DIPLOMA PAPER TAX SYSTEM RESEARCH AND ITS IMPACT ON THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE WRITTEN BY: V YEAR STUDENT, EP-13-VM GROUP ANDROSOV VALERII SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR: DOCTOR OF ECONOMICS, FULL PROFESSOR O.M. ZBOROVSKAYA CONTENT INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 BASIS OF TAXATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISE 1.1 Evolution of scientific approaches to taxation of business entities 1.2 Systematics tax systems 1.3 Legislature taxation of economic activity Ukraine 1.4 The theory of social choice and its impact on the socio-economic environment of Ukraine and the world CHAPTER 2 ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES ANALYSIS OF PJSC "VIT" 2.1. Basic information about the company 2.2. Financial Analysis of PJSC "VIT" 2.3. Calculation of financial ratios SECTION 3 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Analysis of tax and methods of improving the efficiency of the company in cooperation with the tax system 3.2. Construction econometric model of communication between GDP and total tax burden 3.3 Modern technology of public goods. The theory of social choice as a mechanism for adjusting fiscal policy CONCLUSIONS LIST OF REFERENCES APPLICATIONS The purpose and objectives of the investigation: comprehensive assessment of the tax system of the country, and determine the main directions of its improvement. To achieve this goal in the research paper were solved the following problems: - To highlight the theoretical aspects of assessing the effectiveness of fiscal policy and identify ways to improve it; - Making an assessment and analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise in the context of the ability to pay taxes; - Investigate the problematic aspects of financial activity of the company; - Identify areas to the tax system improvement. The subject of the study: financial and economic relations arising between enterprises and the state. The object of the study: indicators of the PJSC "VIT". THE WORLD TAX BURDEN RATING 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Net income (revenue) from sales of rate, % 01.01.2013 01.01.2014 01.01.2015 Growth Indication (+/-) Actual value Deviation THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF PJSC “VIT” 45620 40425 49510 9085 22,47% Net income (loss) 362 130 -1430 -1560 -1200% Average number of employees 525 457 344 -113 -24,73% Payroll 26955 21131 15873 -5258 -24,88% Equity capital 57335 57463 57051 -412 -0,72% Non-current assets 46554 44425 41753 -2672 -6,01% Long-term liabilities 3348 2795 965 -1830 -65,47% Short-term loans and borrowings 14823 21299 31414 10115 47,49% Accounts receivable 2478 1611 2484 873 54,19% Stores 24406 35029 20097 -14932 -42,63% Own current assets 10851 13060 15069 2009 15,38% Productivity 55,34 49,23 49,17 -0,06 -0,12% products WORKING CAPITAL Actual value Deviation (+/-) Elements of working capital 2012 2013 2014 Absolute Relative Stores 3695 4286 4754 468 10,92% Accounts receivable 2478 1611 2484 873 54,19% Stuff and stuff equivalents 1897 377 24726 24349 6458,62% Other current assets 1190 171 115 -56 -32,75% WORKING CAPITAL STRUCTURE Actual value Deviation(+/-) Elements of working capital 2012 2013 2014 Stores 39,90% 66,50% 14,82% -51,68% Accounts receivable 26,76% 25,00% 7,74% -17,25% Stuff and stuff equivalents 20,49% 5,85% 77,08% 71,23% Other current assets 12,85% 2,65% 0,36% -2,29% THE MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS OF PJSC “VIT” Indicators Designations Calculation formulas Norms 2012 Values 2013 2014 1. Liquidity indicators 1.1 The overall liquidity ratio (coverage) 1.2 Quick ratio 1.3 Absolute liquidity ratio 2.1.1 Coefficient of autonomy (independence) 2.1.2 The ratio of debt and equity 2.1.3 Ratio of total investments 2.2.1 Coefficient of inventory 2.2.2 The maneuverability of working capital coefficient 2.3.1 Fixed asset index 2.3.2 The coefficient of the real value of the property 2.3.3 Ratio of amortization of accumulation KZL KZL= LA / TO >2,0 1,953180868 1,743368 1,51769912 KSL= (LA-TMZ) / TO >1,0 KAL =DS / TO >0,2 2. Financial stability indicators 2.1 The ratio of debt to equity indicators 0,306685556 0,127841867 0,098737 0,017653 0,87795251 0,78706946 >0,5 0,759343628 0,704575 0,63794029 KBP KPB = (DP+TO )/BK <0,5 KP KP = (BK+ DP) / VB >0,7 2.2 Indicators of the working capital state KZM KZM= (LA-TO) / TMZ >0,6 0,316926834 0,803684475 0,419296 0,738845 0,56754483 0,64873085 0,578915021 0,451997 0,80922526 KM 0,246428883 0,275534 0,28506074 0,811964768 0,773106 0,73185396 KSL KAL KAB KAB = BK / VB KM = (LA-TO) / BK >0,5 2.3 Indicators of the fixed assets state IA IA = OS / BK KRM KRM= ZB / VB >0,5 0,653458003 0,594615 0,51791345 GA GA=(NI + NAI) / (POS+PNA) <0,25 0,49919478 -0,54696 -0,5757275 PAYMENT OF TAXES AND OBLIGATORY PAYMENTS PJSC "VIT" FOR THE 2012-2014 Type of tax Amount for the period Budget 2012 2013 2014 Income tax 400 776 720 State Income tax non-residents 116 118 157 State Tax on added value 106 1912 890 State Taxes on personal income (income tax) 4102 3020 2879 Local Environmental tax 8 10 3 State Water tax - - - State 787 778 783 State The tax for the use of radio frequencies - - - State The fee for use of water resources 4 25 11 State Duty and VAT on imports 1085 997 24 State Collection of the State Pension Fund 11453 9130 7315 State Military collection - - 93 State Transport tax - - - State Communal tax - - - State Other taxes and utility payments - - - State Total in state budget 13959 13746 9996 Total in local budget 4102 3020 2879 18 061 16 766 12 875 The land tax (rent for land, which is located in the municipal and state ownership) Total Total tax burden DEPENDENCE OF THE TAX BURDEN ON GDP IN THE WORLD. GDP ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR PUBLIC GOODS DEVELOPMENT 1) “Free riders" removal (The introduction of subscription fee for connection to the cable television and computer networks, sale of tickets for the event.) 2) Interdependent financing (Funding of public radio and television can be carried out by the inclusion of a margin in the price of radio and television receivers. Payment for advertising can be used to fund public radio and television.) 3) Subsidization. (Activities of private finance organizations and individuals programs for environmental protection and animal welfare). THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!