ROOM 2 HOMEWORK SHEET 20 min reading 10 min spelling activities 5-10 min maths tables Monday TERM 3 WEEK 2 July 28th – July 31st This homework sheet is handed out on Monday and is to be completed over the week, it will be marked in class on Friday. Parent’s signature …………………………………………………………….. Tuesday Teacher signature …………………………………………………………… Wednesday Thursday SUBJECT READING MATHS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Read every night for 20 minutes….Library Book, Newspaper, Journal, Kindle, etc Attempt to Complete a 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 Multiplication Grid each night. Record your time alongside the grid. Your challenge is to try to improve the time it takes to do it with accuracy. Dragon Maths homework will be directed by your Maths rotation teacher………pgs………………. MONDAY and See reverse of this sheet for “Changing the adjective” worksheet TUESDAY Make - up compound words using the following words. WEDNESDAY land, lord, snow, your, water space, birth, pan, war, sand, lady, ear, lady, ship, man, day, self, proof, path, castle, ache, bird, THURSDAY Please write as many words as you can using the following prefixes: pre……..fore…… remember pre/fore means before and post means after