Class Syllabus - Merced High School


Class Syllabus & Expectations

Mr. Pedrozo—Merced High School Social Studies Department

Welcome to Mr. Pedrozo’s Health and Wellness/Geography Class. In order for you to find success in this class there are several important things that you need to know about and understand completely. These things are part of the class contract, which you will be asked to sign and keep with you while attending our class.

I Grading Policy: Grades will be determined by how many points a student receives during a semester. These will be converted into the following percentage scale: A=90-100% B=80-89%

C=70-79% D=60-69 % F=0-59%

Grades will be posted regularly, and you as a student need to complete all homework, lecture notes, classroom assignments, as well as test and quizzes . You will also be asked to complete research projects as well as group projects . You citizenship grade will be based on classroom participation , which includes being on time and bringing the necessary materials to class i.e., pencil, pen, textbook, notebook, etc. These must be brought on a daily basis.

II Attendance: Success in this classroom is determined by your attendance. It is vital that you attend on a daily basis and attend on time prepared to learn. If you have been absent be sure to check the agenda at the front of the class to find out what assignments you missed. If you have been absent when an assignment was due, then that assignment is due on the next day that you return. You have two days for every day you were absent to make-up an assignment.

III Assignments: All work may be in either blue or black ink or pencil (NO



RIGHT TO NOT ACCEPT OR GRADE WORK IN ANYTHING ELSE. (Unless assigned by me in regards to typing reports or special projects.) Students will be given credit on all work provided the work is legible and turned in on time. Notes must be dated and kept in chronological order. Assignments will be collected at the beginning of class.

IV Being Prepared: If you come prepared for class everyday, then you are guaranteeing success in this class. Every student should bring a binder type notebook, a pen or pencil, and their textbook to class everyday.

V Notebook: Part of being prepared is to bring your notebook to class everyday. This notebook must be a three-ringed binder type. It must have dividers for the following sections: lecture notes, video notes, homework, tests and miscellaneous. This notebook will be collected periodically and given a grade for all contents in it.

VI Class Conduct: Mr. Pedrozo will follow school rules in conducting class.

Each student will be accountable for His/Her behavior in class. When the teacher is talking in class please remain quiet and attentive.

You are to remain in your seat at all times unless you receive permission to get up during class. Please show respect to all of you fellow students in class.

Students who are assigned On Campus Suspension can get work to do if they come and see my prior to going to O.C. Assignments will not be given if the student fails to request it prior to the day of O.C.

Bathroom passes are limited and may be denied if they are abused.

Those students feeling ill will be sent to the school nurse so that they may receive proper attention.

VII Why all of these RULES!!! Education is one of the major foundations of an individual’s success in life. As your teachers we have an obligation to prepare each student for the future. We want this year to be something special for you and we especially want to build upon your educational foundation to help you in your final years as a Merced High School student. If you follow guidelines set up in this contract you will have an opportunity to have great success and a great year!

When you have read the above material, please sign in the space below. Your signature shows that you understand the contract well enough to be held accountable for your actions in our class. Please have your parents read this contract and sign along with you.

If your parents wish to contact me, please call the school at 385-6465 and leave a message.



