Week 11

Week 11
One More Thing to Build
• Prepare a One-Line Diagram for the electrical
energy needs of your mining operation
• For energy needs met with fuel show the
location and size of the fuel reserves
– It is expected you will have diesel, gasoline, and
aviation fuel at least
Show Your Detailed Drawings
• Show a plan view section of your main
production and man shaft
– The drawing should show size, thickness of lining
materials, compartments, guides, areas for utility
• Have a drawing of your man cage
• Have a drawing of your supplies and materials
• Have a drawing of your skip
More Drawings
• Have a plan view section drawing of your two ventilation
– The drawings should show size, thickness of linings, and any
utilities or escapeways going through them
– Have a drawing of your main mine fan assembly
• Have a section drawing of each type of drift you will have
– Examples – your ramp, the shaft bottom facilities on each level,
the tunnels leading away from the shaft to the orebody
footwall, your footwall access drifts, your cuts into the orebody,
your ore pass
• Have a 3D drawing showing one of your drift and leaf
entries coming off the footwall access and going into the
• Have 3D drawings of your underground mine layout that
shows your ore passes, access drifts, ramps etc.
Have Mine Operations Drawings
• Show a working drift of your mine in plan view
– The drawing should show the size and travel path of
your trucks
– The drawing should have the turning and loading
pattern of your loader
• Show your calculations of the cycle times for your
– Prepare your appendix on these calculations (turn it
• Remember an appendix is a mini-report that explains what
you were calculating and how you calculated it. It is not just
a table core dump
Have Drawing Showing the Operation
of Your Ventilation System
• The ventilation pattern should be shown
– It should include how you will split the air between two
levels coming off of one shaft
– Drawings should show a typical duct system going down a
production entry with the fan drawing air out so as to suck
fresh air into the face
• A drawing should provide a cross section of your duct and fan and
identify the size of each
• Prepare the Appendix showing how you calculated
your pressure drops and air volumes for sizing your
main fan and the booster fans
– Remember an appendix reports how you did things, not
just a core dump of tables
Get Equipment Pictures
• Have pictures of your underground and surface
production equipment and ancillary machines
– You can probably get pictures from vendors brochures and
the internet but
– You need to add dimension information to the pictures
• Prepare appendices showing how you determined the
number of each type of equipment that you would
– Remember you must explain how you calculated
quantities, show example calculations, at least tables of
calculations, and reports of results that you utilized in your
main mine plan
More Appendices
• Prepare an appendix showing how you
calculated your manning needs and how you
got your salaries and fringe benefits
– This appendix will likely support a summary
manning table and cost in the main report
Report on How You Will Organize Your
Final Report
• Explain the heading, subheading system you will
use in your main text
• Explain how you will label figures and tables in
your report and coordinate that labeling with
your text heading structure
• Explain how you will name your appendices and
how we will know which appendix goes with
which section of the report
• Show the outline you anticipate using on your
final report
Do Your Economics
• For your K2 zone
– Assume one 4 caret high quality red diamond for every 600
tons of rock
– Assume you will find one large high quality 10 to 15 caret
red diamond every year
• Compile a capital cost schedule showing capital
investments each year
– The table should also show what the capital cost is for
• You will probably take your table of capital cost items that runs top
to bottom and then run it left to right showing time period for
each investment
• Be sure to add things you missed such as footings, fuel storage,
and other items you find missing.
More Economics
• Prepare a similar table for operating expenses
by year
– You use a lot of contracted services so be sure to
include them
• Now prepare a table of revenue coming in
– Include money paid out in royalties
– Assume your private land owners that have not
already agreed to sell you their land will want 25%
more royalty than the state
• The Autistic artisans will not sell out for any price
Combine Your Tables
• Produce a Cash Flow from the 3 tables
• Calculate the NPV, PVR, and IRR
– These will not necessarily be the final numbers
since it is anticipated you may have several things
not finished in your tables.
And One More Thing
• This is the week to turn in your revised
midterm report
One More Thing to Build
• Prepare a One-Line Diagram for the electrical
energy needs of your mining operation
• For energy needs met with fuel show the
location and size of the fuel reserves
Complete Tasks That Were Not Done
the Last few Weeks
• Prepare a year by year Royalty and out of
seam dilution schedule
• Run your ventilation simulations and size your
– This will involve 3 points in time as outlined last
• Present your final Belt Analyst and Slysel work
Mass Balance Your Prep Plant
• Trace a mass balance through your coal
preparation plant
– Determine the year by year tonnage of coarse and
fine coal refuge
• (make sure water is accounted for in your mass
– Draw out your waste facilities
• Make sure their volume and capacity match the mass
balance need
Planning Ahead on Prep
• When you go from #6 coal to Met coal you
have a step up in production rate
– Show how you will handle that with your coal
preparation plant
• If you end up needing a new prep plant then use the
old one to start #7 coal mining
• With your waste placement design show by
design that you can mine the #7 coal without
creating problems from your waste placement
Show Drawing Details
• Provide a section view with dimensions down
your slope
• Provide a plan view across all shafts that you
– The drawing should show shaft size, liner
thickness, all compartments, etc.
– Provide a drawing of any supply of man cages you
may have
Report on How You Will Organize Your
Final Report
• Explain the heading, subheading system you will
use in your main text
• Explain how you will label figures and tables in
your report and coordinate that labeling with
your text heading structure
• Explain how you will name your appendices and
how we will know which appendix goes with
which section of the report
• Show the outline you anticipate using on your
final report
Do Your Economics
• Compile a capital cost schedule showing
capital investments each year
– The table should also show what the capital cost is
• You will probably take your table of capital cost items
that runs top to bottom and then run it left to right
showing time period for each investment
• Be sure to add things you missed
More Economics
• Prepare a similar table for operating expenses
by year
– Be sure to account for any contracted services
• Now prepare a table of revenue coming in
– Include money paid out in royalties
Combine Your Tables
• Produce a Cash Flow from the 3 tables
• Calculate the NPV, PVR, and IRR
– These will not necessarily be the final numbers
since it is anticipated you may have several things
not finished in your tables.
Your Big Task – Sequence Your Pit
• Develop Stage Pits for Every 5 years of your 50
year mine life
– Easy way to do is with the price fake method – low
prices get progressively smaller richer pits
• Problem is these make thin shells of 50 feet and then
jump 30 years at a time
• Can’t execute such a mine plan
• I can use it to map my best ore.
– Multipit allows you to control step size
After You Sequence Your Pit
• Put in Your Benches and Roads
• Do not have a completely new road network
every year.
• Run MSVALP to optimize your schedule and
cut-off grades
• Run Your Economic Analysis.
Report on How You Will Organize Your
Final Report
• Explain the heading, subheading system you will
use in your main text
• Explain how you will label figures and tables in
your report and coordinate that labeling with
your text heading structure
• Explain how you will name your appendices and
how we will know which appendix goes with
which section of the report
• Show the outline you anticipate using on your
final report