2013-2014 syllabus - Warren County Schools

Human Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus
Mrs. Andrea Ray
Course Objectives
Anatomy and physiology is the study of the structure of the human body (anatomy)
and how it works (physiology). During this course, you will learn about several
different systems in the body, the organs and tissues that comprise these systems,
and how all of the individual cells work together to make your body function on a
daily basis.
Course Outline
Planes and Body Cavities
Integumentary System
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Cardiovascular System
Reproductive Systems
Fetal Pig Dissection/Animal
Design Project
Materials Required
Lab notebook
A composition notebook with no removable pages
This notebook will be extremely important! It should be brought
with you every single day to class. All class activities, notes, and labs will
be recorded in this notebook for a grade. Lab notebooks will be due on
the day of each exam. No late grades will be accepted.
Colored pencils
Folder (or binder) for classroom handouts
Flash drive
Latex gloves (write your name on the box)
Cutting/Skipping Policy
Skipping class will not be excused for any reason. If you do cut class, you will lose all points
for that day, and you may not make-up any assignments (including tests, quizzes, and labs).
Tardy Policy
If you are not in class, you cannot learn the material. If you arrive late to class, you provide
a distraction to the rest of the students that disrupts the allotted time that we have to learn
in one class period. Therefore, you are considered tardy to class if your entire body is not
completely inside the doorframe by the time the bell rings. If you are tardy to class, you will
be marked tardy in Infinite Campus. You know if you are tardy, so you will not be told.
Academic Honesty
The science departments will not allow copying of ANY work by ANY students in ANY class.
Students will not be allowed to talk or communicate in any way during tests or quizzes.
Students who do will have their tests/quizzes confiscated and receive a zero percent for a
grade. Copying, plagiarism, academic theft or dishonesty in the science department is
further explained on the South Warren Science Department Academic Integrity Sheet.
If any student is caught cheating on an assignment, both the cheater and the cheatee will
receive a zero on the assignment. No questions asked. Thus, if you cheat or let someone
else cheat, both parties are equally responsible and will face equal consequences.
Late Assignments
Without a valid excuse, any assignment not turned in on time is a Late Assignment. Late
assignments will be docked 50% of its total possible points per day. Assignments due on
the date of an excused absence must be turned in the following school day. If an assignment
is not turned in on the day of an unexcused absence, the assignment will be considered late,
and you will receive 50% of the earned grade.
Make-up work
If you are absent, you are responsible for acquiring any work that you missed. Do not
expect for me to come and hand you the work. For general classroom assignments, work is
expected to be turned in the following school day. If you are absent for a test or quiz, you
should come to school ready to take the test/quiz the following day. All assignments and
test dates will be posted on the classroom calendar in advance, so the excuse of “I didn’t
know,” will not be granted. For extenuating circumstances, additional time may be given.
Cell Phone Policy
Students will be allowed to use their cell phones in the classroom for educational purposes
only, as long as a Personal Device Usage form has been filled out. Use of a cell phone for
non-educational purposes or without permission will result in loss of cell phone priviledges
during class time. Thus, the device will be confiscated during the entire class period for the
remainder of the semester.