Document 10415677

Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, Sept. 21, 2012
Present: Chairman Trisha Russell, Bill Kanzig, Luke Sheets, Lee Ann Hall, George Sleesman, Kristin Daws,
Missie Taylor, Jeff Brachok, Richard Gainey, Mike Hanes, David Dellifield, Mike Zembower, Justin Courtney, Bill
Trisha Russell welcomed the group to the first Safety Committee meeting and lunch of the 2012-13 year. It
was unanimously decided to change the regular meeting time to 11:00 am on the third Friday of each month
throughout the school year, rather than at 12:00 as in the past.
Availability of classroom safety training was discussed and a sample of Paul Nutter’s syllabus was distributed,
showing the expectation that students are aware of safety rules. More safety training is requested in the
It was agreed to invite representatives of ONU Lions Club to Safety meetings and to encourage the group to
align itself with ONU Safety.
Justin Courtney presented a case study on management of volunteers during emergencies and what plans are
currently in place.
The Clery Act was a topic of conversation as pertains to early warning of violence or danger on campus.
Trisha, George and Justin volunteered to audit procedures that are currently in place or needing to be put in
The next meeting will be Friday, Oct. 19, at 11 am.
Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, Oct. 19, 2012
Present: Chairman Trisha Russell, Lee Ann Hall, Kristin Daws, Richard Gainey, David Dellifield, Justin
Courtney, Jeanette Hazelton, Jeff Brackok, Anita Stanley, Paul Nutter, Paul Huffman.
ONU Lions Club Presentation: The monthly meeting was kicked off with a presentation on the Lions Alert
program by Paul Nutter, Associate Professor of Technology, and law student Paul Huffman. The two have
been raising awareness at local and campus events by explaining the purpose of the program, which is to
provide a structured delivery of volunteer service during an emergency. A short video showed response and
relief efforts at disasters home and abroad. The ONU group will be in McIntosh Activities Room on Nov. 1 at
5 p.m. with the Hardin County Health Department presenting information on pandemic flu events.
Goals from Last Year and Discussion: A 2012-2013 goal for Safety Committee is to work toward fire drills
being performed in academic buildings on a routine basis. This is a best practice not currently being
performed and has been recommended on the property risk control report for several years. It was
mentioned that the beginning of spring semester would be a good starting point. This will be a good
opportunity to involve Building Directors with training.
Case Study: Committee members were asked to read a case study on Cyber Harassment and A Relationship
Gone Sour before attending next month’s meeting. Justin Courtney will lead a general discussion about
appropriate actions to take if a similar incident takes place on ONU campus.
Lee Ann Hall reported that a power point presentation on the ONU emergency operations center was adopted
by EIIA and added to its website for other schools to benefit. Also, a request for $25,000 from FEMA has
been approved and will offset the insurance deductible on the June 29 wind storm claim.
Anita Stanley questioned whether there weren adequate evacuation/shelter in place plans for the Child
Development Center on Union St. She will investigate and also offer assistance from the Business Services
Kristen Daws requested information on funding software that would enable departments with chemical
storage to become compliant with the new international chemical labeling and Safety Data Sheet changes.
It was suggested that she prepare cost information and submit it for capital budget funding.
Richard Gainey reiterated the need for bicycle safety. He and several other committee members have
experienced near misses while walking on the sidewalks when bicyclists have not shown due caution.
Trisha reported that she will be meeting with George Sleesman and Justin Courtney to finalize their
recommendations on the Clery Act.
Trisha also reported that Bill Kanzig will chair the November meeting in her absence. The December
meeting program will be by Red Cross representatives.
Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, Nov. 16, 2012
Present: Vice Chairman Bill Kanzig, Lee Ann Hall, Julie Hurtig, George Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Jeanette
Hazelton, Kristin Daws
Kris Daws explained the University’s need for chemical inventory/safety data software. She discussed
required compliance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS),
including changes in chemical labeling, safety data sheets for labs, and parameters for training. Explaining
that the current methods of tracking chemicals on campus are inefficient, she said newer software could
eliminate manual tracking of the University’s approximately 7,000 chemicals, would reduce waste and time
spent, and eliminate duplicate orders. Based on Kristen’s research, the system she prefers is Chem Watch,
which includes up-to-date SDS and emergency response information and improved safety awareness. The
system is web based for easy access by departments, as well as by Campus Security. There followed a
discussion on best approach for applying for budget money.
While reviewing old business, it was remarked that the Clery Committee has not met.
A date for the December meeting was discussed, with further information to be sent to members at a later
In new business, George Sleesman reported that he is meeting with the Student Senate president for input on
activities for next year’s Student Safety Week.
