Safety Meeting Minutes August 16, 2013 Present

Safety Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2013
Present: Chairman Lee Ann Hall, vice chair Kristin Daws, Jeff Brachok, Jeanette Hazelton, Cami Fox, Karen Schroeder,
Anita Stanley, Dennis Deluca, Amy Stockert, Jerica Humphrey, George Sleesman, David Dellifield, Scott Parson .
Amy Stockert provided a status report on the Institutional Biosafety Committee’s activities. The main responsibilities
of the IBC committee are to provide guidance and training on bio-safety issues, and to regularly review and update
ONU’s blood-borne pathogen plan. The IBC also reviews guidelines for new research. Currently there is a need to
update the training of several staff and faculty who work with bio-hazardous materials, or may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens. Some faculty & staff have received training too long ago and are not operating under current safety
standards. Some faculty/staff do not realize that they have to submit protocols to the Biosafety Committee if they are
working with select agents or recombinant DNA. The Biosafety Committee plans to help conduct lab inspections this
year to check on lab compliance, check safety training records, and provide guidance on appropriate training modules.
Amy also commented on the INCURA review that was conducted last spring. INCURA has provided a draft report. They
would like to see Amy become INCURA certified, and they were concerned that some research investigators had failed
to submit required protocols to IBC.
George Sleesman reported that a student on the paint crew was splattered on the leg with paint and had an allergic
reaction. An incident report was filled out. George said the statewide tests for tornado testing had been moved to
Wednesdays at noon. He also asked people to look at the ONU Safety webpage and let him know if information should
be added. Security conducted building safety checks over the summer. A report was given to Jeanette in Physical Plant.
Physical Plant will take corrective actions to fix unsafe conditions (e.g., potential slip and fall hazards).
George Sleesman and Lee Ann Hall reported that fire drills would be conducted in four academic buildings this fall
(Law, Freed, Presser, and Dicke). Residence Life routinely conducts one fire drill per semester, but fire drills in the
academic buildings have been infrequent. Lehr and Admissions building are also interested in conducting drills. Lehr is
working on a plan to address the lack of elevators in the building, and who would be responsible for assisting disabled
staff, students, and guests. Lee Ann Hall mentioned that some buildings have emergency assistance areas with call
stations that can be used to help rescue disabled people, but these areas should not be relied on. Instead, efforts should
be made to evacuate everyone. Faculty need to be responsible for assisting disabled students in their classes. George
Sleesman mentioned that the emergency assistance call stations in Mathile are currently wired to a speaker in the
Nursing office. This is less than ideal since Nursing has a part-time secretary who is off during the summer. They are in
the process of re-routing these calls to Security. He said the residence halls also have rescue assistance areas but they
cannot be activated unless the fire alarm sounds. George is also planning to invite Building Directors to the September
ONU safety meeting where he will conduct a presentation on building and fire safety.
Jeff Brachok asked George when the academic fire drills will be conducted on the first four buildings and how they were
selected. George said they would do all four the same day during the first 2-3 weeks of classes. They selected four
buildings that had never had a drill for the first round. George would like to hit as many buildings as they can in one
Lee Ann Hall presented a video on “Building a Safety Culture. “ She encouraged the committee to set goals, actively
participate, and become more accountable. Lee Ann also mentioned that golf carts and gators were not stopping at
stop signs (P-Plant will discuss this). She would like to make some signs reminding people to report unsafe practices
they observe. Anita will print the posters. Lee Ann also mentioned that she observed outside contractors taking down
trees without hard hats and reported it to their company.
Kristin Daws said the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry recently purchased an online MSDS/SDS service,
ChemWatch, to fulfill updated HazCom 2012 requirements. ChemWatch will be posted on the Safety webpage and
made available to all employees and students. She also mentioned that the Chemical Inventory Subcommittee is
preparing training materials covering the new HazCom 2012 requirements.
Jeanette Hazelton needed a Disaster Recovery Plan. Lee Ann Hall will provide her will a copy of ONU’s plan.
Bill Kanzig continued with last month’s discussion about the lack of training for students driving University vehicles and
pulling trailers. Lee Ann said sections are being added to the application form asking drivers if they are planning to use a
trailer, and if they have ever used a trailer before. Bill commented that proper packing with equal weight distribution is
important when loading a trailer. It was decided that Bill Kanzig, George Sleesman, and David Dellifield would also
develop a video showing how to properly load and haul a trailer.
David Dellifield suggested that in addition to developing a video on pulling trailers. They could add a quiz on the proper
way to pack a trailer, and the driver could either become” van only” or “van plus trailer” certified.
Scott Parson said they put plastic bubbles over the fire alarms in the residence halls and this has reduced the number of
false alarms.
Jerica Humphrey reported that the greatest concern they have in Freed Center is what to do if they need to evacuate
the building. Lee Ann said she had already discussed some ideas with Sally and would be happy to meet with Jerica to
discuss these ideas.
Karen Schroeder said Brian Smith was making evacuation route maps for their building. Karen also expressed her
concerns about winter drivers on campus who only scrape “peep holes” on their car windows rather than scraping all
their windows. She said that Nursing and Career Services had given out scrapers (“car peepers”) in the past. George
said that the police and ONU Security stop these people when they see them. It was recommended that ONU carry
some scrapers with them in their vehicle to give away.
Cami Fox recommended that pedestrians should be warned to be on the lookout for winter drivers in cars that haven’t
been adequately scraped. Cami and Karen also brought up bike safety. Bikers and pedestrians need to be aware of each
other. It was suggested that bikers could put a bell on their bike. Karen said she has treated pedestrians at the Health
Center before who have been hit, and a concerned parent phoned her after one incident. Scott Parson said the
residence halls will continue to address bike safety.
Anita Staley commented that she is printing evacuation maps for the residence halls and will be working on the
academic buildings next. She asked if there were any state ordinances about bikers riding on the street versus riding on
the sidewalk. George said he would check.
David Dellifield discussed the recent zero power outage in McIntosh. During that time, the building had no regular or
back-up power because underground power lines broke. He was concerned that the fire alarms were not working
during the outage and wondered if McIntosh should have been evacuated. George Sleesman said there were two
options. One was to evacuate the building, and the other was to assign someone to be on “fire watch” (walk the halls
and look for fires). George said this could be discussed further in the September safety meeting with the Building
The next meeting will be September 20 in McIntosh Ctr., rm. 202.
KMD, 8/16/13
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2013
Present: Lee Ann Hall, Anita Stanley, Trisha Russell, Nancy Schroeder, Karen Schroeder, Amy Stockert, George Sleesman,
William Kanzig, Kristin Daws, Scott Parson, David Dellifield, Brian Phillips, Luke Sheets, Jeff Brachok, Tallene Eichelberger,
Mike Zembower, Melissa Taylor.
Building directors and guests: Sue Vandyne, David MacDonald, Mary Drzycimski-Finn, John Gillham, Rob Alexander,
Kirstin Reams, Deb Miller, Rob Kleine, Paul Nutter
Chairman Lee Ann Hall opened the meeting and welcomed Building Directors and committee members.
Amy Stockert provided an update of the Institutional Biosafety Committee. Work has begun on an ONU Biosafety
Manual. The manual will offer a summary of all requirements, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and Blood borne
Exposure Control Plan. The manual is being modeled after ones currently in use at other institutions.
The question was raised that if there were a spill or incident now, what would we do? The easiest solution is to contact
Amy via email (goes right to her phone) She has procedures for small and large spills and can
recommend course of action. Physical plant can also be contacted as they are trained to handle spills appropriately.
Amy further advised the committee is in the process of building spill kits for the buildings.
George Sleesman opened the program portion of the meeting with a short video about mass shootings and ALICE
training. ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. A train-the- trainer course was
recently conducted on campus for law enforcement personnel. Security now has three officers trained as instructors
and the department will be offering ALICE training to departments on campus in the near future.
A building safety power point was shown illustrating unsafe features to look for and correct. He stated poor
housekeeping is one issue and cited an example of blocked exits during recent fire drills. Building exteriors need
checked, as well as the interior, citing proper lighting, overgrowth of shrubs, and any damage to steps and railings.
Security offers conduct inspections twice a year of all building on campus and make recommendations for improvement.
