Safety Meeting minutes September 16, 2011 Present

Safety Meeting minutes
September 16, 2011
Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, MissieTaylor, Trisha Russell, George
Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Jeanette Hazelton, Mike Zembower, Luke Sheets, Justin Courtney, Jeff Brachok.
Kristin Daws opened the first meeting of the year with a reading of the last meeting’s minutes. Outstanding business
included follow up for disposal of old radioactive waste. Kristin was going to consult with the Budget Director regarding
availability of funds. An old cost estimate was approximately $9,000.
Jeanette Hazelton inquired about rules for bike use on campus. This was in regard to an incident where a bicyclist ran
into a pedestrian causing minor injury.
Mike Zembower reported that the storm sewer grate near Taft Bldg. seems to be unsafe.
George Sleesman announced that a first annual Student Safety Week will be Oct. 12-14. Tables will be set up in
McIntosh urging students to sign up for bike permits and enter a drawing for a free bike. Safety literature will be
available and a self-defense demo will be Oct. 13 during the supper hour. He also urged all to sign up for
messaging system if they haven’t already done so.
Lee Ann Hall suggested that the group consider setting safety-related goals to accomplish in the coming year and also
asked for group input on program topics for upcoming meetings.
Trisha Russell reported on the upcoming Benefits and Wellness fairs and encouraged all to attend.
Bill Kanzig explained that after an event hosted by the Engineering Dept., he was asked to provide safety training for
shop equipment, including check offs. He stated education and use of PPE’s will be enforced. Bill also noted that
medical information is often unavailable when EMS personnel respond to club sports and summer camper injury calls.
George was to call Brian Hofman and request that medical information and release forms be available on scene.
Kristin reported that new faculty members have been instructed on the yellow employee safety brochure and lab
procedures, although there are still training needs in regard to bio-safety, IRB and blood borne pathogens. She is writing
summaries for lab inspections, inventory and training. Issues include:
• Reports of broken glass in regular trash cans in labs and classrooms instead of safe disposal in a box.
• There was a strong odor in Rm. 125 which caused physical symptoms. It was recommended to evacuate the
room in these situations and fill out an incident report.
• Fume hoods in rooms above Rm. 125 are suspected of not working properly. George suggested smoke testing
and Jeanette was to inquire if this is a viable option.
Justin Courtney suggested putting policies in place to gather better student medical information. He announced that
the Great Lakes Area College and University Housing Officer organization is offering a safety training award and suggests
that ONU apply.
Jeff Brachok added to the bike discussion that he was personally almost run over by a biker. He suggested putting the
onus on the pedestrian to practice “defensive walking”. Additional comments included the possibility of bike lanes or
The next meeting will be Oct. 21 at noon.
Safety Meeting minutes
Oct. 21, 2011
Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, Missie Taylor, Trisha Russell, George
Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Brian Smith, Mike Hanes, Brian Phillips, and guest Keith Everhart, Hardin Co. Sheriff.
Old Business
Kristin read the minutes from the Sept., 2011, meeting. She asked that anyone with safety-related goals or program
topics email them to her. She will compile a list and send to members for consideration. At the Oct. meeting, George
Sleesman offered to contact Brian Hofman to request that medical information be kept on site during club sports and
camp events. George reported that he had made contact, but the request wouldn’t always be honored by other teams
traveling to ONU. Kristin reported that Amy Stockert provides an on-line bio-safety course. According to Kristin, the
fume hoods in rooms above Meyer 125 have been fixed and are in proper working order. In response to previous
discussion about the need for more bike safety and possibly signage on campus, the group decided that signs were not
needed and, statistically, there are actually very few accidents.
New Business
Special guest Keith Everhart, Hardin Co. Sheriff, explained to the group that the new street drug so prevalent, known as
bath salts, has nothing in common with bathing. H.B. 64, since Oct. 17, has made this drug and synthetic marijuana
illegal. He indicated that the drug abuse most common in Hardin Co. at this time is caused by heroin and prescription
medications. The Sheriff’s department sponsored the first county “take back” program in April and netted 300+ pounds
of various drugs voluntarily brought to the pickup site for disposal. ONU pharmacy students volunteered their time at
the first event and the Safety Committee offered to help at the next date.
