2014/2015 AP Environmental Science Syllabus Contact information

2014/2015 AP Environmental Science Syllabus
Contact information: Mrs. Lester (Room 89) Email: alester@gvsd.org Phone: 610-889-1900 x2089
*See my WEBPAGE, GVHS website, Teacher pages, Mrs. Lester, AP Environmental Science.
Most documents will be added there, specifically notes and readings.
Course Description: The AP Environmental Science (APES) course is designed to be the equivalent of a one
semester, introductory college course in environmental science that includes a laboratory and field investigation
component. Emphasis is placed on the scientific principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand
the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and
manmade, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for
resolving and/or preventing them.
Textbook: Environment 8th ed. Raven and Berg
Course Outline (see additional sheet)
Course Requirements and Expectations:
Come to class prepared with required materials.
Complete Summer Reading assignments, take quiz, participate in discussions etc.
Complete all reading assignments, homework, lab reports etc.
Take all quizzes, tests and exams.
Use the internet and published sources for in-depth reading on current information related to curriculum.
Students must come prepared with the following materials each day:
3-ring binder (1.5-2 inches thick) and dividers
Loose leaf paper for notes section of notebook
Writing utensils— #2 pencils and pens (black or blue ink)
Covered Textbook (You may be able to leave at home or in locker)
Scientific calculator
Grading System:
1. Grades will be weighted in the following way:
a. Multiple Choice Test and Free Response Questions 65%
b. Labs, classroom activities, lab reports, classroom projects 20%
c. HW, class participation/discussions 15%
2. Evaluation includes: tests, quizzes, homework, special projects, lab work, classroom
3. SKYWARD will be kept as up to date as possible. Please allow a few days for tests and a week for
major projects to be posted.
Classroom Policies:
1. All students must abide by the posted rules. If rules are broken, infractions will occur such as teacher
detentions (after school) and office after-school detentions. Calls home will also be made if behavior
continues to be a problem.
2. All students must come to class prepared EVERYDAY with their notebook, a writing utensil and
textbook (only if required). The textbook should remain at home for homework assignments. We have
classroom textbooks.
3. Lateness to class will not be tolerated. Students must come to class on time. A three-strike policy is in
effect. One late = warning, Two late = second warning, Third late = teacher detention, Fourth and above
= office detention and call home to parents.
Late Work:
1. All assignments should be turned in on time!!!
2. If an assignment is late, 10% will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Place a late
assignment in the IN box for your class, marked L and with the date you turned the assignment in.
3. After 10 days, the assignment will not be accepted and will be entered into the SKYWARD as a zero.
1. If you are absent from class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to determine what you missed the
previous day(s). Find an absence partner.
2. Everyone should have at least two phone numbers or emails of fellow classmates. You should get in
touch with them to find out what you missed the previous day and get the homework assignment(s)
from them.
3. When you return to school from being absent, try to arrive early to class or plan to spend a few
moments during down time in class to gather readings/HW you missed the previous day.
4. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILTY to get notes from a classmate on a day you were absent after class, not
during class time.
5. When returning work that you have missed from an absence, place an A at the top with the date you
were absent and place the assignment in the IN box.
1. If you are absent on the day of a test, you are expected to take the test after school the day you return or
on at a time agreed upon with the instructor. The test given could be a different version. All tests will be
announced at least a week in advance. If you are absent the day before a test, you are expected to take
the test on the regular test date. (BE SURE to take study materials home with you every night!!!)
Extra Help: I am available for extra help every day after school from 2:30-3:15pm. Arrangements can be
made if you are unable to attend during this time. I am also available for extra help during the school day.
Please come see me for additional times for extra help.
Student signature_____________________________ Parent signature_____________________________