Safety Meeting Minutes  Sept. 11, 2009    Attendees:  


Safety   Meeting   Minutes  


  11,   2009  


Attendees:    Kristin   Daws,   Bill   Kanzig,   Jeanette   Hazelton,   Bob   Ruble,   Jeff   Brachok,   George   Sleesman,   Lee  

Ann   Hall,   Richard   Gainey,   Anita   Stanley,   Amy   Stockert,   Julie   Hertig,   Mike   Hanes,   Justin   Courtney,   Melissa  

Taylor,   Luke   Sheets,   and   Larry   Flick   and   Colleen   Conley   from   the   American   Red   Cross.



Colleen   Conley,   director   of   the   Hardin   Co.

  Chapter   of   the   American   Red   Cross   was   the   featured   speaker.



  Conley   explained   the   mission   of   the   Red   Cross   as   providing   shelter   and   food   to   victims   of   disaster   and   providing   humanitarian   aid,   blood   collections   and   military   aid   to   locations   worldwide.

   Larry   Flick   from   the   Allen   Co.

  chapter   was   recruiting   dedicated   members   to   train   for   the   local   Disaster   Action   Team,   area   volunteers   who   provide   aid   at   local,   and   often   national,   disasters.

   Membership   and   training   information   will   be   sent   out   via   campus ‐ L   .



Amy   Stockert   reported   that   Pharmacy   has   a   four ‐ member   safety   committee   covering   bio,   chemical,   radiation,   and   animal   safety.



Richard   Gainey   suggested   that   building   managers   should   go   over   the   yellow   employee   safety   booklets.



He   questioned   whether   student   workers   were   also   to   sign   the   check   list   on   the   last   page.



Bill   Kanzig   asked   where   to   find   ONU’s   current   van/travel   policy   and   requested   an   on ‐ line   link   and   inclusion   in   the   faculty   handbook.


Lee   Ann   Hall   reported   on   the   status   of   H1N1   and   seasonal   influenza   prevention   efforts.

   Also,   there   will   be   some   funding   provided   to   the   Safety   Committee.

   This   is   intended   for   purchase   of   AED   supplies,  

  paying   for   EMT   and   fire   training,   and   other   items   approved   by   the   group.


Jeff   Brachok   requested   information   on   how   to   find   blood ‐ borne   pathogen   and   hazcom   information.

   He   also   questioned   how   and   to   what   extent   students   are   to   be   made   aware   of   information   in   the   yellow   employee   safety   booklets.



Chairman   Kristin   Daws   explained   the   purpose   and   policy   for   reviewing   the   safety   booklets   with   employees   and   also   the   safety   training   checklists   in   areas   with   more   than   average   risk   where   safety   officers   have   been   assigned.

   Departments   are   encouraged   to   review   the   employee   safety   booklet   with   student   workers,   although   students   are   not   required   to   sign   and   return   the   back   page   to   the   office   of  

Human   Resources.


Members   were   reminded   that   questions   can   be   directed   to   the   Safety   Committee   email   address   at  








The   meeting   was   adjourned   at   1   p.m.


Safety   Meeting   Minutes  


  15,   2009  


Present:    Mike   Hanes,   Bob   Ruble,   Jeff   Brachok,   Amy   Stockert,   Kristin   Daws,   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Melissa   Taylor,  

Julie   Hurtig,   Ron   Beaschler,   Chad   Shephard,   Mike   Zembower,   Luke   Sheets,   Bill   Kanzig,   George   Sleesman,  

Jeanette   Hazelton.



Chairman   Kristin   Daws   reviewed   the   employee   health   and   safety   pamphlet   and   training   checklist   again   with   the   group   and   offered   to   meet   individually   with   anyone   having   additional   questions.


Jeanette   Hazelton   reported   that   Sodexo   Physical   Plant   had   just   received   a   surprise   safety   audit   and   passed.


Luke   Sheets   indicated   that   he   needs   more   copies   of   the   safety   pamphlet   in   his   department.

   These   can   be   ordered   through   the   Human   Resources   department.


Chad   Shephard   reported   that   all   check   lists   from   the   safety   pamphlets   are   turned   in   for   the   Student  

Affairs   group.


Lee   Ann   Hall   gave   an   H1N1   status   update   and   reminded   members   that   medical   supplies   such   as   gloves   and   masks   are   available   through   Business   Services.

   AED   batteries   and   defibrillator   pads   have   been   ordered   to   replace   expired   items.


Kristin   reported   that   she   and   Jeanette   attended   hazmat   material   waste   training.

   She   said   that   ONU   is   a   small   quantity   generator   and   that   we   are   currently   in   compliance   with   number   of   pickups.

   Also,   the  

Chemistry   Dept.

  has   turned   in   all   safety   pamphlet   checklists.


Amy   Stockert   corrected   last   month’s   minutes   regarding   her   four ‐ member   safety   committee   reported   as   covering   bio,   chemical,   radiation,   and   animal   safety.

   It   also   includes   clinical   safety.

   This   committee   recently   met   and   checked   that   all   cleaning   materials   are   in   place.

   She   questioned   whether   the  

Pharmacy   basement   is   a   safe   area   for   sheltering   during   dangerous   weather   conditions.

   Discussion   ensued   regarding   best   practices   during   tornado   season.

   George   Sleesman   related   difficulties   of   general   safety   and   security   in   the   science   complex   and   an   upcoming   meeting   scheduled   with   the   deans   to   discussion   procedures .

   Bob   Ruble   suggested   that   structural   questions   be   directed   to   Joe   Hermiller.


Jeff   Brachok   reported   that   safety   pamphlet   checklists   are   turned   in   from   his   area.

   He   is   currently   searching   for   information   related   to   blood   borne   pathogens.


Mike   Hanes   reported   that   The   Inn   has   an   H1N1   class   scheduled   with   the   Red   Cross   and   is   working   on   the   safety   checklists.


Julie   Hurtig   requested   that   a   list   of   all   AED’s   be   placed   in   the   emergency   manual.


Ron   Beaschler   is   currently   working   on   the   safety   checklists.

    Trainers   will   soon   be   updating   the   coaches   on   blood   borne   pathogen   procedures.


George   Sleesman   informed   the   group   of   a   few   of   the   security   problems   in   the   science   complex,   such   as   motion   sensor   lights,   students   hiding   from   officers,   fire   alarms,   etc.

   It   was   also   discussed   whether   it   is  




  safe   to   pull   a   fire   alarm   as   a   means   of   evacuation   if   there   is   a   gas   leak   in   the   building.



Meeting   adjourned   at   1:00   p.m.




Submitted   10/23/2009  

Lee   Ann   Hall  

Safety   Meeting   Minutes  


  20,   2009  


Present:    Kristin   Daws,   chair,   Mike   Hanes,   Jeff   Brachok,   Amy   Stockert,   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Mike   Zembower,  


George   Sleesman,   Richard   Gainey,   Anita   Stanley,   Justin   Courtney.


Committee   Chairman   Kristin   Daws   began   the   meeting   with   a   review   of   last   month’s   minutes.

   New   business   included:   renewed   use   of   the   Safety   Violation   Form,   especially   in   context   with   contractor   violations;   campus   hazardous   waste   pick ‐ up   scheduled   for   Dec.

  14;   and   annual   review   of   the   ONU  

Hazard   Communication   Program.

   Discussion   ensued   whereby   Kristin   will   initiate   a   meeting   of   last   year’s  

Lab   Compliance   Committee   to   address   the   haz ‐ com   issue.

   Amy   Stockert   mentioned   that   she   has   been   appointed   to   replace   Mary   McWilliams   as   head   of   the   Biosafety/Bloodborne   Pathogen   Committee   and   will   be   setting   up   WebCt   classes.



There   was   group   discussion   about   gas   leaks   in   buildings,   whether   to   pull   fire   alarms,   and   whether   alarms   were   intrinsically   safe.

