to be determined. freshman student x 100 students = $1,100 • $11 per 500 sophomore students = $5,500 • $7,174 x 3 Academic Resource Coordinators to work on sophomore floors (room, board, stipend) = $21,522 • Total Request: $28,122 Process Measures & Performance Indicators Performance Indicators: Student Retention Rates; Graduation Rates; Performance Indicator: Faculty/staff Longevity; # of complaints Progress reported as of December 2015 • We selected students who had lower GPAs, higher risk factors, and undecided majors • 32% of the invited participants took the survey (164/515) • ARCs conduct 43 inperson meetings to share resources and set academic goals; they also met with students referred by RAs for academic struggles • “Vivid” online occupational safety training went live 11/01/15. We will be evaluating the product w/ our stakeholders into 2016. • HR implementing Clery / Title 9 training through another vendor. Name of Action Plan Task Due Date ASLS Focused Initiatives Develop an RFP to select a new 3rd party health insurance billing vendor May 2016 ASLS Focused Initiatives • • • Manage budget cuts and take measures to improve the university’s financial viability. Develop a white paper and propose a new funding model Find new sources of revenue May 2016 ASLS Focused Initiatives 2015-16 Responsible Are you requesting funding for this initiative? Yes/No* Vice Chancellor, ASLS / Student Health Services No Vice Chancellor, ASLS /BFS / Budget office No Process Measures & Performance Indicators Sources of Revenue • Revenue numbers will be available at the end of the year. Composite Financial Index (Measure of financial viability) Progress reported as of December 2015 • • • Point and Click Solutions contracted Processes and testing completed in October Submission of claims began on November 9th Manage Budget Cuts: • Budget cuts not taken across the board • Tuition balances improved • Administrative reorganizations led the way Propose a new funding model: • Departure from historical base plus allocation to SCH model New Revenue Sources: • Third party billing of health insurance • A new banking relationship • Annual revenue generation through a Verizon Cell Tower on campus