Indicators of Difficulty with College Adjustment No matter how near or far adolescents go to college, parents generally stay connected and want to ensure their children's well-being and safety. It is important that parents stay in touch with their college students and be aware of signs of difficulty adjusting to college life and of potential stressors related to this very important transition. Possible indicators of distress and difficulties with college are listed below: 1. An expressed need for help 2. Prolonged sadness or depressed mood 3. Tearfulness, crying, and frequent emotional outbursts 4. Excessive irritability, hostility, anger, or resentment 5. Loss of interest and pleasure in activities once enjoyed 6. Withdrawal from social interactions 7. Statements of loneliness 8. Difficulty developing a social network on campus 9. Loss of energy and fatigue 10.Agitation and restlessness 11.Changes in sleep patterns 12.Trouble concentrating or making decisions 13.Missing class often 14.Falling behind in schoolwork or failing classes 15.Substantial changes in appetite, eating patterns, or weight 16.Feeling of guilt, hopelessness, or worthlessness 17.Risk taking behaviors, such as unprotected sex 18.Excessive use of alcohol or drugs 19.Hopelessness 20.Thoughts or statements of death or suicide Speak to your child if you see any significant changes in emotions, behaviors, or social activities. If you notice a number of the risk indicators in your college student, you and your child are encouraged to seek professional help. You can also encourage your college student to speak to counselors at the university counseling center. Excerpt From: Making the Transition to College: A Guide for Parents