   George   Sleesman   has   contacted   the   alarm   company   and   the   alarms   are   not   intrinsically   safe   and   could,   theoretically,   spark   an   explosion,   as   could   light   switches   and   cell   phones.


Follow   up   includes   information   being   included   in   the   Emergency   Response   Manual   and   H.R.

  and   R.A.




George   Sleesman   reported   on   a   recent   break ‐ in   at   Clark   and   that   extra   patrols   will   be   scheduled   over   breaks.

   Justin   Courtney   explained   that   students   were   reminded   to   carefully   secure   residence   hall   first   floor   doors   and   windows.



Jeff   Brachok   initiated   conversation   about   recent   fire   alarms   in   the   Mathile/Science/Engineering   complex   where   an   alarm   in   one   building   didn’t   automatically   trigger   all   building   alarms.

   It   was   explained   that,   per   state   fire   inspector,   evacuation   is   required   only   in   the   building   with   the   alarm.









Justin   Courtney   named   the   SART   staff   members   that   would   be   on   call   over   Thanksgiving   break.

   Some   students   will   remain   in   residence   halls,   although   apartment   residents   are   not   required   to   leave   during   breaks.

   Justin   announced   that   he   had   been   named   chairman   of   a   campus   safety   and   crisis   response  

  committee   of   a   Student   Affairs   professional   organization   serving   a   four ‐ state   region.


Lee   Ann   Hall   explained   that   PPlant   had   attempted   to   complete   a   work   order   to   move   the   wind   sock   from   Meyer   to   Mathile   as   requested,   but   found   that   the   current   location   on   Meyer   is   the   same   height.


The   group   decided   to   ask   that   the   sock   be   elevated   10’   and   kept   on   Meyer.

   There   is   little   to   report   on  

H1N1,   as   there   have   only   been   a   handful   of   cases   to   date.

   Suggested   that   George   Sleesman   create   a  

Safety   Committee   web   site.

   This   was   agreed   upon   and   is   to   include,   but   not   limited   to,   the   blood ‐ borne,   bio ‐ safety,   and   haz ‐ com   documents,   portions   of   the   Emergency   Response   manual,   Safety   Committee  

  meeting   minutes,   and   yellow   General   Employee   Safety   handbook   information.


The   next   meeting   will   be   held   Dec.

  11,   the   second   Friday,   at   noon.


Safety   Meeting   Minutes  


  11,   2009  


Present:    Kristin   Daws,   chair;   Jeff   Brachok,   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Melissa   Taylor,   Julie   Hurtig,   George   Sleesman,  


Justin   Courtney,    Jeanette   Hazelton,   Bill   Kanzig.


Committee   Chairman   Kristin   Daws   opened   the   meeting   with   a   review   of   the   previous   month’s   minutes.


In   regard   to   past   discussion   about   gas   leaks   in   buildings,   George   Sleesman   will   be   investigating   the   availability   of   gas   detectors   for   the   Science   complex.

   Fire   alarms   in   the   complex   had   also   been   a   topic   at   the   earlier   meeting   and   George   explained   that   all   the   buildings   are   on   separate   alarms,   as   approved   by   the   state   fire   inspector,   and   that   an   alarm   in   one   building   does   not   automatically   trigger   the   other   buildings’   alarms.

   Those   would   be   set   off   by   smoke   or   fire   flowing   into   adjacent   buildings   or   pull   stations   being   manually   activated.


Melissa   Taylor   reminded   the   group   to   keep   hallways   and   entrances   free   of   bicycles   as   cold   weather   sets   in   and   people   bring   them   into   buildings.

    She   also   indicated   that   the   process   for   fire   extinguisher   checks   and   placement   will   be   re ‐ evaluated.

   She   has   requested   Van   Wert   Fire   Extinguisher   Co.

  to   check  

Founders   Hall   again   and   she   has   added   five   extinguishers   in   the   laundry   rooms   there.

   AED’s   were   inspected   and   expired   batteries   and   pads   replaced.

   This   will   be   done   two   times   per   year   and   a   written   policy   will   be   created.


