Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences Mr. Scott Hughes Mr. Michael Weinstein A.P Humanities Department AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Welcome! In this course, our goal is to work together to create an exciting, cooperative, and positive learning environment. You will have the opportunity to learn through group activities, field trips, class discussion, projects, assignments, selected primary source readings, and assigned readings from books, National Geographic, Newsweek, NY Times, and other sources. Midterm and Final Exams will count as 20% of your grade. The Midterm and Final Exams will consist of AP Human Geography multiple choices, and three free response. Exam questions will come from class notes, readings, discussions, handouts, vocabulary and homework. Exams include interpretation of maps, political cartoons, and works of art, quotes, graphs and other documents. In order to do well on exams it is essential to attend class regularly because a large amount of material is covered in each class. If you are absent on the day of the midterm or final you will be unable to make it up, unless prior arrangements have been made with me, or you have a valid note on the day you return to class. EXAMS All tests, quizzes, projects, assignments, midterm and final exam dates will be announced, written on the blackboard and web site. Quizzes will count as 25% of your grade. Quizzes will consist of AP Exam practice, free response or vocabulary. Homework represents 25% of your grade. Homework will be assigned each Monday. The purpose of homework is to review what you have learned and prepare you to pass exams, quizzes and participate in class Homework assigned during the week is accepted the latest ONLY on the following Monday. Example HW assigned week of September 14 is due by Monday September 21. Please note the lessons assigned during the week, and obtain the assigned readings from the LMGHS website. If you do not remit homework by the latest due date ( the following Monday) you receive a grade of 0 for homework for that week, unless you were absent and have a valid note. Keep in mind that doing homework means writing a well thought out and organized answers in your own words. ONE WORD OR ONE SENTENCE IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE ANSWER FOR HOMEWORK. You can also find the homework for this course posted on the school website at: WWW.LMGHS.ORG. Make certain you get into the habit of completing homework and please place your homework in the box in the front of the classroom before class begins. See Homework Rubric on line. *** A hard copy of homework is to be remitted, yet if you have an illness of family emergency you may email me the homework. Emailed homework will be accepted as an exception. Classwork and Participation comprises 10% of your grade. It is based on the quality of your class participation and the completion of class assignments in class. Your ability to pay attention to myself and your classmates will also factor into your classwork grade. Promptness to class allows you to participate and prevents others from being interrupted. Therefore, lateness and excessive absences will lead to a reduction in your class work grade. Any unexcused absence will be considered a cut and will significantly lower your grade in this course. You are expected to always come to class with your notebook and a pen. LEARNING IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! Projects represent 20% of your grade. They will consist of written reports, Socratic Seminars research papers, in class presentation, video projects and/ or group work. They will be assigned regularly throughout the year and are useful in making learning more interesting. For larger assignments you will be given advanced notice and ample time to complete the project, there are no excuses for a late project. See me for assistance or email me at Cadrion@schools.nyc.gov Class Notes Keep well organized neat and accurate notebooks. Keep a folder of your readings, class notes graphic organizers and any worksheets. Daily class handouts must be inserted into your notebook in chronological order. Also, this course guideline sheet is to be signed by you and a parent /guardian and should remain in your notebook for reference. 1) Vocabulary Book: Marble notebook for chapter vocabulary and give detailed examples. 2) Current events Marble notebook: Place article in book, write your synopsis of the article, analyze and or evaluate. See website for rubric. Students Behavior A) Raise your hand to answer a question Please do not speak out. B) Bring your books and materials to class C) Be at your seat and working when class begins. D) Be respectful, listen to each other, work cooperatively and speak in turn E) Homework and weekly work is listed on the website, and classroom blackboard) There are NO make up exams without a valid note. If you are breathing and have a pulse I expect you to be in attendance. See me of you are not able to take an exam, midterm, final or any test on a scheduled day. We can make arrangements for you to take the exam. Teachers Responsibility Homework sheets, syllabus and class requirements will be set forth by the teacher. Tests, class projects and all assignments will be announced and students will be notified of scheduled dates. See black board, website and see me for clarification EMAIL ME with any questions or concerns. Progress reports from me will be sent home 1-2x per semester informing parents of upcoming assignments, open school evening and your progress. Emails will be sent via Jupiter Grades reminding you and your parents or guardians of upcoming assignments and to review your grades. Working together equals success!!! Remember Your attendance is necessary if you are both to benefit from and contribute to the day’s activities. It is your responsibility to get hand outs, notes and readings if you are absent. I advise you to get the phone number or email address of someone in class to learn of any necessary information or assignment. Being absent is not an excuse to come to class unprepared the day you return. Your active participation is important in creating an exciting, interesting, and productive class. Class participation will improve your grade and will make for an enjoyable learning experience. Bathroom Privileges if you need to use the bathroom, please use the pass in front of the classroom and return. Only one student may be out of class at a time. No student is permitted to leave the room without a pass or during the first or last 15 minutes of each band. If a student develops a daily routine of getting lost in the bathroom this student will lose his/her privileges There are two terms, Fall and Spring. Each term’s grade is cumulative and independent of the other. The semester is based upon the following: Midterm and Final Quizzes/Free response Essays, vocabulary Homework Projects Participation/Classwork Total 20% 25% 25% 20% 10% 100% Please feel free to come to me with your questions, suggestions and comments, I can be found in Room 222. If you are unable to meet with me during school hours feel free to email me at Cadrion@schoools.nyc.gov . Please note, I will get back to you during prep periods M- F The textbook for this course The Cultural Landscape An Introduction to Human Geography Tenth Edition PLEASE DETACH HERE AND RETURN TO ME NO LATER THAN MONDAY SEPTEMEBER 21, 2015 I have read and understand the guidelines for this course. Date______________________________________ Print Students Name Students Signature Parent’s Signature _________________ __________________ ___________________________ FEEL FREE TO SEE ME FOR HELP I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU NEED UNLESS YOU TELL ME Good luck in the 2015-2016 School Year Complete Homework & All Assignments on Time, Pass Exams Be in Class Equals Success