A Fire Prevention Planning power point followed. He was asked to share the safety inspection check sheets that officers
Committee Reports:
Institutional Biosafety: see above.
Chemical Hazard Communication Program (CHCP): Kristin Daws report the updated plan is available on the Safety
website. There is a training component to the plan and training materials are being reviewied for the new Safety Data
Sheets (SDS) that will replace Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS).
Lee Ann reviewed action plans and training programs. Fire drills were conducted by Security in several academic
buildings in September. She further advised that Ken Block was referred to Trisha Russell for a golf cart training video.
George applauded Deb Miller and the admissions staff for taking immediate corrective action and training all student
workers with golf cart safety after an issue was reported to them.
Updates for the Campus emergency manual are in the process of being printed. Student Lion’s Club members under the
direction of Paul Nutter will replace the pages of current manuals and old pages will be collected for recycling.
Travel Policy updates included questions regarding students pulling trailers and overnight travel without advisors on the
Travel Itinerary and Roster. Student groups can request permission to travel overnight without an advisor. The
exemption would need approval by Adrian Bradshaw and Bill Ballard. It is also recommended as a good practice to split
large groups using air travel to several flights.
Old business and previous minutes were reviewed by Lee Ann.
New Business:
Anita Stanley: Working with June Zimmerman of the Child Development Center. Currently they have 20-22 children
between the ages of 3 and 5. A plan was developed where the five employees from the print shop would assist if there
would be a need to evacuate the center. A fire drill has been conducted with the joint effort. Plans are underway for a
tornado drill and discussions continue for better shelter ideas and accountability issues.
Trisha Russell: Distributed a flyer for fall health screenings. It will be available on the HR website starting October 1.
Lima Memorial requests all participants to preregister online. It was also announced that employees riding a bike to
carry out assigned duties are required to wear a bike helmet. Human Resources will cover the cost.
Nancy Schrader: Questioned the status of the call system in the nurse’s office and the re-routing of the assistance
alarms. George advised he is in the process of working on a solution with Simplex.
George Sleesman: Reviewed fire drills in Law, Freed, Presser and Dicke. Some issues were identified and currently
looking at solutions. One example was an evacuation route for Dicke where everyone went down the north stairwell
and the large stairwell in the atrium was not used. As a service initiative, Ice scrapers have been ordered that will be
distributed to students to remind them to clear their entire windshield. He has advised officers he would purchase bike
helmets for those that ride bikes. He concluded with an update of student safety week. Student organizations were
involved this year and he was very pleased with the attendance at the events. He further stated planning for next year
will start soon.
Mike Zembower: Started discussion on bike safety and problems with awareness. George added to the discussion the
importance of bike registration.
Lee Ann and George will work on getting Safety information moved on the ONU website to the Safety page. Safety
Committee did not have a page until recently so safety documents and information was posted on other pages.
Lee Ann requested if anyone had any suggestions for training. Currently the topics include Moodle, CPR & AED, and
Green Paw Certification.
Venue for next meeting will be in Heterick room 200.
NEXT meeting: October 18, 2013
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, October 18, 2013
Present: David Dellifield, Scott Parson, Karen Schroeder, Trisha Russell, Kathleen Baril, Jeanette Hazelton, Michael
Haines, Kristin Daws, Bill Kanzig, Nancy Schroeder, Jeff Brachok, George Sleesman, Paul Nutter, Melissa Taylor
Vice Chairman Kristin Daws opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. She introduced Boyd Roarbaugh,
Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences and IACUC chairman. IACUC stands for Institutional Laboratory
Animal Care and Use Committee. He stated all vertebrate animals on campus for research fall under the committee for
review. Research protocols are reviewed by the Attending Veterinarian and IACUC and must comply with USDA and
Public Health Services regulations. An example of one of the guidelines prepared by the committee is the disaster plan
for animals on campus that will be included in an update of the ONU Campus Emergency Response Manual. Boyd
further stated all ONU animal facilities are inspected twice a year. The committee meets twice an academic year or as
needed. Boyd ended his presentation by answering several questions.
Committee Reports:
Chemical Hazard Communication Program (CHCP): Kristin stated she plans on emailing a letter outlining the Moodle
training course and the updated HazCom by the beginning of November.
