HGST San Jose Facilities Engineering HGST Painting Specifications Standard Specification PAINTING GENERAL The following process identifies the painting requirements for both Engineering and Maintenance. Paint records will be stored and saved as a tool for all on site projects. Engineering utilizes the FCWR process to construct building projects at the site that may require painting of gypsum board walls, metal frames, all doors, miscellaneous metal, plaster walls, ceiling, etc. Maintenance and Operations utilizes the work order process for paint projects throughout the site. GUIDELINE All paint projects on HGST buildings or site will administer the following painting and record keeping guidelines. Identify the numbers of different paints that will be used on the project Two chip boards per paint will be used to define color and paint specification Each paint chip board will be used as follows: A. Front of chipboard will specify paint number and a paint sample will be painted to the front of the chipboard B. Back of the chipboard will have the Kelly-Moore paint specifications C. FCWR Engineering building paint project complete, chipboard will be submitted to Document Control to store under the building “HGST Site Painting Specifications” Book A – Engineering. A copy of the chipboard will be given to maintenance. D. M&O work order building paint project complete, chipboard will be stored under the building “HGST Site Painting Specifications” Book B – Maintenance & Operations. A copy of the chipboard will be given to engineering. HGST Painting 1 July 22, 2013