HS Credit in MS (1) - Richland School District Two

August 20, 2014
Dear Parents:
Congratulations! Your child has been recommended for enrollment in one or more high school courses
while in middle school. This represents a high level of achievement, and you and your child are to be
Richland District Two offers students the opportunity to earn high school credits for Algebra, Geometry,
foreign language and keyboarding while still in middle school. As you consider your child’s schedule, we
want to make you aware of the regulations that govern such courses. These regulations follow the statewide
uniform grading policy, which was implemented in the 2000-2001 school year.
Retaking Courses
One crucial issue that you will need to consider is the fact that grades earned in high school credit courses
taken in middle school will count toward your child’s high school GPA and class rank, and will
become part of your child’s official high school transcript. Because of this, it is imperative that your child
be serious about his or her academic performance. Furthermore, to receive credit for a high school course,
students must meet all district and state attendance mandates. Make sure your child is punctual and
present for class.
Note that a student who has taken a course for a Carnegie unit prior to his/her ninth grade year may retake
that course regardless of the grade earned. In this case, only the retake grade will be used in figuring the
student’s GPR and only the retake attempt will show on the transcript. This rule will apply whether the retake
grade is higher or lower than the grade previously earned by the student.
Additionally, when middle school courses are taken for high school credits, all of the prescribed statewide
procedures for high school courses must be followed. This includes provisions for dropping a course.
Students can withdraw from a year-long course within the first ten days of the course without penalty.
However, students who withdraw after that time will be assigned a WF (Withdrew Failing), and the F will
be calculated in their overall GPA unless they repeat the course in 9 th grade. If your child wishes to repeat a
dropped course, or any other course, once he or she is in high school, the course should be repeated during
his or her freshman year. Only the 9th grade retake will be used in figuring the GPA and only the 9th grade
retake will appear on the transcript. In rare instances the middle school administration may initiate
actions that result in a student changing courses, in which case the WF will not apply.
Please be mindful that students in 7th grade seeking to complete a world language for a Carnegie unit in
8th grade must take the 7th grade world language course as a prerequisite for the 8th grade world language
high school credit course and must earn a final C average (77-84) in the 7th grade world language class.
Participation in high school credit classes does require much thought and consideration given the statewide
policies that govern credit-bearing courses. Please discuss these important issues with your student to
ensure that you are making the right choice for the present and future of your child’s educational program.
Please sign the statement below that you have read and understand the implications of the Uniform
Grading Policy as related to your child.
If you have any questions regarding the policies or your child’s placement, please call the Guidance Office at
your child’s school.
Nancy J. Gregory
Executive Director, Teaching & Learning
Uniform Grading Policy Memorandum
I understand the Uniform Grading Policy as it relates to my child taking Carnegie unit courses for high
school credits in middle school.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Signature