Lee   Ann   Hall   reported   that   Physical   Plant   will   be   able   to   raise   the   weather   sock   on   Meyer   approximately  

8’   as   requested.

   George   Sleesman   was   agreeable   to   creating   a   web   page   for   Safety   Committee.

   Safety ‐ related   documents   should   be   submitted   to   him   for   inclusion.

    As   the   cold   weather   arrives,   smokers   were   reminded   to   move   away   from   buildings   and   not   congregate   close   to   entrances.













Kristen   announced   that   there   will   be   a   hazardous   waste   pick   up   on   Monday.


Justin   Courtney   explained   that   procedure   for   closing   the   halls   over   breaks   is   being   reviewed   and   there   is   often   difficulty   finding   a   staff   member   willing   to   stay   on   campus   during   Christmas   break   when   there   are   some   students   remaining   in   residence   halls.


Jeff   Brachok   expressed   interest   in   continuing   discussion   with   Melissa   Taylor   at   another   time   in   regard   to   adding   fire   extinguishers   in   the   Science   complex.


Julie   Hurtig   reported   that   the   lights   in   the   basement   of   Lehr   Bldg.

  weren’t   working   properly,   and   that  

Physical   Plant   is   correcting   the   problem.


Bill   Kanzig   suggest   that   names   be   added   to   the   buildings   at   Affinity   Village   so   emergency   vehicles   can    respond   to   the   correct   location.

   He   also   inquired   into   the   cause   of   so   many   fire   alarms   and   was   informed   that   the   problem   is   being   addressed   by   a   committee   working   with   Simplex   to   identify  

  problems   and   solutions,   and   thereby   reduce   the   number   of   alarms   without   sacrificing   safety.


The   next   meeting   will   be   Jan.


   Meeting   adjourned   at   12:40   p.m.



Safety   Committee   Meeting   Minutes  



  15,   2010  

Present:    Kristin   Daws,   chair;   Luke   Sheets,   Bob   Ruble,   Richard   Gainey,   Jan   Aspelund,   Anita   Stanley,   Mike  

Hanes,   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Melissa   Taylor,   George   Sleesman,   Justin   Courtney,   Jeanette   Hazelton   and   Bill  




The   meeting   was   open   by   Chairman   Kristin   Daws   as   she   reviewed   the   previous   meeting’s   minutes.


Further   discussion   of   several   past   topics   included:  

• clarification   that   the   fire   alarms   in   the   science   complex   are   not   intrinsically   safe   and   should   not   be   used   in   the   event   of   a   suspected   gas   leak.

   One   solution   is   to   investigate   purchase   of   carbon   monoxide   detectors.

   Kristin   will   discuss   with   the   fire   inspector   at   an   upcoming   visit.


  Information   from   Melissa   Taylor   that   the   written   AED   policy   is   currently   in   draft   form   and   Van  

Wert   Fire   Extinguisher   Co.

  has   checked   extinguishers   at   Founders   Hall.

   Another   fire   hazard   that   she   mentioned,   however,   is   the   build ‐ up   of   bikes   in   hall   ways   in   the   residence   halls.


• a   report   from   Jeanette   Hazelton   that   the   wind   sock   on   Meyer   has   been   raised   in   height,   per  

Safety   Committee   request,   and   the   lights   in   Lehr   basement   have   been   fixed.


George   Sleesman   informed   the   group   that   there   were   relatively   few   problems   with   residence   halls   or   break ‐ ins   over   the   Christmas   break.

   The   Safety   web   page   has   been   created   and   items   for   inclusion   on   that   site   should   be   sent   to   Lee   Ann   Hall.


Melissa   Taylor   announced   that   Red   Cross   training   is   continuing,   with   16   people   in   the   current   DAT  

(disaster   action   team)   class.


Lee   Ann   Hall   asked   if   workers   comp   statistics   are   available   from   HR   to   share   with   the   group.

   The   data   would   be   useful   to   identify   trends   and   mitigate   common   risks.

   The   Health   Center   still   has   50   to   60   doses   of   nasal   H1N1   vaccine   for   those   less   than   49   years   old   and   without   health   problems.

   ONU   will   not   be   receiving   more,   but   vaccine   is   available   locally.


Anita   Stanley   warned   everyone   to   be   careful   at   this   time   of   year   of   slippery   floors   and   walk   off   mats   that   could   become   trip   hazards.


Justin   Courtney   reported   that   there   was   good   hall   coverage   by   Residence   Life   staff   over   Christmas   break.

   An   alarm   has   been   installed   on   the   Founders   laundry   access   door.

   He   thanked   responders   for   their   work   after   a   recent   house   fire   where   students   lived.

   The   Inn   housed   the   students   overnight   and   then   other   accommodations   were   made.

   In   any   similar   future   incidents   Mike   Hanes   suggested   that   efforts   be   made   to   seal   smoke   damaged   items   to   contain   the   odor.


Kristin   reported   that   there   was   a   hazardous   waste   pick   up   in   December.

   She   stated   that   the   Haz ‐ Com   plan   is   updated   yearly   and   she   would   also   be   meeting   with   the   Lab   Compliance   Committee.


Amy   Stockert   sent   word   that   she   has   nearly   completed   the   ONU   Safety   WebCt   course,   which   has   links   for   Haz ‐ Com,   Hazard   Assessment,   Lab   Standard   Training,   Biosafety,   Bloodborne   Pathogen   training,  

Animal   Use   training   and   Radiation   Safety   training.

   The   site   is   expected   to   be   complete   by   the   end   of  



It   was   suggested   that   more   safety   training   programs   be   brought   to   the   Safety   Committee   meetings.


After   short   discussion   it   was   decided   that   Bill   Kanzig   would   demonstrate   AED   use   at   the   February  

  meeting   and   March’s   meeting   may   include   fire   extinguisher   training.



Meeting   adjourned.


Submitted   Jan.

  20,   2010   by   Lee   Ann   Hall  

Safety   Committee   Meeting   Minutes  


  19,   2010  


Present:    Luke   Sheets,   Bob   Ruble,   George   Sleesman,   Justin   Courtney,   Jeanette   Hazelton,   Bill   Kanzig,   Jeff  


Brachok,   Mike   Zembower,   Lee   Ann   Hall.



Vice   Chairman   Bill   Kanzig   chaired   the   meeting   in   Kristen   Daws’   absence.

   The   previous   meeting’s   minutes   were   reviewed,   with   no   additional   discussion   on   the   topics.


Jeanette   Hazelton   announced   that   she   still   has   hand   sanitizer   products   in   stock   at   the   Physical   Plant.


Orders   for   supplies   can   be   sent   via   e ‐ mail.

    There   are   also   face   masks   and   rubber   gloves   available   in  

Business   Services.

   Orders   may   be   placed   with   Cheryl   Cosart.


George   Sleesman   introduced,   an   informational   web   site   now   being   used   at   ONU   to   supplement   emergency   and   advisory   notification.

   Committee   members   were   urged   to   visit   the   site   and   subscribe.

   Emergency   information   for   the   Ada   area   may   be   viewed   on   line   or   received   via   text   or   email.


Lee   Ann   Hall   reported   that   she   has   not   received   any   documents   to   add   to   the   Safety   web   site.


Bill   Kanzig   reported   that   there   is   a   student   working   on   a   project   to   identify   the   location   of   every   AED   in   the   county.

   The   resulting   list   would   then   be   given   to   Hardin   Co.

  911   dispatchers   to   aid   in   emergencies.


Jeff   Brachok   reported   that   the   HazCom   committee   is   meeting   to   finalize   the   Chemical   Hazard  

Communication   document   and   it   may   be   made   available   to   the   Safety   Committee   for   review.


Justin   Courtney   recently   attended   a   Campus   Safety   and   Crises   Management   meeting.

   As   a   result,   a   safety   webinar   by   Mike   Janko   may   be   available   in   June.

   Justin   informed   the   group   that   there   is   a   mold   and   mildew   issue   in   Founders   Hall   and   air   quality   tests   are   being   done.

