AP Course Guidelines

(the nuts and bolts of this course......)
60 % Tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~
A test after each chapter
20% Quizes and Homework assignment
20 % lab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You will do lab in groups but record individually. Your reports should
be typed neatly according to correct format to earn full credit. Your
grade will be in accordance with your output such accuracy, format
and compliance of instructions. So don’t expect to get the same
grade as your fellow group members.
You must pass the second semester AND an average of both
semesters to obtain credit for this class. In addition, remember that
this is an "A.P." class, and if possible, and wise, we're going to try for
that college credit. Don’t let your “senioritis” in the 2nd semester ruin
your average.
I get to school everyday by 7.00 am. You may drop in for help before
school (preferably make an appointment). Also make use of SSEP to
get any additional help. You can also meet me during lunch by
Your TESTS usually take 20 min. more than a period; so we use
lunchtime to complete the test. So remember, NOT to make any other
appointment during lunch on test days. Under no circumstances the
tests will be extended to the next day.
CVHS Retake Policy
In accordance with Senate Bill 2033 Carnegie Vanguard abides by
the following retake policy:
 Not to exceed 2 retakes per grading cycle
 Maximum retake score is 70.
 The highest grade between the original and the retake is
 The student, not the parent, must request for the retake in
writing only.
 Student must request the retake within 24 hours and
complete the retake within one week of grade posted
 Retakes are for only quizzes and/or tests only.
 Student must fill out a retake form.
 If there are multiple retakes in the same day, it is the
student’s responsibility to reschedule with the teacher in
 No shows counts as a taken retake
 Final Exams are not eligible for retake.
 Missing assignments fall under teacher’s late policy not
campus retake policy.
TEXT BOOK: Chemistry by Brown & Lemay. My lecture notes are
based on the book Chemistry by Zumdahl (8th edition) . This is the
book used by most of the colleges. I would recommend you to obtain
a used copy over the internet to get the taste of real college
A lecture notebook is MANDATORY. I don’t want to hear any
excuses for not maintaining a good set of notes. Not only it affects
your grade but also it’s highly unlikely for you to deal with the amount
of materials that you are going to consume, just from your head. In
your notes, write explanations that you hear as well as what you
see. Frequently, the level of explanation used in the lecture will
be what is expected on the test.
Bring in a graphing Calculator to class everyday. I will not provide
calculators even for the test and use of cell phone as calculator is
Graph paper
You must take the safety quiz and pass it and you also must sign
and return the safety contract before the stipulated time. Only those
who full fill the above two conditions will be allowed to do lab
“NOT TO BE SEEN AND NOT TO BE HEARD”. Turn off you cell
phone and leave it in your bag pack or handbag before you enter my
classroom, definitely not in your pockets. I am extremely strict about
this policy so please abide by it.
Prepare to spend at least 1.5 hours each day for chemistry.
(Reading and checking the current day notes, Reading the next day
materials, homework, assignment)
Use your textbook. It is an excellent, freshman college-level
textbook. Before any lecture, read the appropriate sections from the
Begin working text problems as soon as a unit has begun. For
success, you must be able to work problems quickly and correctly.
Let me re-emphasize the word QUICKLY. The AP test is written so
that few students can complete it. You will be competing against
10,000s of other AP Chem students in the nation, not against a
score as on the SAT tests.
I strongly believe that the only way to learn a concept is to do your
own work. Occasionally, we all need help. Let's define the
parameters concerning the "help" that is available on homework,
class work, and labs:
-from me at any time (I will even tell you if you are working a problem
-from each other IF you only talk "process" ("First I found the mass of
carbon, then I found....")
Let's define the “help” that is considered cheating:
- sharing of answers;
- using a previous student's work;
- crib notes on a test or quiz.
- Having any mobile device on you
Some colleges will kick you out of school if you cannot be honorable.
AP Chemistry is a hard course. Yet, I have had a
great deal of success for many years, because my
students understand my expectations clearly.
(1) Quickly understand and acknowledge the
challenges ahead and fulfill the course expectations;
(2)They do sincerely understand and appreciate the
passion and conviction that I bring into my teaching.
I hope you would do the same and make this year of
learning a very successful one.
Mr. Rajadurai