Face the Fats 1. Please mark your response to the clicker question in the table below. CQ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Answer 2. Please complete the table below as you uncover the truth about lipids. Facts about Lipids Description of Lipids: Family of Lipids 1. Steroids 2. Fats A. Saturated Fats B. Unsaturated Fats 3. Phospholipids Description/characteristics Type of structure Examples 3. As a group, please develop your answer to the following questions: Pete was beginning to understand a little bit about cholesterol and fats. But he still didn’t understand: why were they so unhealthy? And if they are unhealthy, why do we even need cholesterol and fat? 4. Please complete the table below as you uncover the truth about cholesterol. Facts about cholesterol Description of Cholesterol: Type Lipoproteins associated with cholesterol Description Significance HDL LDL 5. So what is the big deal with trans fats. 6. Disease and medical intervention of fats. Description Hyperlipidemia Hypercholesterolemia Statin Drugs What is the big deal?