WELCOME! Seventh Grade Science Miss. Kallay A LITTLE ABOUT ME… My family and I have been a part of the Westerville Community for over 50 years I graduated from Youngstown State University with my Bachelor of Science in Middle Childhood Education Currently going to school to get my Masters of Arts in Special Education at Otterbein University I am very excited to be teaching both math and science this year COURSE OVERVIEW Study of the Earth's hydrologic cycle, patterns that exist in atmospheric and ocean currents, the relationship between thermal energy and the currents, and the relative position and movement of the Earth, sun and moon. Understanding of the empirical evidence for the arrangement of atoms on the Periodic Table of Elements, conservation of mass and energy, and the transformation and transfer of energy. Study of the impact of matter and energy transfer within the biotic component of ecosystems. ORGANIZATION IS KEY Science Fusion We do have a book, but will be used as a supplement to the curriculum Will have the ability to leave in the classroom, but able to take home if needed Binder (Notebook) will consist of 4 sections: 1 Important Information 2 Warm-ups 3 current unit of study 4 graded assignments and assessments To ensure organization and materials are maintained, this will be graded once or twice a quarter I have found the students’ notebook organization can directly affect your scores on tests/quizzes and projects Will be referred to throughout the year GRADES Summative Assessments 60% Checkpoints 30% This will be checked twice every quarter; around the interim and at the end of the quarter I have found that your notebook organization can directly affect their scores on tests/quizzes and projects Science in the News 5% In science class this year we will conduct several labs and activities Failure to follow the rules can result in loss of credit and/or the privilege of taking part in these activities. Some, but not all, of the labs will be recorded as a grade (checkpoint or summative assessment) Science Notebook 5% Checkpoints will be given along the way to ensure understanding. These could be in the form of take home assignments, quizzes, projects, and labs. Labs At the end of every unit of study, a test, paper, or project will be given or collected Every quarter, the students will be finding a science article that goes along with the topic we are currently learning or have learned in science class. You will write a summary of the article using vocabulary from your notes, explain how the article applies to what is or has been learned in science class, and present to the class. Homework 0% Homework will be checked for completeness (not correctness) on the first school day after the assignment is given. Homework needs to be organized, neat, reasonable, correct (after class review), and should have questions and comments marked to improve future work. Two or more incomplete assignments may result in a warning/after school detention. WEBSITE THROUGH DISTRICT’S WEBSITE I have created a website through the district’s website. You will be able to find announcements, important information, assignments, and notes from the class. Directions: Go to http://www.wcsoh.org/, scroll over “Our Schools,” scroll over middle schools, and click Genoa. On the left side of the screen, click on teacher websites. Find me (Kallay) and click on my name. I will demonstrate this for you Great if Absent I will e-mail information if requested KEEPING TRACK OF YOUR STUDENT Check the logbook often Communication about homework, assignments, important information about class, and homework completion Check PowerSchool frequently I post graded assessments and comment under assignments (allowed to make-up, one-on-one help…) COMMUNICATION IS KEY I am here to help your student succeed. Please call or email if you ever have any questions or concerns Voicemail number: (614) 797-8911 Email address: KallayJ@wcsoh.org (this is the best way to contact me)