3. Collision Theory kinetic theory of ideal gases consider first a pure system assumptions 1) particles of mass m and radius r ; ceaseless random motion 2) dilute gas: r ¿ l , l = mean free path = average distance a particle travels between collisions 3) no interactions between particles, except perfectly 0 elastic collisions; particles are hard spheres (E tr = E tr, E tr = 12 m~ v 2 translational kinetic energy, 0 = after collision) velocity ~ v = (v x , v y , v z ) ~ v 2 = v x2 + v y2 + v z2 speed: v = |~ v| = q v x2 + v y2 + v z2 number density: N = CHEM 6114 N V 3.1 For a system in equilibrium, the probability P i of finding a molecule with energy ²i is given by the Boltzmann distribution Pi = Ni ∝ g i exp(−²i /kT ) N where g i is the degeneracy, i.e., the number of different states of a molecule having the same energy ²i properties of a probability: P i ≤ 1, normalization: P j Pj = 1 g i exp(−²i /kT ) Pi = P j g j exp(−² j /kT ) apply to distribution of speeds in an ideal gas, ²i = ²(v) = 21 mv 2, 4πv 2dv · exp(−mv 2/2kT ) dP (v) = F (v)dv = R ∞ 0 4πv 2dv · exp(−mv 2/2kT ) dP (v) = the probability of finding a molecule with a speed between v and v +dv , i.e., a molecule lying in a CHEM 6114 3.2 spherical shell of radius v and thickness dv in velocity space F (v)dv = the fraction of molecules with speed between v and v + dv 4πv 2dv = volume of a spherical shell of radius v and thickness dv = g (dv) [Figure: spherical shell in velocity space, Atkins 9th ed., Fig. 20.5] CHEM 6114 3.3 Maxwell distribution of speeds m dP (v) = F (v)dv = 4π 2πkT µ ¶3/2 Ã 2 ! mv v exp − dv 2kT 2 The Maxwell distribution is of course properly normalized, ∞ Z F (v)dv = 1 0 CHEM 6114 3.4 [Figure: Maxwell distribution of speeds, Atkins 9th ed., Fig. 20.3] average speed ∞ Z c = 〈v〉 = 0 µ 8kT vF (v)dv = πm ¶1/2 mean-square speed ­ v ® 2 Z = ∞ v 2F (v)dv = 0 3kT m elastic collisions determine how often a specific particle collides with other particles in the gas since this is a representative particle, we can assume that it moves with the average speed c we can replace the moving collision partners by stationary particles, if we replace the average speed c by the relative average speed c rel: µ c= 8kT πm CHEM 6114 ¶1/2 µ , c rel = 8kT πµ ¶1/2 3.5 1 1 1 + , ≡ µ mA mB µ = reduced mass for identical particles 1 2 m = =⇒ µ = µ m 2 p c rel = 2c [Figure: collision tube, Atkins 9th ed., Fig. 20.8] number of stationary particles inside the collision 2 tube: N σ0 · c rel∆t , σ0 = πd = elastic collision crosssection for collisions between identical particles, d = 2r collision frequency z = average number of collisions CHEM 6114 3.6 of a particle per unit time z= N σ0 · c rel∆t ∆t p z = 2N σ0c p N z = 2 σ0c V p P z= 2 σ0c; kT = N σ0c rel N (PV = nRT = RT = N kT ) NA mean free path l = the average distance a molecule travels between two successive collisions 1 c 1 kT l =c· = p =p =p z 2N σ0c 2(N /V )σ0 2P σ0 total number of collisions per unit volume per unit time for identical particles: 1 σ0c 4kT ZAA = z NA = p NA2 = σ0 2 πm A 2 µ ¶1/2 NA 2 for mixture of gases A and B, total number of collisions per unit volume per unit time for dissimilar parCHEM 6114 3.7 ticles: ZAB = σ0 µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 NANB 2 for dissimilar particles: σ0 = πd with d = r A + r B hard-sphere collision theory if all collisions were reactive, then the kinetic equation for the number density of A for the reaction A + B −→ P would be dNA = −ZAB dt and for the molarity d[A] = −ZAB/N A = −r dt where N A is Avogadro’s number CHEM 6114 3.8 so we obtain r = k AB[A][B] = σ0 k AB = σ0 µ 8kT πµ µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 N A [A][B] ¶1/2 NA most collisions will not be reactive, since collisions must occur with sufficient energy in the gas phase to give rise to a reactive event before molecules can get close enough to react, they must overcome an energy