MAth 8 CP/CPC * Course OVerview & Requirements

Welcome to 8th grade Math!
Since you’ve all had a nice summer off and are preparing to begin 8 th grade, let’s not forget all that you
learned last year in 7th grade math! In fact, if you saved your notes, I recommend having them in a binder
at home for extra references. We will be building on last year’s topics and adding more difficult content, so
this year WILL be more challenging and WILL require more work. Get ready for a rewarding year! Please
read carefully through the following items, so that you become familiar with what I expect of you this year,
as well as what you can do to be successful in Math 8 CP/CPC.
Course Materials:
Holt McDougal Mathematics Grade 8, 2012 textbook – we will keep a class set in my room!
Scientific or Graphing Calculator
Online textbook access @
Math 8 3-ring binder notebook, divided into 3 sections: Notes, Homework, Minds on Math
2 folders in the notebook, labeled: “Quizzes & Test” and “Handouts”
Lots and lots of pencils! I also recommend a personal hand-held pencil sharpener!
Homework Policy & Grading:
 Homework is checked most days, and can be checked without prior notice.
 All homework must be completed in the homework section of your notebooks, with the date and
assignment labeled at the top of each page.
 All homework must be completed on time for full credit. No late homework will be accepted. The
following are the points a student can earn on homework assignments:
o 10 points = completed on time, all work is shown, all problems complete (or attempted)
o 5 points = completed on time, many problems missing or left blank
o 0 points = not completed on time, majority of problems are missing or left blank
 If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it is YOUR responsibility to make up any missed
work and show me the homework. You have as many days as you were absent to make up
missed work. For example, if you are out 1 day, you have 1 day to make up the missed
assignment. If you are out 3 days, you have 3 days to make up the missed work, etc.
Assessments & Grading:
 Students will be assessed throughout each unit by taking short quizzes, or “check-ups”. Each quiz
is worth 25-50 points. Partial credit is always given, so be sure to show all your work! Keep up in
class, because not all quizzes will be announced.
 Students will be assessed at the end of each unit by taking a chapter test. Each test is worth 100
points. Partial credit is always given, so be sure to show all your work! No re-takes will be
provided at any point in the year!
 Students will be assessed by a daily journal log, called Minds on Math. This will be a section in
your notebooks where you will complete the daily Minds on Math problem at the beginning of each
class. Minds on Math journal entries & solutions will be checked at the end of each marking
period for a total of 50 points. If you are absent for a journal, write ABSENT for that day’s journal
 If you are absent the day of any assessment, you have as many days as you were absent to make
up the assessment with the teacher. It is YOUR responsibility to schedule a time & place to make
up the assessment! If you fail to make up the assessment in the allotted time, you will
automatically receive a 50% on that assessment.
Extra Credit:
 Students will have the opportunity throughout the year to earn extra credit. Extra credit questions
will be provided on all tests, and other random assignments will be provided throughout the year.
Extra Help & Support:
 If at any point in the year, you feel that you are falling behind or need some extra help from me, I
am very eager to help students with whatever they need! I will provide a sign-up sheet at the
back of the classroom, where students can schedule Extra Help sessions with me during provided
time slots. Be sure to show up to a scheduled Extra Help meeting, as there may be other students
scheduled before or after you!
 There are a ton of great online resources for you to use, if the textbook and class notes just aren’t
cutting it! Here a few of my favorites:
o You have access to videos, notes, problems, and interactive assessments through the
textbook resources ( )
o Mrs. Kuperus’ website where you can find your homework assignments & important
o  tons of video tutorials by subject!
Everything from pre-algebra review topics to Algebra I topics we will cover this year! Great
site for visual and auditory learners.
o  one of my favorite “how to” sites. Great, in-depth notes
and examples of all algebra and pre-algebra topics.
o  the all-in-one website! Excellent videos, examples,
practice problems, and you can even sign up and create a profile that will track your
progress and scores on each topic!
Classroom Conduct:
 I like to create a classroom that is light-hearted, but all business. In other words, when you walk
through my door, you will be expected to act like 8th grade students (raise your hand when you
have a question, be seated with your notebooks out and ready when the bell rings, no talking
unless you are working in groups, etc.). However, I also like to laugh and play games, so as long
as you are keeping up with the work and behaving in class, I will set aside days to review by
playing fun games, work in groups to solve silly brain teasers, etc.
 No matter what, when you’re in my classroom, everyone deserves your respect.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Private Question? Email me :