Trisha Russell reminded all that health testing dates are coming up and that participation counts toward insurance
credits/points. She also mentioned that all personnel will be required to take an on-line sexual harassment training in
the near future.
George Sleesman reported that the first Student Safety Week had few participants. This was expected, but the event
will be expanded next year.
Missie Taylor reported that several ONU staff had attended a Lake Co. tornado program at the LEPC meeting.
Lee Ann Hall informed the group that she nominated Ohio Northern University for a GLACUHO safety training award.
Kristin submitted a summary of the chemistry department’s 2010-2011 lab safety inspections and training to Security
this month, along with a current copy of their chemical inventory. She commented that everyone in her department
was current on haz-com training, but some chemistry faculty/staff needed to complete annual blood borne training. She
added that ONU-specific information should be added to the on-line exposure control and haz-com training, which is
generic in nature. Campus hazardous waste must be picked up twice per year and the next scheduled date is Dec. 5.
Departments needing hazardous waste removed should contact her before Thanksgiving break.
Brian Phillips inquired about availability of standardized forms for safety, PPE’s, instruction and policy and will follow up
with Bill Kanzig, who has recently implemented a plan in Engineering.
Richard Gainey announced that the American flag will no longer be flown from the top of the radio tower, due to cost.
Safety Meeting minutes
Dec. 9, 2011
Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, secretary Lee Ann Hall, Missie Taylor, Trisha Russell, George Sleesman, Mike Hanes, Jeff
Old Business:
Minutes were reviewed by Kristin Daws. Trisha commented that the sexual harassment training required by all
employees will be rolled out before the end of the year.
The November meeting was cancelled due committee members being drawn to other events scheduled at the same
New Business:
Lee Ann Hall reported that a tabletop drill for EOC personnel was held in November and suggested that the power point
could be used as a Safety Committee program. ONU received a Campus Safety and Crises Management award from the
Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers Association.
George Sleesman reported that currently 1,476 individuals have signed up to receive Nixle messages. Communications
and Marketing has been implementing a PR campaign for enrollment. Sign up is available through the Security web site.
Officers will be performing building safety checks over the Christmas break.
The alleged abuse of the swans by students was brought to the group’s attention by Jeff Brachok. He indicated that it
was past the time the swans are usually housed for the winter.
Kristin announced that chemistry lab inspections would be performed in January and February. Since there was a lack of
quorum at the meeting, prioritizing and voting on goals for the coming year was tabled until the next meeting. There
was discussion about the bio-safety committee not meeting recently. The CITI training modules, through Academic
Affairs, were discussed. Trisha was to communicate with Academic Affairs on methods of tracking when employees
complete a module.
The next meeting will include election of officers and is Jan. 20 in McIntosh 203.
Safety Meeting Minutes
Jan. 20, 2012
Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, secretary Lee Ann Hall, Melissa Taylor, Jeff Brachok, Mike Zembower, Jeanette
Election of officers will be held during the February meeting due to lack of attendance at the January meeting. Kristin
was to contact Bill Kanzig and Trisha Russell to inform them of nominations for chairman and vice-chairman.
In old business, Kristin noted that the chemistry lab inspections would be performed at the end of January. Melissa and
Lee Ann had discussed with Julie Hurtig that Bio-Safety is a subcommittee of Safety and minutes should be published
and shared with Safety. In general discussion about Human Resource’s mandatory sexual harassment training, it was
noted that Security officers have completed the EIIA blood borne pathogen training module.
Melissa Taylor read the one accident report, which was a slip and fall incident. Clarification was requested on whether
faculty and staff should report to the Health Center when injured or go to an emergency department or occupational
health office. She also reported on progress made on next fall’s Student Safety Week. Scheduled at this time are a
personal identity theft program by the FBI, speaker on relationship violence, the movie “Taken”, and a program on
human trafficking, which will include a book signing and reception.
Lee Ann Hall and Melissa had recently checked all campus AED’s and replaced any expiring batteries and pads. It was
also reported that all Security officers have recently recertified in CPR. Lee Ann suggested viewing an Emergency
Operations Center power point presentation as the program for the February meeting.
The next meeting will be Feb. 17 in McIntosh Ctr., rm. 202.
Safety Meeting Minutes
Feb. 17, 2012
Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, secretary Lee Ann Hall, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, George Sleesman, Trusha Russell,
Luke Sheets.
