Exhibit D Goals, Objectives AND indicators 2013

Instructions: Providers are required to adopt the state mandated goals and objectives. Each
provider must create one or more intervention specific performance indicators for each of the
mandated goals and objectives. Performance indicators are quantifiable performance
measurements used to define success factors and measure progress toward the achievement of
your intervention’s goal and are directly correlated to the implementation activities created in the
project activity plan. Applicant responses to this section must be submitted in the Goals,
Objectives & Indicator section.
Goal 1: To provide high-quality school and community based psychosocial intervention(s)
that will enable students to improve resiliency skills.
Objective 1a: 85% of participants will indicate an ability to identify both formal
and informal supports as needed during a time of need
Activity 1a:
Objective 1b: The provider will establish and maintain partnerships and collaborative
relationships within the school community to enhance students’ access to
the intervention.
Activity 1b:
Objective 1c: 80% of students regularly participating in the intervention will
demonstrate maintained or improved attendance and decreased
disciplinary actions or other adverse behaviors.
Activity 1c:
Goal 2: Students, parents and school community will be healthy, and empowered as it
pertains to suicide prevention.
Objective 2a: 100% of intervention participants will be provided with 2nd Floor helpline
and NJ Hopeline as a resource for support.
Activity 2a:
Objective 2b: 85% of intervention participants will increase their knowledge of the
warning signs for suicide and of how to connect individuals in crisis with
assistance and care.
Activity 2b:
Objective 2c: 80% of the schools that participate will gain knowledge of and implement
suicide prevention communication designed to reach defined segments of
the school community that maybe at risk.
Activity 2c:
Goal 3: The school community will be trauma informed, educated and responsive
Objective 3a: 85% of school personnel that participate in the intervention will indicate an
understanding of the concept of trauma-informed care.
Activity 3a:
Objective 3b: 75% of schools that participate in the intervention will agree to host a
minimum of 2 events/activities to promote student, parental and overall
community engagement in Superstorm Sandy recovery efforts. .
Activity 3b:
Objective 3c: 70% of schools that participate in the intervention will agree about the
importance of creating a healing environment and examine and as needed
revise policies, procedures and practices that may unintentionally cause
distress and may re-traumatize (cause harm) students and families during
the recovery.
Activity 3c: