
Forman Christian College
Classical Conditioning
• Learning refers to a relatively durable
change in behavior or knowledge that is
due to experience.
• Classical conditioning is a type of learning
in which a stimulus acquires the capacity
to evoke a response that was originally
evoked by another stimulus.
• It was described by Ivan Pavlov hence, is
also called Pavlovian conditioning.
Classical Conditioning…..
• Terminology and procedure:
We will look at some of the basic terminology:
Unconditional Stimulus (UCS) is a stimulus that evokes
an unconditional response without previous conditioning.
Unconditional response (USR) is an unlearned
reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without
previous conditioning.
Conditioned stimulus (CR) is a previously neutral
stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the
capacity to evoke a conditioned response. The
conditioned response (CR) is a learned reaction to a
conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous
conditioning. (The UCR and the CR could be the same).
A trial in classical conditioning consists of any presentation
of stimulus or pair of stimuli.
Classical conditioning…..
NS (tone) → No response
UCS (Meat powder) → UCR (Salivation)
NS (tone) → No response
UCS (Meat powder) → UCR (Salivation)
CS (Tone) → CR (Salivation)
Basic processes in CC
Acquisition refers to the initial stage of learning something.
Stimulus contiguity is important but learning theorists now realize that
contiguity alone doesn’t automatically produce conditioning.
Timing (1. simultaneous, 2. short delayed (1/2 sec), 3. trace conditioning).
• Extinction: the gradual weakening and disappearance of a
conditioned response tendency.
• Spontaneous recovery: is the reappearance of an extinguished
response after a period of non-exposure to the conditioned
Generalization & Discrimination
• Stimulation generalization occurs when an organism
that has learned a response to a specific stimulus
responds in the same way to new stimuli that are similar
to the original stimulus.
• Stimulus discrimination occurs when an organism that
has learned a response to a specific stimulus does not
respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar
to the original stimulus.
• Higher order conditioning in which a conditioned
stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned
Operant Conditioning
• Operant conditioning is also called instrumental
learning and was first introduced by Edaward Thorndike.
• According to the law of effect, if a response in the
presence of a stimulus leads to satisfying effects, the
association between the stimulus and the response is
• Reinforcement occurs when an event following a
response increases an organism’s tendency to make
that response.
• Reinforcement contingencies are the circumstances or
rules that determine whether responses lead to the
presentation of reinforcers.
• Skinner Box
• Shaping consists of the reinforcement of closer and
closer approximations of a desired response.
• Extinction
• Resistance to extinction
Intermittent Reinforcement
• A schedule of reinforcement determines which occurrences of a
specific response result in the presentation of a reinforcer.
• Continuous reinforcement
• Intermittent or partial reinforcement
• Ratio schedules require the organism to make the designated
response a certain number of times to gain each reinforcer.
With fixed ratio schedule, the reinforcer is given after a fixed number
of nonreinforced responses.
With variable ratio schedule, the reinforcer is given after a variable
number of nonreinforced responses.
• Interval schedules require a time period to pass between the
presentation of reinforcer.
With a fixed interval schedule, the reinforcer is given for the first
response that occurs after a fixed time interval has elapsed.
With a variable interval schedule, the reinforcer is given for the first
response after a variable time interval has elapsed.
Positive and Negative
• Positive reinforcement occurs when a
response is strengthened because it is followed
by the presentation of a rewarding stimulus.
• Negative reinforcement occurs when a
response is strengthened because it is followed
by the removal of an aversive stimulus.
• Punishment occurs when an event following a
response weakens the tendency to make that
Biological Constraints on
• Instinctive Drift: Instinctive drift occurs
when an animal’s innate response
tendencies interfere with conditioning
• Preparedness (Seligman, 1971) involves a
species specific predisposition to be
conditioned in certain ways and not others.
• Evolutionary perspective on learning
Observational Learning
• Observational learning occurs when an
organism’s responding is influenced by the
observation of others, who are called as models
(Bandura, 1977).
• Basic Processes
1. Attention
2. Retention
3. Reproduction
4. Motivation