Psy 331.03 Advanced Laboratory in Operant Conditioning

Psy 331.03 Advanced Laboratory in Operant Conditioning
Spring, 2016
Study guide/Reading Summary
Week 3: 01/25/2016
ASPCA's Guide to Canine Communication
ASPCA Virtual Pet Behaviorist: Aggression in dogs.
Obviously, dogs can’t talk, but they do communicate with humans. What forms of behavior do
dogs use to communicate with one another as well as humans?
2. Describe I mean when I say that “behavior is on a continuum”. Do you agree or disagree with
3. The ASCPA, as well as Dr. Farmer-Dougan, point out the importance of examining behavior in
context. What is meant by this, and why is this important?
4. Describe the types of eye formations that dogs can display, and the likely meaning of each.
5. Describe the types of ear movements and formations that dogs can display, and the likely
meaning of each.
6. Describe the types of mouth movements that dogs can display and the likely meaning of each.
7. Describe the body postures most frequently exhibited by dogs, and the likely meaning of each.
8. What body postures and body displays have you noticed most frequently in your dog that you are
training? What do you think this is signaling to you?
9. Why is it so important for a behaviorist to understand dog body language? After all, aren’t
behaviorists just training another organism?
10. According to the Blackshaw article, what types of common aggression are observed in dogs?
Which dogs were most likely to be aggressive, according to Blackshaw?
11. Define and differentiate between territorial, protective and possessive aggression. How are these
the same and different?
12. Define and differentiate between fear aggression and defensive aggression? How are these
same and different?
13. What are predatory and social aggression. How are these the same and different?
14. What is frustration elicited aggression and redirected aggression? How are they different from the
other forms of aggression?
15. What is pain elicited aggression? How is this form of aggression different from the others?
16. What are aggression risk factors?
17. Can aggression be cured? Why or why not?
18. What methods does Blackshaw recommend for aggression? Does she recommend one type of
treatment for all forms of aggression, or is the treatment different for each type of aggression?
Why is this important for behaviorists and trainers to know?
19. Can positive punishment ever be used on dogs (or anyone, for that matter!). What might be some
situations/factors that would allow for the use of positive punishment?