Julie Hurtig stated that she had been asked to request that when offered, safety and self-defense training
should be available to both genders.
Kristin requested that Moodle should be used for all training.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.
Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, Jan. 18, 2013
Present: Chairman Trisha Russell, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, Melissa Taylor, Jeff
Brachok, David Dellifield, Brian Smith, Richard Gainey, Kristin Daws.
Colleen Conley, director for the Hardin County branch of the American Red Cross, attended the meeting and
shared her role and responsibilities with the group. Hardin County’s chapter is actually merged with Allen
County and is included in an 18-county northwest region. The Red Cross office is in the Jacob Parrot Safety
Center in Kenton and is staffed, other than Colleen, with volunteers. The Red Cross specializes in education
and disaster recovery and is the largest humanity network in the world. Colleen mentioned that ONU is a
designated Red Cross shelter and routinely participates in blood drives – donating approximately 37 units per
month. ONU also has five students and two staff members who are volunteer disaster action team
members. Colleen asked that anyone interested in volunteering their time contact her at the Kenton office.
There was discussion again about the need for fire drills in the academic buildings and Trisha was to contact
David Crago to discuss.
The next meeting will be Feb. 15 at 11 am in HETERICK LIBRARY, third floor, room 324.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, March 15, 2013
Present: Richard Gainey, David Dellifield, Julie Hurtig, Trisha Russell, Kristin Daws, Lee Ann Hall, Anita Stanley,
Mike Zembower, Bill Kanzig, Jeanette Hazelton, Jeff Brachok, Scott Parson, Karen Schroeder
Old Business:
None. Only 4 people attended the February meeting.
New Business:
Shooter Presentation. Committee Chair, Lee Ann Hall, presented a video clip developed by Akron State on
what should be done during an active shooter situation. The acronym used to describe the recommended
training procedure is ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Escape).
Lee Ann Hall welcomed a new student representative to our committee, Allie Gaetano. To encourage
active committee participation, Lee Ann updated the email to include all of the
committee members. She also invited members to identify and bring an alternate from each of their
department to the meetings. Lee Ann asked if the 11 am meeting time worked okay, or if it should be
moved to 12 pm.? The committee decided to keep the 11 am meeting time. We will meet May 17th and the
first meeting in the fall will be August 16th. Lee Ann plans to pass out a safety booklet to members next fall
which includes our mission statement and lists the current safety subcommittee members. Lee Ann said that
Human Resources is compiling safety training modules on Moodle, and that other training modules are
available through EIIA risk management (In2vate). If other training resources are needed, contact Lee Ann or
Trisha Russell.
Jeanette Hazelton: Physical plant had a safety audit last week and they received 103%. All of their
paperwork and training was okay. The In2vate bloodborne pathogen training was used. Jeanette
commented that she struggles with finding fresh training materials.
Bill Kanzig: Students are currently allowed to drive vans and pull a trailer behind the van. He is concerned
about this and thinks the policy should not allow students to pull trailers. Lee Ann said graduate students are
not adequately addressed in our vehicle policies either and this also needs to be updated.
Mike Zembower: Mike asked about the status of fire drills. Lee Ann said Athletics is willing to do a drill any
time. The committee also plans to start fire drills in the academic buildings in the fall.
Anita Stanley: Anita is re-training her department with step-by step instruction sheets on printing machines.
Lee Ann commented that this is a good practice for business continuity preparations in departments.
Kristin Daws: The chemistry department completed their annual lab safety inspections in March. The
Chemical Inventory Subcommittee needs to meet to update the campus HazCom plan. (Subcommittee
members are Kristin Daws, Jeff Brachok, Amy Stockert, Jeanette Hazelton, Missie Taylor). Kris will organize a
meeting of the subcommittee.
Julie Hurtig: Electrical repairs are needed due to the recent power outage. Power will be shut down over
Easter weekend.
David Dellifield: Dave has hired summer camp councilors. They receive first aid, AED, CPR, bloodborne
pathogen(?) and sexual harassment training.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2013
Present: Richard Gainey, Karen Schroeder, Jeanette Hazleton, Kristin Daws, Lee Ann Hall, George Sleesman,
David Dellifield, Missie Taylor
Jeanette presented a power point overview of the physical plant safety program. She explained how they
track and overcome potential hazards in the workplace. She also advised of initiatives they have in place to
comply with Sodexo safety regulations.
Kris reported the ONU Chemical Hazard Communication Program was last updated in 2010. OSHA had updates
in 2012 and the current plan needs to be reviewed and updated. OSHA update of 2012 includes standardized
label requirements and Safety Data Sheets. Training is also included and will need to be completed by Dec
ember of this year. The committee will start the review and updates.
One employee injury was reviewed – female going up steps tripped on skirt and fell. Committee recommends
using handrails.
Lee Ann advised of training modules that are available from EIIA. Currently
however five more can be selected on a yearly basis.
Core Modules: Sexual harassment – managerial
Sexual harassment – non managerial
Sexual abuse awareness
Smarter adults, safer children
Electric vehicle safety – carts
Student Misconduct
Five Additional:
Blood borne pathogens
Defensive driving – 2011
Van driving – 2011
9 core modules are available,
Lee Ann further advised we can change out the additional five as needed. She circulated a sign- up sheet for
anyone interested in blood borne. Any employee can take the training however their names have to be
entered by human resources. Discussion about training for operating a vehicle pulling a trailer followed.
A group photo will be taken at the May meeting. The photo will be posted on the Safety website and will add
awareness of the committee and will be a small thank you to those that volunteer to serve.
Old business – Lee Ann reviewed the minutes of the previous minutes and gave some updates.
-Shooter presentation – ALICE in the works, would like to get an ONU person trained.
-Congratulations to Jeanette for 103% Safety Rating
-Lee Ann will meet with Dr. Crago at the end of May to discuss fire drills on campus. Several
areas on campus would like to conduct them.
-Storm planning – Dave will coordinate with George for training the camp counselors.
Discussed spotter training and awareness. Several apps were discussed – Weather Chanel Lightening App
tracks lightening up to 2 miles from your locations. Red Cross free Tornado App tracks and tells you what to
do. Richard advised you can select several locations to track. George will put links on the safety web page.
New business – Red binders were distributed to all attendees and contents reviewed. Lee Ann encouraged
all to invite their alternate and other guests to the meetings.
Karen – reported Health Center provides Hepatitis B for employees
George – Requested suggestions for content on Safety webpage. All minutes have been added.
Currently working on two power points; fire safety and fire drills
Meeting concluded at 1155hrs.
Respectfully submitted
Melissa Taylor-Austin
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, May 17th 2013
Present: Mike Zembower, George Sleesman, Scott Swanson, Jeff Brachok, Laurie
Taylor, David Dellifield, Karen Schroeder, Kristin Reams, Kris Daws
, Lee Ann Hall, Missie
Lee Ann welcomed those in attendance and apologized for the late email reminder. She further advised a
photo will be taken at the August or September meeting.
George gave a presentation on inclement weather. He explained the Tornado Sirens are designed as an
outdoor warning system. Historically our system has been tested the first Friday of the month because
Chapel was held on Wednesday. Starting in the fall the system will be tested in conjunction with state
testing on the first Wednesday of each month. Notices will be sent out in the fall.
A discussion followed about the mechanics of the system and battery life. He further advised of several apps
that are available from the Security web page to track weather. The goal is to have everyone aware of the
potential for severe weather and be prepared especially with camps coming up. Security will continue to
monitor weather and send out Nixle alerts.
Scott explained IRB stands for Institutional Review Board. The board reviews research that pertains to human
Mission Statement of IRB:
1. To encourage the conduct of research which will benefit the human condition.
2. To provide measures to reasonably protect individuals involved as subjects of research.
Scott distributed handouts that explain the mission, goals, and research categories that he reviewed.
(Handout attached to minutes). He further advised before anyone starts research they need to submit their
information for review and it generally takes approximately two months.
Lee Ann reviewed old business and minutes. There were several questions regarding the online safety
training offered through our insurance carrier. George would like FERPA training for the officers and David
stated the SCC’s will be starting Blood borne .
The first ALICE training was held the athletic staff in King Horn. The training covers what you should do in an
active shooting event. The training starts with background of major shooting events to include Columbine.
Several videos are shown that lead into two drills. They review the old methods vs. new protocols. What you
can do to escape, barricade, be aggressive, throw items and movement.
Discussion followed on steps to be taken during hands on training on campus.
George advised he is preparing power point training for building directors for fire safety and fire drills.
Karen spoke about Hepatitis B vaccine and who can receive it. Need to keep in mind the ONU Health Center
cannot bill insurance.
She further advised they track nursing and pharmacy students as well as make the vaccine available for
physical plant employees.
Missie advised ONU Student Safety Week is set for the second week of September.
Julie advised the Ohio Learning Commission will start the review process for ONU. This is an important step in
federal compliance with the Higher Education Act and public disclosure. All reporting including safety
committee will be a part of the procedure. George advised Fire Reporting, Crime Reporting and Missing
Person Reporting are all on the Security web site. Registrar Melody Huff is in charge of FERPA and can also
train departments.
The next meeting will be August 16, 2013
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Taylor-Austin