Kristin reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting. George Sleesman presented a power point program on the ONU
Emergency Operations Center. Content was intended to provoke planning and preparation in individual departments
for emergency measures needed for crises response and business continuity. General discussion followed.
Trisha Russell was elected chairman for 2012, with Bill Kanzig acting as vice chairman.
Trisha reported approximately 65% participation on the mandatory sexual harassment training. More information will
be forthcoming on initiatives to reach 100% as requested by the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees.
Kristin reported that individuals from Mathile and Meyer met with Physical Plant supervisors to discuss potential hazmat
spills. Different ways were discussed to create and disseminate contact information for response to specific areas (labs)
of the buildings.
Bill indicated that Stanford University has good information for emergency procedures, as do other major universities
with full safety departments.
Lee Ann Hall informed all that a property loss control representative from Aon (through EIIA) will be on campus March
27 and 28 to tour campus, review procedures, meet with individuals, and report on safety conditions on campus.
Suggested program topics for following months are: tour of Ada fire and rescue departments, brief first aid training, and
OSHA standardization of chemical labels and safety reporting.
Safety Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2012
Present: Chairman Trisha Russell, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, George Sleesman, Kristin Daws, Mike
Zembower, Jeanette Hazelton, Brian Smith, Justin Courtney, Missie Taylor, Anita Stanley, Jeff Brachok, Richard Gainey.
Trisha Russell began the meeting by reviewing the February minutes. She reminded members that sexual harassment
training is required of all employees. Reminders will be going to those who have not completed the course. Trisha
stated she will be emphasizing safety practices through her term, as slips and falls constitute 65% of ONU’s workers
comp claims.
Justin Courtney presented Residence Life procedures, training objectives, SART, and selection and training of staff. A
SART duty phone is carried by Residence Life staff members on call for response to incidents. Justin expressed his belief
that more security cameras are needed on campus. Developmental materials were also shared with the group.
Jeff Brachok requested access to the EOC power point on a web site. George Sleesman was going to attempt to post it
on the Security site.
George Sleesman reminded all that the next meeting will be a fire and EMS facilities tour. All are to travel on their own.
He also announced that there will be a Drug Take Back on April 28 for anyone interested.
Jeanette Hazelton expressed her concern about the safety of students sunbathing on the roof of Founders Hall. The
incident had been reported to Campus Security.
Lee Ann Hall explained EIIA’s new foreign travel assistance program. Services are available to all faculty, staff, students,
chaperone, advisors, their spouses and children while traveling abroad on ONU business. More information is available
by contacting her prior to foreign travel.
Kristin Daws announced that a hazmat waste collection will be April 18. A campus email reminder will be sent. Kristin
will present a program on OSHA’s required new chemical labeling and MSDS procedures at the May meeting.
Trisha asked members to send ideas for new safety initiative to
Safety Meeting Minutes
May, 2012
Present: Chairman Trisha Russell, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, George Sleesman, Kristin Daws,
Missie Taylor, Jeff Brachok and Richard Gainey.
Trisha Russell began the meeting with a review of the trip to the fire department, which took the place of the April
meeting. The few who attended stated that it was interesting and enlightening. She then introduced Kristin Daws, who
presented an informational program on changes in the international hazcom plan and a new system of chemical
labeling, collectively known as the Global Harmonizing System of Classification and Labeling or HazCom 2012. She
stated that OSHA has been the regulatory agency and ensures that employees know hazard potential for illness or injury.
HazCom 2012 is intended to minimize chemical exposure through engineering of facilities and equipment, through
administration via written policy and training, and through personal protective equipment. MSDS sheets will be known
as SDS (safety data sheets). The expectation is to enhance safety and productivity in the workplace, provide consistent
labeling and data sheets, and ensure the employees’ right to understand.
The group noted safety accomplishments throughout campus for the year, which included Student Safety Week,
participation in a National Drug Take Back Day, blood-borne pathogen training where needed, CITI training, sexual
harassment training and background checks, EOC tabletop drill, lab machine check-offs and external review of property
loss controls by AON.
Goals for next year were discussed and the group agreed to concentrate on having fire drills in academic buildings.
There may be one meeting in the summer to discuss how to accomplish this goal. The next regular meeting will be held
in September.