barrier ²a only molecules with sufficient kinetic energy along the line of centers AB to surmount this energy barrier will react line-of-centers theory impact parameter, b , is the closest perpendicular distance between the centers of the molecules CHEM 6114 3.9 rA b rB for hard spheres, collisions are only possible if b ≤ d = rA + rB b = 0 head-on collision consider molecule A approaching molecule B with relative velocity ~ v vlc d B b α v A only the relative velocity v lc along the line of centers can be used to overcome the energy barrier ²a v lc = v cos α b sin α = , d CHEM 6114 cos2 α + sin2 α = 1 3.10 s v lc = v cos α = v d 2 − b2 d2 2 total translational energy ² = 12 µv ; ² ≥ ²a , otherwise even a head-on collision will not lead to a reactive event energy along the line of centers ²lc = ² d 2 − b2 d2 as b increases, ²lc decreases; ²lc has its largest value for b = 0, head-on collision since a reactive collision occurs only for ²lc ≥ ²a , then reaction only occurs for impact parameters b ≤ b max, where ²a = ² 2 d 2 − b max d2 or 2 b max = d2 CHEM 6114 µ ²a 1− ² ¶ ² ≥ ²a 3.11 b max increases as the total energy ² increases for a given ², the reactive collision cross-section is µ ¶ µ ¶ ² ² a a 2 σ(²) = πb max = πd 2 1 − = σ0 1 − ² ² for ² ≥ ²a σ(²) = 0 for ² < ²a a molecule A moving with relative velocity v (relative 1/2 kinetic energy ², v = (2²/µ) ) through NB B molecules per unit volume strikes vσ(²)NB per unit time with sufficient directed energy to react =⇒ r N = NA ∞ Z 0 (2²/µ)1/2σ(²)NBF (²)d² where F (²) is the Maxwell distribution µ 1 F (²)d² = 2π πkT ¶3/2 ²1/2 exp(−²/kT )d² and we find r N = σ0 CHEM 6114 µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 exp(−²a /kT )NANB 3.12 with E a = N A ²a , we obtain for the rate constant k AB = σ0 µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 N A exp(−E a /RT ) the predicted rate constant follows the Arrhenius law comparing the form of k AB predicted by collision theory with the Arrhenius law, the pre-exponential factor A is given by A th = σ0 µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 NA collision theory predicts that the pre-exponential factor is weakly temperature dependent p A th ∝ T for many reactions, this temperature dependence is swamped by the strong temperature dependence of the exponential term CHEM 6114 3.13 the following Table (from M. J. Pilling and P. W. Seakins, Reaction Kinetics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995) compares the predicted and experimental values of A for some reactions, the quantity P is defined as P= A exp A th Rxn T 1 2 3 4 600 300 470 800 Ea 10−11 A exp 10−11 A th P 0 0 102 180 10 0.24 0.094 1.24 × 10−5 2.1 1.1 0.59 7.3 4.8 0.22 0.16 1.7 × 10−6 T is in K, E a in kJ mol−1, A in L mol−1 s−1 1: K + Br2 −→ KBr + Br 2: CH3 + CH3 −→ C2H6 3: 2 NOCl −→ 2 NO + Cl2 4: H2 + C2H4 −→ C2H6 CHEM 6114 3.14 except for Rxn 1, the theoretical values are too large, 5 for Rxn 4 by more than a factor of 10 P < 1 indicates that the relative orientation of the molecules is important in reactive collisions; P is known as the steric factor and is generally several orders of magnitude smaller than 1 k AB = P σ0 µ 8kT πµ ¶1/2 N A exp(−E a /RT ) orientation does not explain values of P > 1, which would seem to imply that the molecules react faster than they collide advantages of collision theory: (i) simple model; (ii) provides good picture of bimolecular reactions; (iii) predicts qualitatively the form of the temperature dependence of the rate constant shortcomings: (i) hard sphere assumption neglects structure of the molecules, steric factor P is an ad hoc way of including conformational effects, however no method for calculating P ; (ii) assumes that CHEM 6114 3.15 molecules react instantaneously; (iii) neglects intermolecular forces; however long range attractive interactions are important in explaining reactions where P >1 CHEM 6114 3.16