Blood Worksheet: Functions, Components, and Cells

Name: __________________
Date: __________________
Hour: ______
Blood Worksheet
1) What are the 4 main functions blood does for our body?
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
2) What are the 4 components of blood?
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
3) Fill in the blank with the appropriate component
Look like red discs, have a pale center, no nucleus, similar in size _____________
Small granular fragments, no nucleus, vary in size_________________________
Large in size, well formed nucleus______________________________________
Straw-colored fluid__________________________________________________
4) Where are red blood cells (RBC’s) made? ________________________________
5) Hemoglobin gives RBC’s the ability to ___________________________________
6) The key raw material for RBC’s is_______________________________________
7) What organ removes dead RBC’s? ______________________________________
8) What is the RBC’s job in transportation? _________________________________
9) There is __________ white blood cell to every ____________ RBC.
10) What does a white blood cell do? ______________________________________
11) True or False? White blood cells only travel in the blood stream and never travel
in to the body
12) Match the white blood cell with its function (draw lines connecting the word and
Produce humoral defenses
Fight bacteria and eat them
Eat dead cells and other debris
Produce antibodies
13) Platelets are removed in the __________ and __________.
14) What do platelets do and how do they do it? ______________________________
15) Plasma is composed of _____________, _____________ and _____________
16) True or False? Missing certain proteins does not affect the bloods clotting ability
17) True or False? All 4 parts of the blood work together at the same time