Institutional Biosafety: Jeff Brachok reported revisions to Blood borne protocols are in progress.
Employee Injury: One report-female faculty member injured when projector screen fell off the wall. Bill Kanzig will follow
up to ensure repairs completed, 207 Biggs
Trailer Training: George Sleesman advised the committee is looking at several outside vendors.
Kristen reviewed minutes from the September meeting and asked for updates.
Paul Nutter commented he is working with Lee Ann Hall. Once the updates are ready the student Lions group will replace
the appropriate pages in all campus emergency manuals. The group has collected all emergency kits to replace supplies.
Trisha Russel reminded attendees the next health screen is Saturday September 26.
George Sleesman gave an update on the stand alone rescue alarm system in Mathile. Notices with instructions are
posted next to panic buttons to call 911 or Campus Security. He recently met with Lisa and Darren from Simplex and they
are exploring other cost effective ways to utilize system. He further advised information on the ONU Safety page has been
New Business:
Trisha Russell advised the second session of the sexual harassment training is October 24. The first session was
standing room only. Members of Human Resources received training as allies for Open Doors Committee.
Kristen advised the thought is to have a fun safety themed December meeting, anyone with ideas please contact Lee Ann
Hall or herself.
Next meeting: November 15, 2013 McIntosh room 202 at 11am
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, November 15, 2013
Present: Michael Haines, Kristin Daws, Bill Kanzig, Jeff Brachok, George Sleesman, Brian Phillips, Bill Kent, Lee Ann Hall,
Mike Zembower, Karen Schroeder, Jeanette Hazelton
Chairman Lee Ann Hall opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
Sharyn Zembower gave a presentation on how to use Moodle, the software for online courses and augmentation of oncampus courses. This is being used for the Communication on Hazardous Chemical Program currently and can be used
for a wide variety of courses. This is especially helpful for new hires.
Bill Kent showed us a power point presentation on sustainability on campus here and at other colleges.
Kristin Daws gave us an overview of the ChemWatch program that the university has purchased so that we can access
SDS’s and other information about chemicals that are used on campus.
New Business:
George Sleesman reported on one employee being injured from a projector screen falling from where it was mounted
on the wall in the classroom. It has been re-attached in a more solid manner.
George also reminded us to view the Safety website for some updated information.
Security is checking what sort of training should be put in place for people to haul trailers for University events (i.e.
concrete canoe, robotics, etc). They now have certification program for Defensive Driving, Vans, and Backing vehicles
through an online source.
Security is also scheduling A.L.I.C.E. training on the Monday before Thanksgiving in the library for the building directors.
George will send an invite.
The group discussed the date of the next meeting because it will fall on the last day of finals before Christmas. It was
agreed that we would meet at 11 am in Room 202 on Dec 13, 2013 instead of Dec 20.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes December 13, 2013
Present: Nancy Schroeder, Kristin Daws, Melissa Taylor, Chery Cosart, Lee Ann Hall, Scott Cottle, Bill Kanzig, George
Sleesman, Brian Phillips, Jeff Brachok, Scott Parson
Chairman Lee Ann Hall opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
Missie shared a power point presentation entitled “Safety with a Twist” the work of Tara Grove, MS from Otterbein
College. The presentation educates and reinforces safety practices with humor and provides numerous ideas to
promote safety. Coffee and holiday cookies were enjoyed by attendees.
Committee Reports:
Kristen shared a safety tip for use of earbuds and headphones. A good rule of thumb is the “60/60 rule”, which means
using only 60 percent of the device’s volume level for no more than 60 minutes at a time, with at least 60 minutes of a
break. She also advised there was good participation in the online hazcom training.
George advised nothing new as of yet for training those that use trailers. He further stated defensive driving has been
updated to four lessons: Defensive driving, vans, intersection safety, and backing.
New Business:
Kris, Scott, Brian and Missie received gifts for holiday attire
Bill, George, Brian also received holiday gifts.
Lee Ann thanked Bill Kanzig for his dedication and many years of service to the Safety Committee. She congratulated him
on his retirement and presented him with a gift.
A discussion of ideas to bulk of safety committee was led by Lee Ann with the following outcomes:
Sub committee – Engineering, Art, PAC, Tecnology
Chair- Brian Phillips
Purpose- consolidated more cohesive safety training with the same message to all students.
