Guidance notes to complete the Definition Alteration request (DAR) form Applicable to the Vendors of Siemens Canada Limited “SCL” and Industrial Turbines Company (UK) Ltd “ITCL” This document shall be used as a guide to complete Definition Alteration request forms for Siemens ADGT. 1. The DAR form shall be used to request, describe, evaluate and authorize the definition change. Anyone can generate a DAR. 2. The DAR form must be electronically submitted. The submittal, together with any supporting information shall be sent to the inbox listed in the table below for only Energy Unique components. Inboxes Applicable facility Siemens Canada Limited “SCL”, Industrial Turbines Company (UK) Ltd “ITCL” Please Note :- Energy Unique components start with Prefixes LW, TRN, FTR, GTR, AG, DLW, DTRN,LYB, BDE, JRC, NPF, DTRN, DAG, DBDE, DJRC, DLW 3. It is seen as good practice to copy your Siemens Buyer and Supplier Quality Representative on all electronic communications. © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 1 4. The following Professional positions resources are responsible for working with the suppliers to achieve the desired targets in Quality, Cost and Delivery. They should be made aware of proactive initiatives supplier wishes to pursue : Buyer Supplier Quality Representative 5. The requestor is responsible for ensuring manufacturability of the component is not affected by the requested change. Where applicable, the component proving process shall be invoked. 6. The DAR submittals that do not correct a definition error or improve the component may be refused. Siemens is not obligated to approve submittals that solely benefit the supplier. 7. If the Supplier cannot specify a requested change, then the DAR Form is not appropriate. If the Supplier Wishes to pose a question or explore the feasibility of various change options, they need to work through their Siemens Buyer to explore the issue(s) with Siemens Engineering. Once a solution is identified, then the DAR should be submitted for formal approval and incorporation into the drawing or specification. 8. All Boxes shaded are for Siemens use only. 9. The Template of the DAR is embedded in the last page of this document. © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 2 Section Form Requirement Acceptable entries / Guidelines A Date B REQUESTED BY - The name of the individual requesting the change shall be entered. Supplier generated DAR - - The requestor shall check one of the first two selection boxes on the left, then select one of the corresponding blocks as appropriate. (The third selection box on the left is for Siemens use and should not be checked on a Supplier submittal). Supplier Request ID No. - The supplier’s internal tracking number shall be entered, if applicable. Supplier Name & Address – - The Supplier’s company name and full mailing address shall be entered. Supplier (Vendor) Code – - The 6 digit supplier (vendor) code shall be entered (This is the current code number that appears on your Purchase Orders from Siemens). C © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved - The requestor to enter the date in the Requested box. 3 Section C D Form Requirement Acceptable entries / Guidelines Phone, Fax, and e-mail address The requestor’s phone number, fax number, and e-mail address shall be entered. Siemens Buyer The current Siemens Buyer the supplier is in contact with shall be entered. Other Siemens Personnel Contacted Any other Siemens personnel contacted regarding the alteration request. Siemens Definitions affected The requestor shall identify the drawing or specification per the title block on sheet one of the document. Multiple definitions in the same part family may be included on a single DAR. The requestor shall also list the revision letter currently being worked to. Siemens Definition No, and current Revision Letter Definition Re-issue status Supplier Definition No. © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved Leave Blank The corresponding supplier definition number and rev letter shall be entered if applicable. The latest version of the document shall be submitted electronically. 4 Section D Form Requirement Definition Title Acceptable entries / Guidelines The requestor shall add the definition title per the title block on sheet one of the document. Abbreviations are acceptable. Engine Model(s) Leave Blank Siemens Casting/Forging Definitions Answer whether any Siemens castings or forgings are affected. A Affected change in Definition is any change to a Siemens casting or forging drawing, including notes or specifications. If yes, the applicable drawings shall be entered in the table. E Reason for Alteration The requestor shall select the primary reason for the change request. If “OTHER” is chosen, a brief description should be entered. F Business Justification The Business Justification should address the specific Quality, Cost and Delivery (QCD) impacts based on Siemens approval of the requested change(s). These should normally be expressed by one or two sentences for each individual QCD item. You must address Quality, Cost and Delivery in this section. For more examples, see Appendix A. © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 5 Section G Form Requirement Action requested Acceptable entries / Guidelines This Section is used, by the Supplier, to request specific changes to Siemens Drawings (or Design Specifications). The format should allow the Siemens Engineer, when a change is approved as submitted, to simply copy and paste the requested Action into drafting instructions. The section should normally identify and request a change “From” (the current definition), then “To” (the proposed definition). If a Drawing has Zones, identify the Zone where the proposed change is located. If a Drawing has multiple Sheets, identify the Sheet that is affected. When requesting a Specification change, identify the Page and Paragraph Number. Example: Siemens Drawing Number LW12345: Change: Sheet 4, Zone D-4 From: 6.2435 - 6.2465” O.D. To: 6.24 - 6.25” O.D. For more examples, see Appendix B. © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 6 Section Form Requirement Acceptable entries / Guidelines H Alteration Effect Summary Alteration effects checklist The requestor must consider each of the DAR criteria as part of the substantiation of the change. Siemens will check the appropriate boxes in the shaded area of this section for all alteration requests. I Technical Justification The Technical Justification should be used to communicate the technical rationale for approving the proposed change(s) to the Siemens Engineer. This section should contain all the engineering and technical discussion of why the change is acceptable and/or beneficial. It should be clearly stated why the DAR will not negatively impact Form, Fit or Function. The Siemens Engineer should ideally be able to read this section and reach a conclusion with minimal additional research. All applicable Specifications (AMS, ANSI, EDS, EPS, etc...) must be referenced within this section. If the Supplier has included Test Reports, Drawings, or Internal Specifications as a separate attachment, those must be referenced in this section. J ALTERATION INSTRUCTIONS © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved - Leave Blank 7 Section Form Requirement K (INITIAL ENGINEERING DISPOSITION & NOTIFICATION TO REQUESTOR) © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved Acceptable entries / Guidelines - Leave Blank 8 APPENDIX A - EXAMPLES OF BUSINESS JUSTIFICATION (SECTION F): Quality: Approval of this DAR will improve current PPM non-conformance rate of 3,000 for Siemens p.n. LW12345, to 100 PPM. Cost: Approval of this DAR will result in a recurring $5.00 unit piece price savings, due to reduced manufacturing and overhead costs. Delivery: Approval of this DAR will reduce lead time by 2 weeks. APPENDIX B - EXAMPLES OF “ACTION REQUESTED” (SECTION G): Request to add alternate material: Specification EDS 9987: Change: Page 26, Paragraph 5.4.3. From: “Perform cyclic tests for 16 hours during ATP” To: “Perform cyclic tests for 4 hours during ATP.” © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 9 Definition Alteration request ( DAR) Template Change History Revision 1 Date Dec 2015 Description of Change This document is an initial issue of Siemens Energy, Inc. Quality Requirements © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved 10