   He   also   informed   Security   and   the   group   at   large   that   the   fire   drill   procedure   for   residence   halls   has   been   changed.

   Staff   members   will   evacuate   the   building   during   a   fire   alarm,   sweeping   students   towards   the   exits.

   However,   they   will   not   do   a   thorough   check   of   the   building   for   other   students,   as   has   been   past   practice.


Mike   Zembower   explained   that,   in   a   few   cases,   handicapped   accessible   building   entrances   and   exits   have   not   had   timely   snow   removal.

   He   reminded   all   that   it   is   important   to   keep   those   areas   clear   during   heavy   snowfall.

   He   also   reminded   Building   Directors   to   consider   handicapped   exit   from   upper   floors   of   buildings   in   evacuation   procedures.

   Elevators   should   not   be   used,   even   by   handicapped   individuals,   to   evacuate   during   a   fire   alarm.


Bill   Kanzig ,   certified   CPR   instructor,   demonstrated   for   the   group   how   to   use   an   AED   and   showed   a   short   video   about   responding   to   a   heart   attack   victim.

   There   are   AED’s   in   most   academic   buildings   on   campus   and   in   the   Security   vehicles.



There   will   be   a   fire   extinguisher   demonstration   at   the   next   meeting   on   March   19.


Meeting   adjourned   at   1:00   p.m.












Submitted   Feb.

  22,   2010  

Lee   Ann   Hall  

Safety   Committee   Meeting   Minutes  

March   19,   2010  


Present:    Richard   Gainey,   Jan   Aspelund,   Kristin   Daws,   Bill   Kent,   Jeanette   Hazelton,   Jeff   Brachok,   Mike  


Zembower,   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Melissa   Taylor,   Amy   Stockert,   Mike   Hanes.


Chairman   Kris   Daws   reviewed   minutes   from   the   previous   meeting.

   In   regard   to   the   lack   of   new   material   submitted   for   the   safety   web   page,   she   indicated   that   she   will   be   submitting   an   updated   Chemical  

Hazard   Communication   Program   document   to   be   posted   after   a   few   corrections   are   made.



Ada   fireman   Bill   Kent   gave   a   short   demonstration   on   safe   operation   of   a   fire   extinguisher   and   tips   on   knowing   when   to   use   one.

   He   also   provided   an   instruction   and   information   sheet   for   everyone.



New   Business  

Jeanette   Hazelton   announced   that   she   still   has   hand   sanitizer   and   wipes   in   stock   if   any   department   needs   to   re ‐ supply.

   There   are   still   exam   masks   and   rubber   gloves   in   stock   in   Business   Services   as   well   that   can   be   purchased.


Amy   Stockert   explained   that   there   are   WebCT   classes   for   Bio   Safety,   Blood   Borne   Pathogens,   Chemical  

Safety,   and   Animal   Safety.

   Anyone   wishing   information   or   training   on   these   topics   can   contact   Amy.


She   also   offered   to   help   locate   a   power   point   or   video   presentation   that   offered   basic   blood   borne   training   for   general   staff.


Jan   Aspelund   inquired   how   to   contact   the   recyclers   when   recycling   containers   are   full   and   need   dumped.

   She   also   inquired   about   blood   borne   pathogen   training   for   all   employees   in   case   of   exposure   from   an   accident.

   At   this   time   only   certain   groups   of   people   are   required   to   take   blood   borne   training.


Lee   Ann   Hall   announced   that   there   will   be   a   visit   by   Christine   Wolinski,   EIIA   Risk   Management   Director,   in   October,   2010.

   She   will   be   available   for   questions   throughout   her   day   and   a   half   visit.

   There   is   an   upcoming   meeting   to   review   contents   of   the   yellow   Employee   Health   and   Safety   booklet.


Kris   Daws   explained   that   the   Chemical   Hazard   Communication   Program   and   MSDS   sheets   will   soon   be   loaded   to   the   Safety   website.

   She   announced   that   hoods   will   be   checked   in   the   labs   next   week.

