NHS Merton CCG Finance Report Month 11 – as at 28th February 2015 1 Finance Report – Month 11 Contents Slide Number EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 BALANCED SCORECARD – FINANCE DOMAIN 4 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE POSITION 5 QUALITY, INNOVATION, PRODUCTIVITY AND PREVENTION (QIPP) 6 ACUTE PERFORMANCE 7 – 10 NON ACUTE PERFORMANCE 11 PRESCRIBING AND PRIMARY CARE 12 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 13 CASH AND BETTER PAYMENT PRACTICE POLICY 14 RISKS AND MITIGATIONS 15 APPENDICES 16 - 24 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Eleven months to 28th February 2015 • For the eleven months to 28th February 2015, NHS Merton CCG is reporting a year to date and full year improvement from plan of £0.5m. As reported from Month 9 onwards, this improvement from plan in the year to date and full year position specifically relates to return of the unused legacy continuing healthcare contributions from NHS England. • There has been a non recurrent reduction in the revenue resource limit of £0.2m in Month 11. This relates to a 2013/14 repayment to the South West London risk pool for learning disabilities. • Acute commissioning is over performing by £1.4m year to date, forecast to increase to an over spend of £1.6m by year end. St George’s NHS Trust is forecast to over perform by £0.7m, this is the position as reported in Month 10. Discussions with the trust regarding a year end settlement are currently on going. Epsom & St Helier NHS trust are reporting under performance of £0.3m primarily in elective activity and critical care, this has worsened considerably from what has been reported previously owing to an increase in activity in emergency and outpatient procedures. Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation trust is forecast to over perform by £0.1m mostly owing to over performance in critical care and outpatients. • An over spend of £0.3m is forecast for non acute commissioning. This has worsened slightly from last month owing to an increase in the forecast position for children’s placements which are now forecast to over spend by £0.5m. • Primary care is forecast to over spend by £0.7m, over spends are reported on prescribing, out of hours and care of older people local enhanced services. • An over spend of £0.7m is reported on corporate costs, a full year under spend of £0.2m is reported on running costs owing to lower than anticipated admin spend at the Nelson Health Centre, however, this is offset by higher than anticipated programme spend related to the Nelson Health Centre. • The forecast over spends are being offset by under spends on investments, release of CCG SLA reserve, partial release of contingency fund and return of Merton’s remaining contribution of £0.7m from the SWL risk pool contribution. • QIPP – Year to date over achievement of £0.2m and full year over achievement of £0.1m is forecast. Recommendation • Governing Body is asked to approve the Month 11 finance report and note the risks on slide 15. 3 BALANCED SCORECARD – FINANCE DOMAIN No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Primary / Indicator Supporting Indicator Underlying recurrent surplus Primary Surplus - year to date (YTD) performance Primary Surplus - full year (FY) forecast Primary Management of 2% non recurrent funds Supporting within agreed processes QIPP - year to date delivery Primary QIPP - full year forecast Primary Activity trends - year to date Supporting Activity trends - full year forecast Supporting Running costs Primary Clear identification of risks against financial delivery and mitigations No. Indicator Primary FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Primary / Supporting Indicator Individual Indicator RAG rating threshold Self Assessment 2.50% 1.2% 1.2% Green Yes 103% 101% >= 95% of plan >= 95% of plan < 101% of plan < 101% of plan < = RCA Yes Amber/Red Red > = 2.5% 0% - 2.5% < 0% Variance <= 0.1% 0.1% > variance <= 0.25% 0.25% > variance < 0.5% Variance => 0.5% Variance <= 0.1% 0.1% > variance <= 0.25% 0.25% > variance < 0.5% Variance => 0.5% Yes £4,992k Amber/Green • The financial indicators are part of the CCG assurance framework used by NHS England. • The overall financial performance and financial management performance is rated as green. No > = 80% of plan > = 80% of plan < 102% of plan < 102% of plan > = 50% of plan > = 50% of plan < 103% of plan < 103% of plan < 50% of plan < 50% of plan < 104% of plan < 104% of plan > RCA Indicator met in Indicator partially met - Indicator partially met Indicator not met full limited uncovered risk material uncovered risk Individual Indicator RAG rating threshold Self Assessment Green Amber/Green