IS Applications 3 Year Rolling Planning 2015/16 to 2017/18 Directional Statement Template Programme / Partner: Portfolio: Library Management Platform (LMP) / L&UC and USD Vision: In order to deliver our collections services, the Library utilises a management system, called Voyager. This provides Library functions around: • Acquisitions • Metadata /cataloguing • Circulation (loans and fines) • E-Resource and print collection management • Discovery (catalogue service) • Document delivery • Integration with resource list and citation systems • Management Information ISG The current Voyager Library Management System (LMS) was implemented at the University of Edinburgh in 1999 as collaboration with the National Library of Scotland. In the fifteen years since the procurement of Voyager, the library domain has changed dramatically. In 1999 the LMS dealt solely with physical items, but now over 84% of all new library collections purchased are electronic (ejournals and e-books). With the significant and increasing spend taking place on library collections, it is essential that they are managed well in order to release their maximum value for education and research. Good management also includes good discovery – allowing staff and students to find or request the items they require, which in turn contribute directly to user satisfaction and the student experience. Even if library collections are available, they must be managed well, and easily discovered. The Voyager LMS is unable to deliver all of the requirements of the back-office functions of the Library, and the front-facing services being delivered to our users alone – multiple other systems are being run in tandem with Voyager to maintain services and manage collections (with limited success). However, it is now possible to replace these separate tools with a single Universal Resource Management (URM) system – also known as a Next-Generation Library Management Platform (LMP). Most comparator institutions in the UK have either recently upgraded (e.g. Manchester, York, Imperial), or are considering upgrading their management systems (e.g. Newcastle). Summary of where we want to be Back office Improving and streamlining business processes, staff resourcing and capacity Moving to a new Library Management Platform will allow all library collections to be effectively managed and discovered within a single system. This brings efficiency and workflow savings to the library by managing all resources within a single system, and making them more easily discoverable to library users. Front-facing services User focused, coherent, resource discovery which enhances experience Student satisfaction with library collections is not related solely to the collections themselves, but also to how easy they are to find. A new LMP will allow the collections to be better managed and discovered via a single comprehensive and seamless search system for users located physically in the library, in staff offices, and at home or abroad. This will have a positive effect on the staff and student experience and in turn their satisfaction. Lifespan and cost Reduced Total Cost of Ownership, plus shared services and collaboration Next generation library systems facilitate a new level of collaboration internally and externally, while cloud delivery will remove hardware capital and facilities management costs and the time spent carrying out platform, operating system, and application maintenance and upgrades. Additionally, next-generation LMPs are continually in development, with upgrades and improvements happening automatically – always enhancing the user experience. During financial year 2013/14 IS Library & University Collections and IS Apps have initiated a project to replace the Library Management System with a new Library Management Platform in time for the 2015/16 academic session. The procurement of the new LMP is scheduled to complete in January 2015, with the implementation phase starting immediately after. The implementation phase will deliver a new cloud-hosted service including key components such as the back office system, discovery layer and integrations with core University systems (EASE, IDM, eFinancials). The rollout of the new LMP is scheduled for the start of academic year 2015-16. Additional work will be necessary to ensure the service is aligned with the University’s strategic plan, specifically KPIs 5.2 and 7.0, by ensuring integration, interoperability and surfacing of library data wherever required to enhance the experience (eg MyEd, VLEs, Mobile, etc). IS L&UCL will also seek to improve integration with eFinancials and make use of central BI/MI service for enhanced reporting. Further developments will be progressed relating to payments of fines. Integration with the university’s payment gateway system will be explored. Major Initiative 1 Business Case Sponsor Funding Major Business Case Initiative 2 Sponsor Funding Business Case Major Initiative 3 Sponsor Funding References: University of Edinburgh, Strategic Plan 2012-2016 KPI 5.2 Increase student satisfaction with learning resources KPI 7.0 Outstanding Student Experience Strategic enablers: pursue consistency and continuity in quality and experience across all elements of our physical, information technology (IT) and library infrastructures and ensure that we have the information we need to support learning, teaching, research and effective decisionmaking. Author(s): Stuart Lewis, Laura M. Shanahan, Adam Wadee