Class Policies

A P E n v i ro n m en t a l S ci en c e Co u rs e E xp e ct a t i o n s
T ea ch e r: M rs . M i h ea ls i c k
R o o m : D 23 14
C la s s P h o n e: 4 64 - 40 82
e m a i l: ch ri s t i n e _m i h ea ls i ck @ r o u n d ro ck i s d. o rg
w eb s i t e: _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _
Cour se Over view
1st Six Weeks
2nd Six Weeks
 Geology, Climate,
and Water
 AtmosphereStructure, function,
and change
 Ecology
 Species Diversity
3rd Six Weeks
 Population
 Energy Part I
4th Six Weeks
 Energy Part II
 Pollution I
5th Six Weeks
 Pollution II
 Land use for food
6th Six Weeks
Land use for
recreation and
 Class Project
Materials & Supplies
Each day you will be expected to bring the following to class:
1) Pencil/Pen (No work in red or pink ink will be accepted)
2) Binder or folder (to hold class notes and assignments)
3) Composition notebook –for learning portfolio work
Supplies for general class use, to be brought to class no later than 9/3/12:
4) Class supply:_______________________________________________
A Special Note About Ca lculator s
Calculators are not allowed on any portion of the AP Environmental Science exam, so calculators will not
be allowed on any quiz or test. For any homework assignment requiring environmental calculations that
are similar to what will be on a quiz or test, the use of calculators are strongly discouraged to allow you to
get the practice calculating that you need.
Grading Policy
Unit Tests/Projects
1. Unit Tests/Projects- There will be 2 tests and/or projects each six-week period.
2. Labs-There are two types of labs done in this class – formal and informal labs. Informal labs will be
done on a worksheet or in your science journal, and formal labs will be written in a specific format (to be
explained for the first formal lab). Expect several labs or lab activities each six-weeks.
3. Quizzes –You will be quizzed over each set of notes - they will be announced in class and on teacher
4. Homework/Classwork –Expect some amount of homework daily. It is expected that all work be done
carefully and neatly so as to indicate sincere effort. HOMEWORK MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE BEGINNING
OF CLASS. Homework must be turned into the box or stamped during the warm-up for credit.
Please retain all returned tests, lab reports, homework assignments and quizzes. If there is a discrepancy
in your grade, it will be your responsibility to provide those materials on your behalf!
A Special Note About APES Unit Tests : All unit tests will mimic the AP Environmental exam as
closely as possible, meaning there will always be a multiple choice and essay portion. Additionally, each
test will have a lab station, so it is important to understand what is happening in lab as you may be asked
to perform a procedure again on a test.
Headings on ALL paper s
All assignments must have the science student number, student name, date and block, in that order, in
the upper right- hand corner. M y Sci ence student number is: ____________
My tutorial times are from 8:15-9:00 every morning. If you have questions, especially if you have been
absent, please stop by during tutorial times. I will be unavailable to tutor during late starts due to
department meetings. If these times do not work for you, please see me to set up an appointment for a
different time.
C lass Expectations:
To help the class run smoothly and ensure that all students can learn, I ask that you observe these
general expectations:
 Be Respectful
 Be Responsible
 Be Present
 Be Prompt and Prepared
Late Wor k / Redo Po licy
Late labs will be accepted ONE BLOCK after they are due for a maximum of a 70%. No late homework will
be accepted. Redos/retakes are not allowed on any quizzes. Test corrections are available first semester
for all students. Any missed multiple choice question can be corrected using the specific AP format and
half credit for that problem will be awarded. Second semester, students may do test corrections only for
failing test grades up to a 70.
Please check to determine what you are missing when you are absent. If you are absent
it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make arrangements for missed work to be made
up – absent work needs to be turned in within 1 block of returning for full credit. If you were absent on
the day of a test, it can be made up in the test center.
Special consideration may be given to long term illnesses.
Academic Integrity
I have high expectations for the academic integrity of each student in this class. Copying or cheating off
another’s work will result in a loss of credit for the assignment. The person copying as well as the
person lending the assignment to be copied will receive a zero. I feel that every student in this
class is more than capable of completing the work independently, and copying or cheating is completely
inappropriate and unnecessary.
C lassroom Goals
For students to get the most out of this class, these three goals will guide our daily work:
1. Every member of this class deserves to be treated with dignity and consideration – teacher and
students will work each day to create a classroom of respect, cooperation, and learning. Both
individual excellence and teamwork will be emphasized
2. Students will be exposed to a comprehensive and rigorous overview of major environmental
science concepts. Throughout the year, students will build a knowledge base to be successful on
the AP Environmental Science test.
3. All students will learn, practice, and apply the following college-level environmental science skills:
 Accurate and thoughtful experimental design, data collection, and analysis
 The use of relevant statistics to evaluate the significance of environmental data
 Environmental literacy skills to analyze the scientific merit and importance of environmental
current events and legislation
I look forward to a challenging and productive year AND to helping you become a
successful AP Environmental Science student!
 Mrs. Mihealsick
For the Parent:
Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth.
In order for my policies to be effective, I need your cooperation. Please read over the
policies carefully, if you have questions feel free to email me at or call me at 428- 4082
Please also feel free to keep up with the class curriculum by viewing my teacherweb
page at:
w w w. t ea ch e rw eb . co m / T X/ W es t wo o dH i g h S ch o o l / M i h ea ls i ck /
There is an AP Environmental Science calendar that lists what we are doing and a
homework page that lists the homework assignment that was given in class that day.
Please keep in mind that the calendar is subject to modification due to needs of the class
(for example - we may take a little extra time reviewing a topic if students need it).
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to
email or call me.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Chris Mihealsick
P.S. If at all possible, I encourage all of you to attend parent’s night. Your participation
in the education of your child is crucial and I would very much like to meet each of you
This year parent’s night is:______________________________________
I have read, understood, and agree to the terms of Mrs. Mihealsick’s classroom policies.
Student Name (Printed): ___________________________________________
Student Signature:________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________ Date ___________
Parent Email Address/Addresses: