Valence Primary School Curriculum Forecast Year Group 4 Term Spring Term 1 Literacy Numeracy This term children will be studying a wide variety of texts from fiction, narrative and traditional folk tales. We will be making links between stories and our own experiences from oral storytelling and ballads. We will be looking at, and writing stories from, Europe. Maths – This term children will continue to study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will visit the written methods of addition and subtraction, relating decimals to measure, multiplication and division by 10 and 100 including use of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. We will continue maths investigations, doubling and halving, problem solving and working with shapes and weights. We will be listening to and watching animations and predicting character traits and outcomes. We will be comparing European countries from many years ago to now when we read Charles Dickens ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. We will be writing letters, diary entries and predictions. Please continue to encourage your child to practise number work, especially mental maths when working on their homework. Times tables up to 12 x 12 need to be practised regularly to ensure rapid response for multiplication and division facts. Please ensure that your children continue to read the books from Bug Club, as well as their banded reading books. Please support your child with their reading, ensuring that your child’s Reading Record is completed each time they read. Bug Club log-ins are the same as the My Maths log-ins for each child. Creative Curriculum: Our Theme for this half-term will be “ a Study of Europe” and will include: Geography – Children will be studying Europe and European Union, identifying the key physical and human features of Europe. We will also be comparing the UK and another European region. Children will be designing postcards representing European countries, using a range of media. Children will also be looking at the importance of religious texts from Christianity, Judaism and Islam Children are invited to carry out research into Europe and produce a Project. Important Dates and Reminders: Homework: Maths: to be handed in each Friday, Literacy: to be handed in each Monday. P.E: Jade: Monday & Friday Amethyst: Monday & Friday Turquoise: Monday & Wednesday (PE kit is essential). Reminder – if your child is not able to join in with PE lessons for any reason, a letter written by a parent/carer is necessary to explain the reason why. Number day Friday 8th January. Parents Evening Wednesday 10th February & Thursday 11th February INSET Day Friday 12th February.