   There   is   also   a   Bio   Safety   meeting   later   this   month.



Mike   Hanes   announced   that   The   Inn   has   a   new   web   site   and   encouraged   members   to   visit   it.



Vicki   Niese   and   Justin   Courtney   will   give   a   presentation   at   the   next   meeting   on   ONU   Green   Initiatives.



The   meeting   adjourned   at   12:50.












Submitted   March   30,   2010  

Lee   Ann   Hall



Safety   Committee   Meeting   Minutes  


April    16,   2010  

Present :    Chairman   Kristin   Daws,   vice ‐ chairman   Bill   Kanzig,   secretary   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Richard   Gainey,  

Jeanette   Hazelton,   Jeff   Brachok,   Mike   Zembower,   Melissa   Taylor,   Marc   Staley,   Julie   Hurtig,   Justin  


Courtney,   Bob   Ruble,   Luke   Sheets,   George   Sleesman   and   Vicki   Niese.


The   meeting   opened   with   a   presentation   by   Vicki   Niese   and   Justin   Courting   showing   ONU   green   initiatives   by   students,   in   construction   projects   and   in   waste   disposal   programs.

   The   information   demonstrated   that   although   green   initiatives   are   often   considered   more   costly,   with   careful   planning   some   efforts   can   save   money.

   Bob   Ruble   related   that   ONU’s   sustainability   report   card   shows   a   D ‐ ,   even   though   the   University   did   not   submit   any   information   and   asked   to   be   excluded   from   the   survey.



University   will   submit   documentation   for   green   activities   this   year.


Old   Business  

After   individual   review   of   the   previous   month’s   minutes   there   were   no   additions   or   corrections   made   by   members.



New   Business  

  Jeanette   Hazelton   announced   that   she   has   coordinated   blood   borne   pathogen   training   for   Sodexo   employees   with   Amy   Stockert.


Melissa   Taylor   added   that   bio   safety   training   for   Security   officers   will   also   be   through   Amy   Stockert.

   She   stated   that   ONU   Security   was   listed   as   a   resource   at   a   recent   LEPC   tabletop   disaster   drill.

   David   Smith,  

Associate   Professor   of   Geography,   will   be   teaching   a   CAMEO   (computer   aided   management   of   emergency   operations)   for   firemen   April   26   and   27.


Marc   Staley   applauded   Jeanette’s   efforts   in   monthly   safety   training   for   Sodexo   employees.


Kristin   Daws   announced   that   the   Chemical   Hazard   Communication   policy   has   been   undated   and   she   requested   that   administrators   sign   the   document   by   Friday,   April   23.

   The   yellow   Employee   Health   and  

Safety   pamphlets   are   being   reviewed   for   needed   updates.

   Kris   announced   that   there   will   be   a   hazardous   waste   pick   up   May   5.

   Departments   with   materials   for   pickup   should   contact   her   by   April   28.


May   is   also   election   month   and   nominations   should   be   turned   in   to   Kris.


Richard   Gainey   indicated   that   the   ONU   tower   cam   is   pointed   at   the   wind   turbine   construction   site   and   can   be   seen   on   ONU   cable.


Justin   Courtney   stated   that   he   is   working   on   health   and   safety   concerns   with   the   Sigma   Theta   Epsilon   fraternity.


George   Sleesman   asked   for   any   information   relevant   to   Safety   Committee   to   be   turned   in   for   inclusion  




  on   the   Safety   web   page.


The   next   meeting   will   be   May   21.

   The   April   meeting   adjourned   at   12:40   pm.






Submitted   April   19,   2010  

Lee   Ann   Hall  



Safety   Meeting   Minutes  

May   21,   2010  

Present:    Chairman   Kristin   Daws,   vice ‐ chairman   Bill   Kanzig,   secretary   Lee   Ann   Hall,   Richard   Gainey,   Jeff   Brachok,  

George   Sleesman,   Richard   Gainey,   Mike   Hanes,   Anita   Stanley.