Amber/Red Red 1 Better Payment Practice Code - % payable within 30 days of receipt - Numbers Supporting 97% > = 95% > = 85% > = 80% < 80% 2 Better Payment Practice Code - % payable within 30 days of receipt - Values Supporting 99% > = 95% > = 85% > = 80% < 80% 3 Cash management - month end cash balance as % of cash drawn Supporting 1.38% < = 5% < = 10% < = 15% < 15% 4 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE Budget 1 Year to date Actual Variance 199,702 199,702 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 115,301 18,834 14,616 11,290 20,803 3,641 7,092 6,145 197,720 116,711 18,958 13,507 12,597 20,985 4,098 7,718 2,683 197,257 11 1,982 2,444 Feb-15 In £000's 0 Income Expenditure (1,410) Acute (125) Mental Health 1,108 Community (1,308) Other non acute (183) Prescribing (456) Primary Care* (626) Corporate and estate 3,462 Reserves 462 Total Expenditure 462 Surplus Budget 218,166 Forecast Actual Variance 218,166 • Year to date (YTD) and full year (FY) actuals are on target • The £319k continuing care provision created in 13/14 has been released in Month 11 as NHSE guidance states that any claims up to 31/04/2014 will be paid from the legacy provision held by NHSE. • A business case has been submitted by South West London Commissioning Collaborative on behalf of South West London CCGs (excluding Croydon CCG) to drawdown the increased surplus in 2015/16. • Risks to the position are detailed on slide 15. 0 126,045 20,546 15,945 12,365 22,694 3,972 7,737 6,701 216,003 127,614 20,683 14,735 13,746 22,893 4,468 8,434 2,927 215,499 (1,569) (137) 1,210 (1,382) (199) (496) (697) 3,774 504 2,163 2,667 504 *Out of Hours , Loca l Enha nced Servi ces , GP Led Hea l th Centre a nd Col l a bora tive Fees 5 QIPP Year to date (net) Budget Actual Variance Feb-15 In £000's Forecast (net) Budget Actual Variance 1 2 3 4 4,624 1,282 5,906 5,070 996 6,066 Schemes (446) Transactional 286 Transformational - Other (160) Total QIPP 5 5,906 6,066 (160) QIPP Target 6,558 6,643 (85) 6 100% 102.7% -3% % of Target 100% 101.3% -1% 5,116 1,442 6,558 5,507 1,136 6,643 (391) 306 (85) • A YTD over achievement of £0.2m is reported. This is mostly owing to the acute challenges scheme which is reporting a YTD achievement of £1.4m. To date £0.7m of challenges have been agreed, a further £1.5m of most likely challenges are included in the reported acute position. • A FY over achievement of £85k is reported, this relates to higher than planned savings on the mental health contracts scheme, inreach nursing scheme and the musculoskeletal scheme where slippage on the planned investment is reported offset by under achievement of some planned care schemes that owing to procurement reasons could not be implemented this year. 6 STATEMENT OF CONTRACT POSITION – At Month 10 not Month 11 Provider St George's Epsom & St Helier (Acute & Renal) Epsom & St Helier (SWLEOC) Kingston Hospital London Ambulance Service Moorfields' Eye Croydon University Hospital Guy's & St Thomas' Royal Marsden Queen Mary's (Roehampton) Chelsea & Westminster Imperial College University College London King's College Royal Brompton & Harefield Bart's & the London Royal Surrey County Royal National Orthopaedic Ashford & St Peter's Royal Free Lewisham North West London West Middlesex Great Ormond Street Total Plan Annual £000's 56,283 31,746 4,428 9,650 5,578 3,328 1,774 1,775 1,697 1,756 1,101 750 707 953 339 274 191 235 0 106 67 122 38 123 123,020 YTD Plan £000's 46,837 26,564 3,690 8,015 4,648 2,685 1,484 1,386 1,414 1,463 917 628 589 777 283 233 159 196 0 88 54 102 31 100 102,344 YTD Actual £000's 49,089 26,706 3,455 8,279 4,648 3,015 1,600 1,530 1,105 1,644 1,181 685 455 921 301 223 113 157 0 104 74 76 25 73 105,462 YTD Variance £000's (2,252) (142) 235 (263) 0 (330) (116) (144) 309 (181) (264) (57) 134 (144) (18) 10 46 38 0 (16) (20) 26 6 27 (3,118) ADJUSTMENTS/CHALLENGES Plan Adj £000's 0 (109) 0 0 0 88 (6) 93 0 0 0 (3) 0 17 0 (4) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 80 Other Challenges £000's (706) (251) 0 (149) 0 (32) 69 21 0 70 (3) 0 (3) 41 0 (4) 0 0 0 (0) 2 0 0 (3) (947) KPIs £000's (471) 0 0 (27) 0 0 (15) (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (514) REVISED POSITION SLAM MONTH YTD YTD YTD Plan Actual Variance £000's 46,837 26,455 3,690 8,015 4,648 2,774 1,478 1,479 1,414 1,463 917 625 589 794 283 229 159 196 0 88 56 102 31 102 102,424 £000's 47,912 26,456 3,455 8,103 4,648 2,984 1,654 1,550 1,105 1,714 1,178 685 452 962 301 220 113 157 0 104 76 76 25 70 104,001 £000's (1,075) (1) 235 (88) 0 (210) (176) (71) 309 (251) (262) (60) 137 (168) (18) 9 46 38 0 (16) (20) 26 6 33 (1,577) The three highest value contracts will be discussed in further detail on slides 8 - 