BTT1OO – An Elective Course – Not Compulsory 

BTT1OO – An Elective Course – Not Compulsory Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are sure you are wondering where the years went from the time your child entered elementary school to this
point where you are now planning for high school. Time does have a way of slipping by, however, in truth they are
not just planning for high school but for the rest of their lives. Therefore, planning should be made with careful
thought and consideration. Some questions you might ask yourself when choosing courses for the upcoming year
What courses will ensure future flexibility in terms of post secondary education options?
What courses are most helpful to students as they go through high school?
What courses will be very useful to students as they study at a college or university?
What courses are most important for them when students enter the workforce and are living independently?
‘Introduction to Information Technology BTT1OO’, introduces students to information and communication
technology in a business environment and builds a foundation of digital literacy skills necessary for success in
a technologically driven society. Students will develop word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop
publishing, presentation software, and website design skills. Throughout this course, there is an emphasis on
digital literacy, effective electronic research and communication skills, and current issues related to the impact of
information and communication technology. It should be noted that students will be learning the industry standard
software Microsoft Office 2007.
Some of the key topics that students will study include:
Internet Safety – How to protect themselves and their future family from the dangers of cyberspace.
Consumer Education – Purchasing electronic devices; minimum requirements and cost factors.
Web Page Design – Students learn how to create web pages and then produce their own website.
Word Processing – Learn how to correctly create professional looking reports, essays and letters.
Desktop Publishing – Students learn the key elements of this software and demonstrate their understanding by
creating informational brochures and posters.
Spreadsheets – Students will use this software to learn and create financial reports, such as home budgets and how
you can use this software if you run a small business.
Slide Show Presentations – Students will create a slide show presentation that will help them strengthen their
communication skills and improve the effectiveness of their presentation.
Databases – Students will learn how to create and manage a database. They will understand how this software can
be a major asset at home or in the workplace.
We feel that no student should leave Norwell without taking this course because the material covered is important
to students now and will be essential in the future. The knowledge and skills which will be learned in this course
are skills that employers will require employees to have. As a parent it is important to understand that the ability of
your son/daughter to use the Internet for chatting, downloading music, using MySpace or Facebook, however
useful, are not the employability skills that a future employer will deem important. Also, word processing,
spreadsheets, desktop publishing and slide show presentation are software programs used by our students
throughout their four years here at Norwell in a variety of other disciplines. Therefore, building a strong
foundation in grade 9 will be beneficial to every student as they strive to earn their OSSD and eventually become
independent citizens.
On behalf of the Norwell Business Department; we thank you for your time and look forward to working with
your son/daughter in the near future. Please contact us at the school with any questions you may have.
Greg Robinson, Department Head
Betty Hoffele, Assistant Department Head 