WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name Andrew Tomaselli Date Feb 24--march 11 Length of Lesson 15 daysContent Area Biology STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC:Mendel & Patterns of Heredity BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) • • UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): • ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: • inherited? Students will understand: • Describe how the process of DNA replication results in the transmission and /or conservation of genetic information. • Explain the functional relationships between DNA, genes, alleles, and chromosomes and their roles in inheritance. • Describe and/or predict observed patterns of inheritance (i.e., dominant, recessive, co-dominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linked, polygenic , and multiple alleles. • Desc ribe processes that can alter composition or number of chromosomes (i.e., crossing-over, nondisjunction, duplication, translocation, deletion, insertion, and inversion). VOCABULARY: Alleles Homozygous Dominant Recessive Co-dominance Incomplete dominance square Sex-linked traits Polygenic Multiple alleles Nondisjunction Deletion Insertion Explain how genetic information is inherited. Compare Mendelian and non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance. Heterozygous Genotype Phenotype Punnett Inversion How is genetic information • What are the differences between Mendalian and nonMendelian patterns of inheritance? STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: • Summarize Mendel’s garden pea experiments and explain why peas are a good test subject. • Describe the hypotheses developed by Mendel • Use a Punnett square to predict the outcome of a monohybrid cross. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK:• Punnett squares problems • Genetics with a Smile Lab Genetics karyotype and Dragon Lab FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: #1. Exit Tickets #2. Pre-Assessment #3. Open Ended Questions Others: STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Active Engagements used: #1. Note-Taking #2. Whole Class Response Others: • • • • • • Describe usage: Scaffolding used: #1. Chunking #2 . Guided Notes Projector Power Point Lap top DVD Worksheets Lab Equipment CONTENT AREA READING: INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: • A+ • Test Corrections • Extended time for homework and tests • Alternative assignments • Tutoring • College Access • • • • • • Tests Quizzes Labs Notebook Check Poster Worksheets Others: Describe usage: Other techniques used: MINI LESSON: • Review DNA, genes, and chromosomes Students will do outside reading assignments on genetics