Mrs. Lisa Hartel Goodman September 2014 5th


Mrs. Lisa Hartel Goodman September 2014

5 th - 8 th grade Science

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child to my class. Here, we will learn and explore many wonderful aspects of Science.. We will be having instruction time in the classroom 4 days a week and 1 lab a week (although there will be demonstrations and activities conducted in the classroom as well).

Grade 5 - Children will learn a little about each of the following sciences- life, earth, and physical.

Grade 6- (Earth Science)- Children will learn about the Earth’s surface and composition, oceans, weather, and astronomy.

Grade 7- (Life Science)- Children will learn about cells, living things, human body and health, and body systems. They will also dissect in the Spring.

Grade 8- (Physical Science)- Children will learn about chemistry, motion, energy, sound, light, electricity and magnetism.

The 8 th grade will take the State Science exam on May 20th(tentative date for the performance test ) and on June 1, 2015(written test). I will do practice exams and practice performance skills activities at least once every 2 weeks to help them be prepared. They will be getting practice booklets by the middle of


**Technology Day** The 8th grade will be attending "Technology Day" at

Adventureland on Wednesday October 15, 2014(rain date October 22, 2014).

You will receive a permission letter with details about the trip soon.


Please see supply list on website.

Class work:

-All class work is to be neat and complete

-Any incomplete class work must be finished by the next class or points will be deducted.


-All homework must be written in ink and in script(unless told to do so otherwise)

-Missing homework will be marked as a F If a child is absent, they can get the homework from the website or call their *** homework buddy.*** That homework should be done within 2 days of his/her return.

All assignments that are on loose leaf plus the beginning of a new day’s work must have the proper heading.



**** Homework Buddies/ Website*******

The homework is written on the board for the children to copy, but in case they forgot or was absent. I usually post the homework for that day on the website by

6 pm. If they cannot get internet access, they must call their homework buddies.

During the first days of school, each child will be asked to write the phone numbers of at least 2 children in their class that they can call for this reason.


A ll labs will be marked for a grade. Labs must be written in the scientific method form. Any missing lab will result in a F for that lab. If your child was absent for that lab, they may make it up if time allows in schedule. They will not get an F for missing a lab because of an absence. Labs are to be written in pencil only!!!

Children must also have a lab smock(a long button-down collared shirt ). This is for safety and to protect the uniform. Failure to have a smock will result in incomplete lab or, depending on the type of lab it is, your child may not be able to participate in lab, resulting in a missed l ab!


The children will be assigned at least 1 or 2 written projects and at least 1 major project per trimester. Most of that work will be done in school. Any research may be done in school, home, or the library. A project will be graded and counted as 1 test mark.


Test will usually be given at the end of each chapter or unit. I will try to tell the students at least a week in advance when a test will occur. A review sheet will be given to them, as well.

A rubric for marking will be sent home attached to the first test of the year.


The children will be responsible for defining words for each section . They will use their text books for the definition. These will be written on index cards. They will be shown how to set up the index card on the first day of school. Vocabulary cards will be collected every so often and marked a s a quiz.

Quizzes :

Usually, 5 quizzes will be given during a trimester. These quizzes will total 1 full test grade and will count for that trimester.

ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES with a score of a D or below ARE TO BE

SIGNED AND RETURNED within 2 days.


Every month, the students in grades 5-8 are required to bring in and report on a science/health/ or technology related article from a newspaper. Usually,

Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays are good to look through Newsday , The Daily

News ,or The NY Times.

Once they find a good article, they are to cut it out, read it, highlight important facts and then write a brief summary on loose leaf about the article.(Grades 5 will write it out on a worksheet until November)

They are to attach their summary to the front of the newspaper clipping and be ready to discuss the article on the day it is due.. These will be graded. Missing articles will result in a F.

Absolutely NO articles printed off the computer and NO articles from a magazine.

A rubric for this will be sent home attached to their first article/ summary that will be handed in for marking.

Article/summaries, projects, homework and tests will be worth 75% of the trimester's grade. Vocabulary, quizzes and labs will be worth 25 % of the trimester's grade.

Science Fair

There will be a mandatory Science Fair for grades 5-8 in the Spring. An information packet will be given to the children in the beginning of October. This allows them plenty of time for research and work on the actual experiment. This will count as a project grade.


I will be teaching health topics on each grade level from 5th-8th. This is usually incorporated into the Science mark.

*****I will be available once a week during lunchtime for any student who needs extra help . I will tell the children that week which days I am available*****


All students are expected to be on their best behavior. I have a

Code of Conduct that is to be followed at ALL times — RESPECT .

If the children respect themselves, their peers and the grownups, all of the other rules will automatically be followed.

Children are expected to walk into my room quickly, quietly and well prepared.

Any child who behaves in a disturbing or inappropriate way will e given a

Depending o the degree of disruptive behavior, a phone call to you or a meeting with the principal may be needed..

Teacher conferences :

I will be willing to meet with any parent/guardian to discuss your child's behavior or work. I ask that you call the school and leave your name, your child's name, and a daytime/evening phone number where you may be reached. You may also send in a note with the same information. I will try to get back to you as promptly as I can and I will set up an appointment with you.

I look forward to teaching your child. May this school year bring about learning, happiness and God's peace and grace to us all.

Thank you.


Mrs. Hartel Goodman