Policy on golf cart use – George Sleesman
Incorporate into Driving Rules and Regulations, check Alert Driving for training
Additional suggestions:
Newsletter, Promotions, invite newspaper, ice cream coupons for safe biking or other incentive, utilize a student group
such as Circle K for a special bike registration day.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes January 17, 2013
Present: Nancy Schroeder, Melissa Taylor, Lee Ann Hall, Scott Cottle, George Sleesman, Brian Phillips, Jeanette
Hazelton, Karen Schroeder, John Gillham, Luke Sheets, Michael Hanes, Mike Zembower, David Dellifield, Mary
Drzycimski-Finn, Trisha Russell
Chairman Lee Ann Hall opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
Committee Reports:
No reports
Employee injury reports:
Security officer, thumb caught in a crashbar at Mathile when locking building. No medical attention at time of incident.
Lee Ann reviewed previous months minutes; no questions.
New Business:
 Meeting conflict for April – attendees agreed Wed April 16th at 11 fit most calendars. David Dellifield reserved room
 Information was distributed regarding Campus Fire Safety Conference in Columbus
 Handout from American Red Cross – Winter Storm Safety Checklist was available to attendees.
 Lee Ann led Table Top discussion of Weather Procedures. She posed the question of how departments reacted to
the recent cold weather and did they have business continuity plans in place.
o Trisha discussed established protocols within departments for business continuity.
o George advised the difference between the County Emergency Levels. He also asked if everyone was
receiving Nixle alerts or if they had problems. If you would like to receive both email and
go to your account in Nixle and click SMS under settings. He further advised in the past some of his
officers have stayed at The Inn so his department would be staffed 24 hours.
o Lee Ann cited the recent snow and broken pipes as an example. She offered that templates for business
continuity plans are available if anyone needs them. Other areas to consider is loss of power, is there a
back up plan for your department.
o David shared the ice storm as an example and the use of McIntosh by the Village. Communication issues
should be considered as well.
o John Gilham discussed the recent flooding in Dukes:
 Temporary office space
 Cataloging damage (FYI only ONU property covered by insurance, not personal items.)
 Ongoing troubling issues; monitoring mold
 Impressed with p-plant and how much they accomplished
 Big inconvenience
 Pleased officers got to it (damaged pipe)quick enough via water flow alarm
 Unexpected damage-very helpful to take video
o Jeanette shared her observations of the same event:
 First time it has been this sever cold since some of the structures were built
 Not enough physical plant employees to cover damage repair/cleanup and maintain regular
 During furnace filter replacement some of the apartments were found with no heat turned on
o Mike Haines advised he sent emails to staff to double check windows in the guest rooms.
o Karen advised of the staffing procedures of the Health Center during extreme weather.
Discussion wrapped up with some suggestions for department internal protocols. A level III emergency and essential
personnel; reporting is discretion of employee.
Brian distributed flyer for Performer Flying Workshop, Jan 19-21 and invited everyone to attend the showcase on
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, February 21, 2014
Present: Chairman Lee Ann Hall, Vice Chairman Kristin Daws, Nancy Schroeder, George Sleesman, Brian Phillips, Karen
Schroeder, John Gilham, Mike Zembower, David Dellifield, Scott Parsons, Anita Stanley, Craig Scott, Brian Smith, Jeff
Student Health Center Director Karen Schroeder gave a power point presentation about the scope of services provided
by the center. Karen explained that many people aren’t aware of the center’s location on campus, so she began her
presentation with a virtual tour that included the walk from the parking lot, into the waiting room, and then into each of
the examining rooms, offices, and storage spaces. She reviewed the wide range of services offered, including office
visits, tests, shots, referrals, immunizations, and physicals. Staff includes a doctor, physician’s assistant, and nurses to
operate through the week, augmented by evening hours and on-call times. Karen explained that a very important part
of the center’s mission is educating students about their health, medications, and preventive measures. The center is
included in the Student Affairs division and collaborates quite closely with other departments such as human resources,
athletics, counseling, pharmacy and nursing.
Minutes from the previous meeting were briefly reviewed, with no further questions or comments. The round table
segment of the meeting was cancelled due to the length of the program.