Old   Business:  


There   was   no   discussion   regarding   old   business   and   there   were   no   corrections   to   the   minutes   of   the   April   meeting.


New   Business:  

Mike   Hanes   reported   that   shelter ‐ in ‐ place   plans   are   now   complete   for   The   Inn.


Richard   Gainey   asked   which   staff   members   have   authorization   or   ability   to   activate   the   outdoor   warning   siren.


George   Sleesman   answered   that   only   Security   officers   and   switchboard   operators.


Bill   Kanzig   reported   that   ONU   students   were   done   with   the   baja   track   for   the   summer   and   advised   George   that   anyone   else   seen   on   the   track   were   unauthorized.


Kristin   read   a   letter   from   a   concerned   faculty   member   regarding   an   unsafe   switch   on   the   lift   gate   of   one   of   the  

University   box   trucks.

   Kristin   stated   she   would   turn   in   a   work   order.

   She   reported   that   there   was   a   recent   incident   in   the   Chemistry   department   that   resulted   in   a   student   splashing   a   caustic   solution   in   her   eye   under   the   safety   glasses   while   working   in   a   lab   over   the   lunch   hour.

   There   was   not   permanent   damage   to   the   student’s   eye,   but   a   review   of   the   situation   has   prompted   a   change   in   policy.

   There   is   to   be   no   work   of   this   type   done   over   the   noon   hour   and   lab   workers   are   to   wear   full   safety   goggles.

   Kristin   also   reported   that   the   Mathile   basement   has   been   approved   for   shelter ‐ in ‐ place   and   is   being   keyed   so   that   faculty   and   staff   have   access.


George   Sleesman   asked   about   disposal   procedure   for   towels   with   blood   after   an   incident   with   a   student   resulting   in   a   squad   run.

   Physical   Plant   has   solved   the   immediate   problem   by   giving   Security   a   roll   of   red   bio ‐ hazard   bags.


Kristin   instructed   George   to   bring   all   such   bags   to   bio ‐ hazard   containers   in   the   science   building,   where   they   are   held   until   pick ‐ up.


Amy   Stockert   sent   an   email   message   to   the   meeting   outlining   goals   for   the   Bio ‐ Safety   Committee   for   next   year.


They   were:    update   OSHA   training   for   2010 ‐ 11,   obtain   and   approve   bio ‐ safety   protocols   from   all   labs   engaging   in   bio ‐ hazardous   activity,   complete   bio ‐ safety   inspections   of   all   labs   involved   in   bio ‐ hazardous   activities,   complete   general   clean   up   instructions   to   limit   blood   bourne   pathogen   exposure   and   assemble   bio ‐ safety   clean   up   kit   for   building   managers.


Lee   Ann   Hall   will   be   updating   the   emergency   response   manual   over   the   summer   and   any   known   corrections   should   be   sent   to   her.

   She   explained   that   the   Audit   Committee   of   the   Board   is   very   interested   in   safety   and   risk   management   strategies   at   the   University.

   She   had   some   handouts   of   information   previously   given   to   Audit  

Committee   members   regarding   purpose   statements   and   memberships   of   the   various   campus   safety   groups.


  reported   having   researched   cost   for   various   items   needed   for   bio ‐ safety   kits   for   departments   and   needs   Amy’s   input   on   brief   instructions   to   include   in   the   kits.


There   was   a   discussion   about   elections   and   the   length   of   officer   terms.

   A   motion   was   made   and   approved  

(LeeAnn ‐ 1st,   George ‐ 2nd)   to   delay   the   regular   May   election   until   the   meeting   in   January,   2011,   and   that   officer   terms   will   be   two   years,   commencing   with   that   meeting.



Kristin   concluded   the   meeting   by   commending   everyone   for   progress   made   this   year   –   with   more   information   made   accessible   (Safety   web   site   and   Nixle)   and   more   training   at   meetings.

   Goals   for   next   year   will   be   to   update  

  policies,   request   fire   drills   and   request   workers   comp   trend   information   from   the   HR   office.


Submitted   May   21,   2010  


Lee   Ann   Hall  
