Medical Science Name: Blood Internet Activity Date: Hr: Access the

Medical Science
Blood Internet Activity
Access the link getbodysmart. Click on the Blood and Blood cells and then access Overview of Blood and
answer the following questions. Make sure to click the blue words which will add animations to the
Go to General Composition of the Blood.
1. If the blood was centrifuged what three components would separate itself into? What
percentage of blood do these components make up?
2. How many types of white blood cells are there?
3. What three components do plasma consist of?
Return to the Overview and then access Formed Elements.
4. What is a formed element?
a. Are red blood cells considered formed elements?
b. Are white blood cells considered formed elements?
c. Are platelets considered formed elements?
d. Is plasma a formed element?
5. What specific structure do RBC’s lack?
6. What is the main purpose of RBC’s?
7. How are white blood cells identified under a microscope?
8. List the five types of white blood cells and draw a DETAILED depiction of them in the
appropriate box.
9. How are the above white blood cells categorized?
10. What is a thrombocyte? What do they aid in doing for the human body?
Go back to the main page and select Red Blood Cells
11. Draw a cross section of a red blood cell in the box provided.
12. What does the hemoglobin do in the body?
a. On average how many hemoglobin molecules does each red blood cell have?
b. How many molecules of O2 can each hemoglobin bond with?
Go back to the Red Blood Cells page and select Hematocrit Test.
13. What is a hematocrit test?
a. Briefly describe the process if this test.
14. What is it called when you have a low RBC count?
Access the Wisconsin On line site. Click on the Red Blood Cells.
15. What type of cell do all the cells in the blood originate from?
16. What can cause a variation in red blood cell count?
17. How long do red blood cells last? What happens to old red blood cells?
18. What two vitamins are integral in RBC production?
Return to the original Wisconsin Online link and scroll down and click on White Blood Cells.
19. All white blood cells are called…
20. How long do granulocytes survive? Where are they developed?
21. How do neutrophils help our body?
a. Eosinophils?
b. Basophils?
22. What do Monocytes protect against?
23. Describe the function of the three types of Lymphocytes.
24. What is the difference between leukocytosis and leucopenia?
Return to the original Wisconsin Online link. Click on Learning Objectives, then Health, then Clinical Lab
Technician. Select Hematologic Cells and their functions. Go through the tutorial to identify WBC.
Return to the original Wisconsin Online link. Click on Learning Objectives, then Health, then Medical
Assistant. Select Blood Collection Tubes to learn about the color codes.