The Value of Qualitative and Quantitative Indicators - CHANGE & DIFFERENCE - certain TYPES have certain INFORMATION VALUE - qualitative <-> quantitative - manifested <-> latent - all indicators are CONSTRUCTED INSTRUMENTS that we need to interpret according to the values that are attached to them Troubles with indicators - OBJECTIVITY - RELIABILITY - VALIDITY - VERIFICATION - level of SIGNIFICANCE Indicators of used in GEM pilot application - Access Indicators (# of computers, telephones, internet, acces to information, know how, effects of status, class, race, gender etc., power and control, usefulness of information) - Networking Indicators (strengthening of networks, improved level of interaction, new networks, etc.) - Advocacy Indicators (policy change at different levels – government, institutions, etc.; catalyzation of action, generating public interest) - Capacity Building Indicators (5 training projects tested, from how many to what change it brought, how training improved lives of women trained) - Organizational Indicators (power structures, access to information, management, etc.) - Democratic Communication (new communication spaces, online discussions, volume and quality of information relevant for women, gender roles in these spaces, impact on decisions)