The next meeting will held Friday, March 21, at 11 am in McIntosh conference room 202.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2014
Present: John Gilham, Brian Smith, Kristen Daws, George Sleesman, Lee Ann Hall, Melissa Taylor, Trisha Russell, Tiffany
George Sleesman presented information on Tornado Awareness and distributed a handout. He advised Siren testing
time was changed this year to first Wednesday of each month at noon. Currently thinking about putting together a
storm spotter training.
Trisha Russell announced HR planning a Health and Safety Fair the end of April. She suggested Safety Committee have a
table to distribute information to include tornado awareness and signing up for NIXLE.
Lee Ann Hall provided an overview of the ONU Safety Manual. The first manual was published in 2005. It is a living
document that is updated periodically. She reviewed definitions and explained the structure of the manual. Each
chapter is a template to deal with a potential incident. More specific information such as vendors, contractors,
additional forms and rosters are located in the back of the manual. It is a compilation of most everything needed in the
event of an emergency. Helps keep people organized and best use of resources. The manual cannot address every
situation but there is enough information to give a starting point. The entire manual was reprinted this year.
Lee Ann further advised the ONU Student Lion Alert group are trained to help with disaster recovery in emergency
situations. They have offered to take the reprinted manual out to the departments and replace per the distribution list.
Mental Health Crisis Forums will be held the end of the month by Mike Schaffer and SART Team. They should last about
an hour March 26 at 4pm or March 27 at 9am.
George announced the need to formulate a focus group for golf cart use on campus. Rules need to be formulated to
cover all users and departments as well as training. Admissions department currently trains their staff.
Kristin Daws reported all chemistry research labs were recently inspected with very few minor issues found. She also
stated she has some faculty that may need Bio Safety training.
Three employee injuries were reviewed – all were falls on ice without medical treatment.
Trisha stated HR has started using Blanchard Valley Occupational Health, Findlay Campus. She is very pleased with their
level of care for employees. ONU is also contracted with Lima Memorial Occupational Health.
Minutes of last meeting were reviewed with one correction. Student Health Center presentation: physician’s assistant
should read: certified nurse practitioner.
After two incidents the past month we have learned we are lacking in the area of critical incident stress management.
Rick Skilleter of the Allen County Critical Incident Stress Management Team has been invited to speak at the next ONU
Safety Meeting. The team consists of more than 60 members. Mr. Skilleter will discuss orientation, pre-incident training,
support, debriefing and referrals.
The next meeting will be Wednesday April 16th at 11am –please note change of meeting day. Place will to be
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes April 16, 2014
Present: David Dellifield, Anita Stanley, Ann Donnelly Hamilton, Scott Cottle, Tiffany Prowant, Trisha Russell, Mike
Zembower, John Gillham, Michael Schafer, Clete McNamara, George Sleesman, Kris Daws, Scott Parson, Ashleigh Kahle,
Marc Staley, Adriane Bradshaw, David MacDonald, Karen Schroeder, Nancy Schroeder, Melissa Taylor, Lee Ann Hall
Lee Ann welcomed members and guests and explained the presentation would be first, followed by the business
meeting. Guests could leave after the speaker if they wish. She then introduced Michael Schoenhofer, NSW, LISW-S,
ACSW, CPM Executive Director of Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties.
Mr. Schoenhofer stated he was filling in for Rick Skilliter who was ill. He further explained the history behind combining
mental health and first responders to form the Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM) of Allen County.
During times of critical incidents, the normal coping mechanisms most people rely upon on a daily basis are stretched to
their limits. It is not uncommon for the situation to be so overwhelming that even a well trained individual may not
recognize that they are being affected by the incident.
CISM was developed and has evolved to a process that helps people be resistant, to be resilient, and recover from
critical incident stress. Stress can affect people differently. Human nature is such that we cannot specifically predict how
well a person will transition and adjust to a stressful event. Through peer response the team shares training, experience,
and expertise in an attempt to lessen the impact of the event and to help facilitate the recovery process.
Services provided by the CISM team were outlined by Mr. Schoenhofer. He further stated the team provides the tools
and tailors the response to meet the needs and help guide decisions. They do offer training and will assist in
preplanning to develop a response for ONU. The presentation ended with a question/answer discussion.
