2015-16 Chemistry Syllabus - Westchester Secondary Charter School

Westchester Secondary Charter School, 2015-2016
Course: 10th grade Chemistry
Teacher: Ms. Klose
Email: mklose@westchestercharter.com
Course Website: Through Teachers/Staff on westchestercharter.org
Office Hours: Students may see me during lunch or my free periods, by appointment only.
Purpose of Course
The purpose of this Chemistry course is to introduce students to the building blocks of everything
around us. The purpose of this course is to teach students the basics of general chemistry, while
teaching them real-life applications, how to create their own models, and while strengthening their
reading, writing, and mathematics skills.
The Learning Environment
Required Text: Modern Chemistry (Classroom Copies Provided)
Required Materials:
1 single-subject spiral notebook or
composition notebook or lined
Pens & pencils
Scientific Calculator (no
graphing or programmable
calculators will be allowed)
How Learning will be Assessed
1. Grading system:
Class work & Labs: Students will be graded on notes and in-class assignments on a regular
basis. Students should prepare for notebook checks where teacher will check for
completion of all assignments. Throughout the course, there will be many labs and
demonstrations. Students will be graded on lab work, which includes a neat run-through of
the entire lab assignment. Rubrics will be used to grade labs. This also includes
Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly and will consist of vocabulary, reading,
and extra practice problems. Students will turn in their homework at the beginning of the
class, and should not be done during class time. Homework will be given in lieu of exams,
and will be graded. Most assignments will be posted online, and so Internet at home is
highly recommended (homework can be accessed on smart phones). If you do not have
internet access at home, please make that known at the beginning of the semester.
Tests & Unit Exams: A cumulative test will be given every chapter or, and a cumulative final
will be at the end of both semesters.
2. Grading Scale and method
A = 90% and above
B= 80% and above
C= 70 % and above
F = 69 % or lower
3. Missed assignments
Please see student handbook for missing assignment policy.
Technical, Classroom and School Policy Information
Food & Beverages
Because of the possibility of becoming poisoned due to the chemicals used in the classroom, it is
dangerous to eat, drink or chew anything in the lab or classroom environment. A sealed water
bottle will be allowed in the classroom on days when no lab is taking place.
Chemical Safety
This class will include the usage of chemicals and flames, and there is a potential for hazards and
unsafe situations. Please have your student sign the Science Safety Agreement.
For all other rules and regulations, please refer to the school-wide policy and discipline.
Student Expectations & Responsibilities
The student shall:
Come to class everyday and be on time
Respect their self, others, and the class and laboratory environment
Help to create a positive classroom learning environment
Come prepared to class and participate to the best of their ability
Follow and respect the teacher’s requests
Obey all Westchester Secondary Charter School Rules
Work hard, try, and request help when they need it
Keep an organized notebook of all classroom material
Chapters & Units:
(not based off of the textbook)
Semester 1:
Chapter 1: Matter & Measurement
Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
Chapter 3: The Periodic Table
Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding
Chapter 5: Chemical Names & Formulas
Chapter 6: Chemical Quantities
Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 8: Stoichiometry
Semester 2:
Chapter 9: Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10: States of Matter & Gases
Chapter 11: Liquids and Solutions
Chapter 12: Equilibrium
Chapter 13: Acids & Bases
Chapter 14: Thermodynamics
Chapter 15: Nuclear Reactions
Please sign and return to Ms. Klose by Friday 8/28.
------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------I have read Ms. Klose’s Chemistry syllabus and understand the rules and regulations of this
classroom. I agree to the terms as outlined above and understand the requirements of the
classroom. I will respect the classroom, maintain a safe learning environment, and will follow Ms.
Klose’s requirements for her classroom for the 2015-2016 school year.
Student Name (Printed)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature