Nursing Education * Theory/Application Winter 2012 University of

Nursing Education Theory and Application
“NUR 870 – Major Course Project”
Winter 2013
Constance J. Creech, RN, Ed.D, ANP-BC – Department
of Nursing
Andrea Becker, MA, Ed.S – Office of Extended
NUR 870 students and their learning needs
Assignment objectives
Intro to the ADDIE design framework
Assignment tracks
Google project spreadsheet
Intro to individual assignment tracks
Measuring success: completed projects & outcomes of midterm formative
• Plans for revision
Students and their Learning Needs
• First cohort of Doctor of Nursing Practice program
graduating May 2013
• Second cohort of the Doctor of Nursing Practice program
graduating in May 2014
• Bachelor-prepared RN’s and Master’s-prepared nurses (Certified Nurse
Practitioners, Nurse Midwives, Clinical Nurse Specialists, or Certified
Registered Nurse Anesthetists)
• Practicing full time in clinical or primary care settings
• Various levels of experiences in Nursing Professional Development
(NPD) practice
• DNPs expected to support NPD initiatives (assess/analyze, design,
develop, implement, evaluate, and revise)
• N=26
Apply various techniques suitable for assessing
learning needs
Apply the systematic process of instructional design as it relates to
developing a course, a module, an in-service, or other educational
intervention such as a research poster
Implement an educational project
Conduct learning and teaching evaluation
Incorporate evidence-based instructional strategies (based on program
level outcomes)
Demonstrate skill in peer review (based on program level outcomes)
Introduction of ADDIE Design Framework
Utilizing various types of media (visual, text-based, and audio-visual) to introduce
the ADDIE framework and general components of major project assignment.
Introduction of Assignment Tracks
• Three assignment tracks
• Importance of choice
– Utilizing adult learning principles and principles of active learning
• Flexibility and varying due dates
– Great for students; challenging for instructors
Google Spreadsheet Project List Document
• Tracking progress in online environment
Composition of Individual Assignment Tracks
Each folder contains
6 content items outlining
the preparation phase
of an educational project
and the 5 different phases
of the ADDIE process.
Composition of Individual Assignment Tracks
The content items are
enhanced with examples
relevant to the particular
project type.
I.e., aspects of the
development phase of
academic teaching
projects are addressed by
providing information and
examples that are relevant
to the development phase of
such projects.
Composition of Individual Assignment Tracks
Using various types of media to convey instructional information
Composition of Individual Assignment Tracks
• Reinforcing steps of ADDIE process by implementing corresponding
assignments in increments
• Major project is completed over the period of several weeks
Peer-Review of Major Projects
• Set up groups of 2 or 3 students
in Blackboard
• Utilizing peer-review template
Boehm, H., & Bonnel, W. (2010). The use of peer review in nursing education and clinical practice. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development: JNSD: Official
Journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization, 26(3), 108-115. doi: 10.1097/NND.0b013e3181993aa4
Nilson, L. B. (2002-03). Helping students help each other: Making peer feedback more valuable. Essays in Teaching Excellence, 14(8), 1-2. Retrievable at,%20N5%20Nilson.pdf
Peer-Review of Major Projects
Student comments:
“The peer review was a very worthwhile assignment and the end result will
improve my poster the next time I present it! I plan on making the suggested
“My peer review comments are important to me and were extremely beneficial. I
will also work hard to address and answer all the questions my peer had. It was
nice to see what a fellow peer had to say about the finished product.”
“The comments were very constructive and added new dimension to the
comments already received from other resources. I wish we had gotten the
comments earlier in the process, before we had presented the poster at the
conference. The comments were appropriate, well stated, succinct, and kind.”
Measuring Success: Student Projects & Feedback
Completed projects
• Change in practice (in-service project on radiation in the O.R.)
• Poster and podium presentations at conferences (at Michigan Council of
Nurse Practitioners (MICNP) Annual Meeting)
• Enhancement of academic teaching (Delta Community College Nursing
Formative feedback
Time: at and after midterm
– Formative midterm survey; 10 questions, 2 questions specific to the use of
the ADDIE process
– Webinar (Elluminate session) on the usefulness of the ADDIE framework
Student Comments on Usefulness of ADDIE
“ADDIE was great from beginning through completion of the project. It outlined
the project process and created packages of work that made each step
accomplishable. I can easily see its usefulness in a number of future projects in the
DNP program and at work. “
“I found that the ADDIE model provided a systematic instructional sequence in
developing my major project. It really aided in organizing the project and defining
the needs of the learners so that the objectives could be more specific to their
needs. This was a great experience for the first time using the model.”
“I have to say that when I first reviewed the ADDIE requirements for the poster
presentation I was rather intimidated. However, once I got involved in the process,
the purpose and concept of the model became clear. ADDIE is a brilliantly simple
framework for organizing a poster as well as other presentations. I know that I can
sometimes get ahead of myself when it comes to big projects such as the poster,
and the ADDIE model allowed me to progress through the development of the
poster in a very composed fashion. I have to say that the ADDIE model is a
framework that I will keep in mind for future reference.”
Plans for Revision
Revision – integral part of ADDIE process
• Create instructional videos on individual steps of ADDIE and the various
phases of the major project assignment vs. use pre-recorded video retrieved
from the Web.
• Implement peer-review assignment before major project is due.
• Add additional assignment track (fourth assignment option: podium
• Make own project accessible to entire class after project has been submitted
for grading (using Discussion Board forum).
Thank You!