530 Prospect Street, Box 430, Palmerston, ON, N0G 2P0 519-343-3520 “Be The BEST That You Can Be” “Fais De Ton Mieux” 2013-2014 Newsletter #5 January 1, 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome back to Palmerston P.S. We hope that you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends and that you are successful in making and keeping your New Year resolutions. The New Year has brought some staff changes to P.P.S. We would like to thank Mr. Cameron, Miss Richardson, Mr. Belair, and Mrs. Wylie for their valuable contributions to our school community. Mr. Cameron has joined the Willow P.S. staff as the Vice-Principal and we welcome Katherine Wainman as our new V.P. Miss Richardson will be teaching Kindergarten in Arthur P.S. and Miss Graham will fill her teaching position until Mrs. Doig returns later in January. When Mrs. Harwood leaves for her maternity leave, Mrs. Campbell, the former Miss Pfeffer, will take up her teaching position in Room 9. We welcome back Mrs. Robertson. Ms Helm has joined us as an E.A. Looking ahead to the month of January, there are many exciting upcoming events. Grade 8 students will visit Norwell for the Tech Days program. Gr. 8 students and their parents will have the opportunity to visit Norwell for the course information night on January 21st. Some of our students will be trained as recess activities leaders through the DASH program. There will be a French Immersion Information night on January 30th here at the school. Parents considering the French Immersion program for their new Kindergarten students are encouraged to attend. School Council has had new playground equipment installed in the Kindergarten playground. They continue to hold enjoyable family events such as movie nights at the Norgan Theatre. You are invited to attend School Council meetings on the last Monday every month. We will have an information session from 6:00 to 6:30 about RAZ Kids and all parents are welcome to attend. This is followed by the regular School Council meeting that begins at 6:30. Wilma Shannon KINDERGARTEN 2014-15 Kindergarten registration will be held from February 3 to 7, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have a child, or know of someone who has a child who was born in 2009 for Senior Kindergarten or 2010 for Junior Kindergarten, please have them call the school 519-343-3520 as soon as possible. We will be sending out registration packages. FRENCH IMMERSION PARENT INFORMATION MEETING If you know a parent of a child who will be starting school this September and might be interested in enrolling their child in French Immersion, or if you are a present JK parent considering switching your child to the FI program for Senior Kindergarten, then you are invited to a meeting Thursday, January 30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. GRADE 8 INFORMATION NIGHT AT NORWELL There will be an Information Night at Norwell on Tuesday, January 21 st at 6:30 p.m. for all students and their parents entering Norwell in September, 2014. INCLEMENT WEATHER REMINDERS 1. The buses will not go home early on days when the weather deteriorates during the day. 2. When the buses do not run the students who have come to school will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m. SNOWBALLS/SNOWFORTS It is that time of year again when the snow covers most of our school yard and our children get the opportunity to play in the snow. Please remind your child that our school has a No Snowball rule. Children caught throwing snow may be asked to stand up against the wall of the school for the duration of the recess or given a detention. It is important that we ensure the safety of all of our students. Our children also need to know that No One Owns the Snow, But We Must Respect Other’s Work so forts, blocks etc. do not become the focus of our students’ attention and protection. It would be appreciated if you could talk to your child about respecting others. P.A. DAY There is no school for students on Friday, January 17th because it is a P.A. Day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES This is just a reminder to replenish your child’s school supplies - pencils, erasers, etc. STAY WARM THIS WINTER As the weather gets colder this month, please consider the following STAY WARM tips: ❅ send an extra pair of socks and mitts to school. ❅ indoor shoes are required for gym and to keep the feet dry (halls and classroom floors do get wet from the snow). ❅ snowpants, scarves, boots, warm coats, etc. help keep the children warm and dry. (Students are encouraged to wear the outdoor clothes that parents send to school.) Each week our Lost and Found box grows with articles of clothing that seldom get claimed. Students are encouraged to look for lost items in the box. Parents are also welcome to have a look for lost items. NO BUS DAYS & SPECIAL LUNCH DAYS Just a reminder that on No Bus Days the Grilled Cheese and Hot Dog Days will be cancelled and rescheduled by School Council for an alternate date. Please send your child with a lunch on Hot Dog or Grilled Cheese Days when the buses do not run. Sub Days will be cancelled on No Bus Days and rescheduled. Pizza Days will continue on No Bus Days for those students who will be attending school. Pizza that was ordered for January 7th will be provided on Thursday, January 16th. MATHEMATICS AS A WAY OF THINKING In the last few years, there has been some confusion around the “new” way of doing math. It is important to note that today’s math includes all the same mathematical concepts and facts as the “traditional” math, the only real difference is in the way students learn this information. Today’s math focuses on understanding math ideas by encouraging discovery and exploration through problem solving. In our math curriculum, there are 7 mathematical processes: problem solving, selecting tools and computational strategies, reasoning and proving, representing, communicating, reflecting and connecting The goal of these processes is to help students become more confident problem solvers. Below you will find the processes broken down into questions. These questions are meant to be used as coaching tools to help students with their mathematical thinking. Try them at home. You may be surprised by the answers! Solving the Problem What is the question and what do you need to do? Selecting tools and strategies Will you need to add, subtract, divide or multiply? What tools or technology would help you? Representing (Showing the work) How are you going to show your ideas? (graphs, numbers, words and symbols) Reasoning (Making sense) Does your answer make sense? If not, do you need to fix or change something? Communicating (Sharing it with others) How can you explain your answer in writing? Reflecting (Making it personal) What worked and what did not? Why? Connections (Seeing relationships) Does this problem remind you of anything? MONDAY 6 TUESDAY Day 1 Welcome Back 13 27 Day 2 Pizza Day 1 Pita Lunch 20 7 14 8 WEDNESDAY Day 3 Grilled cheese Day 2 15 Day 5 6:00 pm- Parent Education about RAZ Kids 6:30- School Council mtg. 21 10 Day 3 16 Day 4 Day 1 22 Hot Dogs 28 29 Day 1 Day 5 17 Pizza Pizza Grade 8 Information Night at Norwell 6:30 pm Pizza FRIDAY Gr. 8 Tech Day at Norwell Pizza Day 5 9 THURSDAY Day 4 P.A. DAY Day 2 23 Day 3 24 Day 4 Day 2 30 Day 3 31 Day 4 Kindergarten French Immersion information meeting for parents 7:00 pm Library 9:00- Panda Pride Assembly