Solid basis for profitability Service Solutions Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical

Solid basis for profitability
Service Solutions
Instrumentation, Controls & Electrical
Training & Consulting
Dynamic Plant Analyses (Studies)
The unique know-how of Siemens in power
plant technology and Instrumentation & Control allows dynamic plant analyses at the very
highest level – the precondition for optimal
plant operation.
Your Benefits
■ Demonstration of
potentials for improving
the efficiency and the
dynamic plant behavior
■ Dependable information
for economic plant
operation and
competitiveness, providing
a reliable basis for key
investment decisions
■ Reliable basis for
investment decisions
The Task
To optimize the efficiency of a power plant and
therefore the competitive position, the plant
operator has to know in detail how “the plant
ticks”. The more data on the dynamic behavior
of the plant is available, the bigger the possible
potential for improvements – or the greater the
assurance the power plant is running at its optimal level. For comprehensive analysis of the
dynamic plant behavior, in-depth know-how
of automation technology and a plant manufacturer is invaluable.
Our Solution
Our studies analyze all key parameters of the
dynamic plant behavior and show concrete
potentials for improvement. The experience
Siemens gathered in the field of power plant
construction and the unique experience of our
experts in technology and Instrumentation
& Control are a guarantee of significant and
reliable results. Depending on your individual
situation and on the information demand of
the plant operator we offer two different
variants for our studies.
In addition we carry out dynamic tests to
determine the behavior of the closed loop
controls – e.g. plant start up simulations.
These tests will be carried out on site by our
experts together with your personnel. After
analyzing these operating curves, the results
will be documented in a detailed report about
the plant situation. The operator will receive
a comprehensive report about possible
improvements of the dynamic plant behavior
(e. g. reduction of the plant start up times,
increasing of gradients, better overall
performance of closed loop control).
The Compact Solution – Short Studies
Detailed studies include interviews with the
power plant personnel and the analysis of existing data. A short presentation of the results
completes this offer. Depending on the results
the study may be upgraded to a detailed study.
As a power plant operator you will receive
a comprehensive and thorough analysis
of the actual situation of the entire plant –
including possible weak points and potentials
for improvement. The results of our studies
lay the foundations for the most economical
and competitive operation of your plant.
Plant Studies ensure the security of the investment.
The Optimal Solution – Detailed Studies
Detailed studies include interviews with the
power plant personnel and the analysis of
existing data such as operating curves, closed
loop control concepts, and P&I-diagrams.
Answers for energy.
Published by and copyright © 2012:
Siemens AG, Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
For more information contact
Siemens Energy, Inc.
Instrumentation, Controls, & Electrical
1345 Ridgeland Parkway, Suite 116
Alpharetta, GA 30004, USA
Order No. E50001-G230-A156-X-4A00
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the property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or
their respective owners.
Subject to change without prior notice.
The information in this document contains
general descriptions of the technical options
available, which may not apply in all cases.
The required technical options should
therefore be specified in the contract.