Old business:
Committee Reports: None
Employee Injury Reports: None
Action Plans: Bloodborn training for Security is currently underway. If anyone else would like training, Lee Ann will check
on what is available.
New Business: Election of officers next meeting.
George: Alice Training May 15 for A&S in Dukes. It is a live drill and the building will be shut down for 4 hours. 8a-12n
Trisha: The Employee Health and Safety Fair will be moved to next fall, originally planned for late April. She introduced
HR Generalist Ashley Prowant.
The next meeting will be Friday May 16, 2014 at 11am in room 202 McIntosh.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes April 16, 2014
Present: David Dellifield, Anita Stanley, Ann Donnelly Hamilton, Scott Cottle, Tiffany Prowant, Trisha Russell, Mike
Zembower, John Gillham, Michael Schafer, Clete McNamara, George Sleesman, Kris Daws, Scott Parson, Ashleigh Kahle,
Marc Staley, Adriane Bradshaw, David MacDonald, Karen Schroeder, Nancy Schroeder, Melissa Taylor, Lee Ann Hall
Lee Ann welcomed members and guests and explained the presentation would be first, followed by the business
meeting. Guests could leave after the speaker if they wish. She then introduced Michael Schoenhofer, NSW, LISW-S,
ACSW, CPM Executive Director of Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties.
Mr. Schoenhofer stated he was filling in for Rick Skilliter who was ill. He further explained the history behind combining
mental health and first responders to form the Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM) of Allen County.
During times of critical incidents, the normal coping mechanisms most people rely upon on a daily basis are stretched to
their limits. It is not uncommon for the situation to be so overwhelming that even a well trained individual may not
recognize that they are being affected by the incident.
CISM was developed and has evolved to a process that helps people be resistant, to be resilient, and recover from
critical incident stress. Stress can affect people differently. Human nature is such that we cannot specifically predict how
well a person will transition and adjust to a stressful event. Through peer response the team shares training, experience,
and expertise in an attempt to lessen the impact of the event and to help facilitate the recovery process.
Services provided by the CISM team were outlined by Mr. Schoenhofer. He further stated the team provides the tools
and tailors the response to meet the needs and help guide decisions. They do offer training and will assist in
preplanning to develop a response for ONU.
The presentation ended with a question/answer discussion.
Old business:
Committee Reports: None
Employee Injury Reports: None
Action Plans: Bloodborn training for Security is currently underway. If anyone else would like training, Lee Ann will check
on what is available.
New Business: Election of officers next meeting.
George: Alice Training May 15 for A&S in Dukes. It is a live drill and the building will be shut down for 4 hours. 8a-12n
Trisha: The Employee Health and Safety Fair will be moved to next fall, originally planned for late April. She introduced
HR Generalist Ashley Prowant.
The next meeting will be Friday May 16, 2014 at 11am in room 202 McIntosh.
ONU Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes May 16, 2014
Present: David Dellifield, Mike Zembower, Nancy Schroeder, Jeff Brachock, Jeanette Hazelton, Brian Phillips, Marc
Staley, Lee Ann Hall, Adriane Bradshaw, George Sleesman, Melissa Taylor
Lee Ann welcomed members and opened the last meeting for the year. First on the agenda was a table top discussion
coinciding with a power point presentation from George Sleesman. The presentation can be found on the ONU Security
website and covers Emergency evacuation and fire prevention planning. A discussion of an incident at McIntosh
followed the presentation.
Lee Ann advised the Emergency Response Manual will be reviewed at the 1st meeting in the fall.
George gave an overview of the Alice training conducted the day before.
Sub Committee Reports: none
Golf Cart and Shop procedures –need to work on over the summer.
Employee injury : 1, person falling up the stairs
Review minutes from last meeting
New Business: election
Lee Ann, chair; Kris, vice chair; Karen S, secretary—slate carried
Jeff-Safety manuals returned starting today
Marc-Working with Dupont, pilot program on safety-important to report near misses for evaluation.
David-SCC training starting Tuesday, any training will be appreciated; George will meet with him.
Mike-Discussed it is very hard to see the orange carts.