Prep Area News Term 3 - Rosanna Primary School

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school and to what is going to be an action packed Term 3! It is hard to believe
that half the year is over. What an astonishing amount the children have learnt! They amaze us
more and more every day! This term is shaping up to be very exciting with some fabulous events
planned! Please refer to the school’s activity planner for costs. Relevant permission and detailed
information notes will be sent home closer to these events. See below for a brief outline of the
planned activities.
World of Maths
The children thoroughly enjoyed ‘The World Of Maths Roadshow’. This was an ideal opportunity
for students to see how maths is applied to some real life situations. Students engaged in handson activities that catered for all ability levels and enabled them to use their problem solving
Footsteps Dance Program
The Footsteps Dance Program began in week one and the children had a great time ‘moving and
grooving’ and learning a variety of dance steps choreographed to music by our Footsteps
instructor. This program takes place each Tuesday during term 3 and culminates in a disco in
week 8. The children are extremely excited about this event.
100 Days Of School
During week 2 we will be celebrating the children’s ‘100 Days Of School’! This is a significant
event with many exciting activities planned. The children will be collecting 100 objects,
decorating a T-shirt and creating something very special with their big buddy! We will end our
celebration on Friday 24th July with a free dress day and a party. Please refer to the notes
distributed for more details.
Author Visit
Ken Williams (Author of Annabel’s Chewy-Gooey Birthday Cake) will visit our school on
Wednesday the 22nd of July (week 2, term 3). This incursion supports our focus on narratives
this term and is part of our ‘Book Of the Year’ celebration.
Inquiry Unit
This term our Inquiry Unit is ‘Look What I See, Under The Sea!’ The children will be
investigating animals that live under the sea, how they survive, how sea life is important to us and
what we can do to look after the sea. During week 6 we will be having a visit from ‘Seaweed Sally’
who will provide the children with hands on experiences with sea life. The children will be
encouraged to ask questions, explore ideas and develop conclusions.
In English this term, the children will continue to learn how to read and comprehend texts using
appropriate reading strategies. We will be reading, writing and listening to a variety of
narratives, developing the ability to retell events in sequence and summarise stories. This will
assist the children to learn about characters, settings and how narratives are structured. They
will then create their own picture story book for the ‘Book of the Year’ competition.
To support our inquiry unit, ‘Under The Sea’, the children will also be reading factual books and
using ICT to find out more about sea creatures. They will begin to learn about the features of
non-fiction texts and how to find information within these texts. The children will be encouraged
to discuss what they have learnt and develop their ability to ask questions.
In Mathematics we will continue to explore and consolidate our knowledge of numbers 0 to 10.
We will also begin to discuss strategies that form the basis of addition and subtraction eg
counting on, counting back and doubling. Measurement maths will focus on volume and capacity,
2D and 3D shapes and building the children’s concept of time. Please take any opportunity,
cooking, shopping, making things etc., to reinforce maths ideas.
Values and You Can Do It Program
During term 3, we will be focusing on the value of “Respect”. We will discuss how to treat each
other with respect and how to demonstrate respect for our school and local environment. In the
“You Can Do It” program, we will also be focusing on “Organisation”, developing the students’
organisational skills and encouraging them to be more independent.
The music program aims to instil a love of music in all children, and encourages them to build
their confidence in singing, dancing and performing. In term three, students will continue to learn
through songs, dances and games from around the world. They will move, listen and play music,
exploring the elements of pitch, beat/rhythm, tempo and melody. Students will practise a
repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes and will add to their knowledge of percussion instruments
by learning to play the handbells, as well as revising other known percussion instruments.
Jendi Bright
Physical Education
This term the children will be involved in activities which further extend their skills in throwing,
catching, hitting, and kicking. We will be using a variety of equipment designed to improve hand
eye coordination. An introduction to netball and basketball will also be a focus this term.
Later in the term the children will be participating in an athletics unit. They will be introduced to
a variety of track and field events. Please remind children to wear appropriate footwear on their
sports day. I will be on leave for the first three weeks of term 3 and Mr Roberston will be
replacing me during this period.
Kelli Lambert
Sports co-ordinator
Visual Arts
Responding to music through Visual Arts will be the students’ first encounters in the Visual Art
room this term. They will then be designing and making a cover for their own Book of the Year.
Students will also be recreating their interpretations of events using varied mediums and tools.
Happy creating!
Mrs Martinussen
Our main focus for term 3 will be the big book, “La Signora Wishy Washy”. I have translated
the much loved story “Mrs. Wishy Washy”, by Joy Crowley now entitled “La Signora Wishy
Washy” to serve as a springboard into labelling and identifying a small selection of farm animals
and any other associated vocabulary. Children will extend their awareness of word patterns in
Italian. Noticing that although at times they may be similar to English, other times they are
completely different. Some of the proposed tasks for this term include:
Reading along to the repetitive nature of the set text
Games and oral exchange activities
Matching games and exercises
Copying and matching written words
Singing and chants e.g.: Old MacDonald (Nella Vecchia Fattoria and others)
Grazie (Thanks)
Nadia Tarquinio
Specialist Timetable
Here is the specialist timetable for term 3, please note the changes in the timetable. Please
help your children prepare for these sessions by ensuring they have the appropriate equipment.
Prep W
Prep P
Phys Ed
World Of Maths Incursion
14th July
Big Buddy activity-100 days of school
21st July
Author Visit-Ken Williams
22nd July
100 Days Of School Celebration
24th July
Under the sea dress up day and fish and chip lunch.
14th August
Seaweed Sally Incursion
17th August
Fire Education Incursion
31st August
Footsteps Disco
4th Sept
Fire Education Incursion
7th Sept
End of Term 3, 2:30pm dismissal
Many thanks to all the parents who have helped us over the past two terms. The children love
it when you come to help in the classroom, listen to them read and assist them with their
wizard words.
Thankyou for your fantastic support,
Lynda Whitechurch, Kylie Smith & Peta Philp
Prep Teachers