
A grade earned in this course should reflect a student’s mastery of the content as described by the learning targets for
the course. If a student is not successful on an assessment in the first attempt at demonstrating mastery of the learning
targets, he/she may enter into an academic contract with the teacher. This will occur at the teacher’s discretion.
Completing the necessary tasks of the contract will allow the student to become eligible to retake the assessment. A
student will not be granted a retake of the assessment without first meeting the obligations of the contract.
- The score recorded on the first attempt at mastery will be entirely replaced by the retake assessment score  STEP 1: Complete the third page of this form, tear it off, and give it to Mr. Wleklinski
 STEP 2: Error analysis (you will need a pass from me)
Visit the numeracy center and locate your test and a copy of the answer key
o Correct all problems on your actual assessment with a different colored pen
o Fill out the “error analysis” sheet (printed on the back of this form)
 STEP 3: Proof of completion of the current unit’s practice problems
Compile an organized packet of your assignments from the unit. All assignments should be graded
and corrected with a different color pen.
Include any review assignments/practice tests in this packet. Once again, these assignments must be
graded and corrected.
Print additional copies of worksheets from the calendar link on my website if needed
 STEP 4: Choose at least one additional step from the options below and reflect on the experience
 Watch instructional videos online at Khan Academy (, iTunes
University,, or other (list here) __________________________
 Complete online practice problems at Interact Math ( or another site (list
here) ________________________________
 Work with parents or family members to learn the material
 Work with a tutor outside of school to learn the material
 Write an essay or dialogue to teach someone else how to do the errant problems on the assessment
 Meet with teacher outside of class to ask questions and demonstrate proficiency
 Other (list here) __________________________________________________________________
 STEP 5: Visit room S212 to retake your exam (you don’t need a pass)
STEP 2: Error Analysis
Assessment Name: _________________________
Fill out this sheet for any problem where full credit was not earned (use additional paper if necessary)
Make all of your corrections on your actual test in a different colored pen
Take this sheet with you and turn it in with the other required evidence
Leave your actual test and my answer key in the numeracy center
Explain what you did wrong
Check all that apply
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
_______Need help from teacher
_______ Need to practice
_______ Understand it completely
STEP 4: You Choose!
 Give a brief description of the step you chose and how it helped you to prepare for your retake.
-- tear off and return this sheet to Mr. Wleklinski within one day of seeing your graded assessment --
Name: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Period: __________________________
I, __________________________________ , agree to complete the steps listed on Mr. Wleklinski’s assessment
(student name)
retake contract for the following assessment: ________________________________ . I will complete each
(assessment name)
step, turn in my evidence of completion, including my error analysis sheet with step 4 reflection and my
assignment packet, and retake the assessment on or before the following date: _________________________ .
(date of completion)
(student signature)