2015-16 Syllabus - Killeen Independent School District

Physics Syllabus & Classroom Management
Mr. McNeill
True knowledge is written in this enormous book which is continuously open before our eyes. I speak of the
universe. But one can’t understand it unless first one learns to understand the language and recognize the
characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics.
To: Students and Parents/Guardians,
It is my belief that all students can behave appropriately and succeed in the classroom. In order to guarantee the students in my
classroom the excellent educational climate they deserve, no student will be allowed to prevent the teacher from teaching or other students
from learning.
Physics is a difficult subject to master, especially when the student does not put forth appropriate effort. It may require a nightly review
of notes taken during the day.
Be Respectful – Treat others as you would have them treat you. Respect the teachers, support staff, and administrators, respect the
classroom, and respect the time you are in class.
Be Responsible – You are juniors and seniors. Your actions are held to a higher standard than underclassmen. Take responsibility for your
own actions.
Be Ready – Bring your book, notebook, calculator, pen and pencil, and a willingness to learn every day.
Campus/District Rules Apply – In this classroom, there is one standard for behavior. You should never be confused concerning which rules
get enforced. They all do.
When in my classroom, students must comply with the following rules:
1. Each teacher instruction will be followed and supplies must be brought to class daily.
2. All hands, feet and object are to be kept to yourself.
3. Getting out of your seat without permission is not permitted.
4. Leave any form of disrespect at the door – teasing, yelling, put-downs, rude gestures, or inappropriate language included.
5. Each student will be in their seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
In addition to these rules, all school rules outlined in the student handbook, campus discipline plan, and student code of conduct will be
When the student CHOOSES to break a rule, the following consequences will occur:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Teacher-Student Conference
3. Detention
4. Contact parent by phone or letter
5. Referral to student’s principal
Consequences may or may not occur in this particular order depending on the severity of the violation. Aggression or actions which disrupt
the learning environment will result in the more serious consequences described in the District Management Plan.
Seating assignments will be made before the end of the first instructional week, and may be adjusted by the teacher, as necessary.
You will be in your seat at the tardy bell. Not in your seat = tardy.
All homework is turned in at the beginning of class on the day it is due, in the tray provided. Grading and late work procedures will be in
accordance with Ellison HS policies.
Quiet means quiet. Class time is a time for learning. You do NOT have a choice of whether you can talk. You do NOT have a choice of
whether or not you can disturb the class. You DO have a choice concerning whether or not you want to learn.
When assigned group work, your group conversations are quiet and restricted to the topic at hand.
Homework and class work are assigned to reinforce learning. They are assigned in order to help you. Your effort on homework and class
work will affect your learning outcome.
Our textbook, which is available in class as a physical textbook, is not issued to students, but is rather available on-line, accessible by smart
phone, tablet, and computer with or without internet access. Instructions are available on my web site and here: At www.essentialphysics.com/TX, use the access code 7421873806 to gain access.
Your work will be evaluated for its quality, as well as its correctness. Neatness, organization of effort, and timeliness of submission will be
assessed as it would for any higher level course.
90% of semester grade:
Formative 40%
Summative 60%
10% of Semester grade: Semester Exam
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Physics encompasses the study of fundamental physical quantities; vector addition; equilibrium; kinematics;
energy; thermodynamics; light; sound; electricity and magnetism; atomic/subatomic. This course will be taught with a conceptual focus and a
moderate use of math.
Required: Composition notebook, black/blue pen and pencil, notebook paper
Optional: scientific calculator, colored pens/pencils/markers, transparent tape, scissors, colored paper for interactive notebook
ACADEMIC HONESTY: It is expected that you will at all times use genuine, sincere, and fair means to accomplish all work that is used to
evaluate your progress in this course. If you are found plagiarizing, copying or cheating in any way, you will receive an automatic “0” for the
work in question and a phone call will be made home. Repeated offenses will be handled by the appropriate administrators.
ATTENDANCE: You are required to come to class every day. If you are tardy, you will place your Tardy slip in the tray near the entrance to
the classroom. If you are 15 minutes late to class, it is counted as an absence. Excused absences are eligible for making up assigned work.
It is your responsibility to inquire about missed work and tests. You have 5 days from your return to make up missed assignments. When
possible, work will be sent home with you in the case of a prearranged absence.
TESTS & MAKE-UP TESTS: There will be several tests each semester. They are designed to assess your mastery of the unit we are
studying. Excused absences are eligible to make up a missed test. All make up exams will be taken after school, often times in another
teacher’s classroom.
HOMEWORK: Homework is a formative assignment and will not always be counted for grade but it is expected that students complete the
homework as assigned. Students will be provided with solutions to all the problems and it will be up to the student to come to me with any
questions regarding those problems.
Parents, it has been my experience since teaching at Ellison High School that the greatest hindrance to successfully completing
this course is due to students choosing to not do homework. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of doing the homework
and turning in classwork. These assignments are selected and designed to help our students master the concepts.
QUIZZES: Quizzes are formative assignments and will mimic the homework and can cover any homework that was to be done by the day we
have the quiz. Some of the quiz problems will be copied directly from the homework and others will be the same with different numbers used.
Also, I use quizzes to prepare students for tests.
DROPPED GRADES: I reserve the right and prerogative to drop grades each 9 weeks. It is not something I do routinely, but if we have an
excessive amount of formative assignments, I may choose to drop one or more of the lowest grades.
CLASS WEBSITE: Here you will find many helpful links to power points, worksheets, class calendar, resources, etc. You can access my
website by following the following string from the Official School Website: …/Ellison/Staff Directory/Joseph McNeill Web Site.
TUTORING: Tutoring is available Tuesday through Friday mornings before school (8:15 - 8:35am), and Wednesday afternoon (4:15 – 4:45
pm) in Room 205. Additional tutoring from other physics teachers is available and encouraged. Labs can be made up Tuesday through
Friday mornings, same times.
LABORATORY SAFETY AGREEMENT: I will issue a separate Laboratory Safety Agreement for student and parent/guardian signature. It is
due back to me on Friday, August 28. Failure to return the safety agreement must preclude a student from participating in a laboratory
In order for this plan to have its greatest effect, I need your support. Please discuss this letter with your student. Thank you for your
Joseph McNeill
Physics Teacher/Golf Coach
Room 205
(254) 336-0600, ext 3748
Conference period is 3rd Period (10:39 – 11:30)