Muscular System 3

1. Review anatomical terminology.
2. Review types of joint movements.
3. Compare and contrast types of muscle.
What is the opposite of:
More review and assignments:
• Figure 17-2 (Lab Manual)
• Venn diagram of the three types of
muscle. Add any other general
information you know about muscle.
• Homework:
– Add Chapter 8 roots, prefixes, and suffixes
to medical terminology sheet (Vocabulary
quiz on Wednesday!!!)
– Medical journal article on a disease or
disorder of the muscular system due on
test day
Muscle Tissues
1. Skeletal muscle tissue (“voluntary”)
– Long, threadlike cells
– Striations: alternating light and dark crossmarkings
– Each cell has many nuclei just beneath the cell
Muscle Tissues (cont.)
2. Smooth muscle tissue (“involuntary”)
– No striations
– Cells are shorter than skeletal muscle, spindleshaped, and have one, centrally located nucleus.
– Line walls of internal organs
Muscle Tissues (cont.)
3. Cardiac muscle tissue – heart
– Striated and joined end-to-end
– Each cell has only one nucleus.
Types of Muscle Tissue (p.185):
Skeletal Muscle Actions
• Movement depends on type of joint the
muscle is associated with
• Origin & Insertion:
– Origin – the end of the muscle that is
fastened to a relatively immovable or fixed
– Insertion – the end connected to the
movable part on the other side of the joint
– When muscles contract, its insertion is
pulled toward its origin (EX: biceps brachii)
Interaction of Skeletal Muscles
• Prime mover – the muscle responsible
for MOST of the movement (aka, agonist)
• Synergist - ???
• Antagonist - ???
Major Skeletal Muscles
• Names may indicate location, size,
shape, action, number of attachments,
or direction of muscle fibers:
• Pectoralis major
• Deltoid
• Extensor digitorum
• Biceps brachii
• Sternocleidomastoid
• External oblique
Muscles of Facial Expression
• “It takes more muscles to frown than it
does to smile.”
• More than 600 skeletal muscles in the
body – 60 in the face!
– 40 used to frown
– 20 used to smile
• Smallest muscle is the stapedius, in the
middle ear
• Largest - ???
• Longest - ???
Muscles of Facial Expression (p.188) and
Mastication (p.190)
***Epicranius has 2 parts:
frontalis and occipitalis.
Muscles That Move the Head
Add these muscles to your head drawing.
Muscles That Move the Pectoral Girdle
• Closely associated with those that move the
• Many move the scapula up, down, backward,
and forward
Muscles That Move the Arm
• Grouped according to primary actions:
– Flexors
• Coracobrachialis
• Pectoralis major
– Extensors
• Teres major
• Latissimus dorsi
– Abductors
• Supraspinatus
• Deltoid
– Rotators
• Subscapularis
• Infraspinatus
• Teres minor
Muscles That Move the Arm (p.193)
Muscles That Move the Forearm
• Flexors
– Biceps brachii
– Brachialis
– Brachioradius
• Extensor
– ????
• Rotators
– Supinator
– Pronator teres
– Pronator quadratus (square shaped)
Muscles That Move the Forearm
Muscles That Move the Wrist,
Hand, and Fingers
• Flexors
– Flexor carpi radialis
– Flexor caroi ulnaris
– Palmaris longus
– Flexor digitorum profundus
• Extensors
– Extensor carpi radialis longus
– Extensor carpi radialis brevis
– Extensor carpi ulnaris
– Extensor digitorum
Muscles That Move the Wrist,
Hand, and Fingers (p.195)