10. Moorfield’s - YTD over performance of £0.2m is driven by high cost drugs and day case activity. The over performance in day case activity is particularly being seen in the cataracts speciality. Croydon – YTD over performance of £0.2m is owing to maternity and critical care. Royal Marsden – The YTD under spend of £0.3m is primarily in electives , emergency and critical care. Queen Mary’s – YTD over spend of £0.3m is owing to high activity levels in the older peoples services and electives. Chelsea & Westminster – The YTD over spend of £0.3m is in obstetrics and outpatient follow ups. Births are above plan. University College London – YTD under spend of £0.1m is in electives and critical care. 7 ST GEORGE’S NHS TRUST - Month 10 extrapolated to Month 11 POD YTD Plan Annual Plan Activity Activity 000s 000s YTD Actual Activity 000s YTD Variance Activity 000s FYO Actual Activity 000s FYO Variance Activity 000s Annual Plan £000 YTD Plan £000s YTD Actual £000s YTD Variance £000 FYO Actual £000s FYO Variance £000 Elective 10 9 9 (0) 10 (0) 10,621 9,691 9,727 (36) 10,611 10 Emergency 8 6 7 1 8 1 16,658 15,199 15,509 (310) 16,919 (261) Non-Elective 1 1 1 0 1 0 168 153 394 (241) 430 (262) Maternity Pathway 4 3 3 (0) 4 (0) 6,324 5,770 6,176 (406) 6,738 (414) A&E 31 26 28 1 33 2 3,691 3,368 3,315 53 3,616 75 Out Patient 1st 24 20 20 0 24 0 4,339 3,959 4,061 (103) 4,431 (92) Out Patient Follow Up 45 37 38 1 46 1 4,359 3,977 4,072 (94) 4,442 (83) Out Patient Procedure 12 10 12 2 15 2 1,869 1,706 1,924 (219) 2,099 (230) Unbundled Diagnostics 7 6 7 1 8 1 899 821 888 (67) 968 (69) Critical Care 3 3 3 (0) 3 (0) 2,677 2,442 2,335 107 2,547 130 Direct Access 28 23 25 2 30 2 2,124 1,938 1,855 83 2,023 101 Drugs & Devices Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 710 0 648 0 687 (653) (39) 653 749 (507) (39) 507 PTS CQUIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 505 1,337 461 1,220 465 1,296 (4) (75) 507 1,413 (2) (76) 56,283 51,352 52,050 (698) 56,987 (704) TOTAL Annual QIPP £000s 420 148 173 741 Commentary • The YTD and FY over spend of £0.7m is mostly reported on maternity (£406k), emergency (£310k) and non elective (£241k) seen in general medicine. The biggest movement is being seen in the general medicine category for emergency activity. It is the lengths of stay for two days and over where an increase in activity is being seen, this is being investigated with the trust. Negotiations are also on going with regards to reaching a year end settlement with the trust. 8 EPSOM AND ST HELIER’S NHS TRUST - Month 10 extrapolated to Month 11 - POD YTD Plan Annual Plan Activity Activity 000s 000s YTD Actual Activity 000s YTD Variance Activity 000s FYO Actual Activity 000s FYO Variance Activity 000s Annual Plan £000 YTD Plan £000s YTD Actual £000s YTD Variance £000 FYO Actual £000s FYO Variance £000 (0) 6 (1) 4,991 4,575 4,371 205 4,768 223 Elective 6 5 5 Emergency 4 3 4 1 4 1 7,303 6,694 6,800 (106) 7,419 (116) Non-Elective 0 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 566 518 461 57 503 63 Maternity Pathway 3 3 3 0 4 0 3,191 2,925 2,851 74 3,110 81 A&E 18 15 16 1 19 1 1,767 1,620 1,646 (27) 1,796 (29) Out Patient 1st 17 14 15 1 18 1 2,362 2,165 2,258 (93) 2,463 (101) Out Patient Follow Up 40 33 38 5 46 6 3,441 3,154 3,101 53 3,383 58 Out Patient Procedure 7 6 7 1 9 2 1,277 1,170 1,488 (318) 1,644 (368) Unbundled Diagnostics 5 4 4 0 5 0 568 521 514 7 560 8 Critical Care 1 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 819 751 513 238 559 259 Direct Access 843 702 660 (42) 792 (51) 3,520 3,227 3,144 83 3,430 91 Drugs & Devices 0 0 0 0 0 0 495 454 459 (5) 501 (5) Other 5 4 6 2 7 2 353 323 493 (170) 538 (185) PTS CQUIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 313 781 287 716 287 716 0 0 313 781 (0) 0 31,746 29,101 29,101 (1) 31,768 (22) TOTAL Annual QIPP £000s 158 118 129 405 Commentary • The YTD position is reporting break-even and the FY position is a minor over spend of £22k. The position has worsened considerably from last month owing to an increase in emergency activity and outpatient procedures. The over performance of £0.4m in outpatient procedures mainly relates to eyes and periorbita procedures and disorders category, a shift from day cases to outpatient procedures is being seen in this category. The recording of non elective activity at the trust is also being investigated. 9 KINGSTON NHS TRUST - Month 10 extrapolated to Month 11 POD YTD Plan Annual Plan Activity Activity 000s 000s YTD Actual Activity 000s YTD Variance Activity 000s FYO Actual Activity 000s FYO Variance Activity 000s Annual Plan £000 YTD Plan £000s YTD Actual £000s YTD Variance £000 FYO Actual £000s FYO Variance £000 Elective 1 1 1 0 1 0 1,223 1,116 1,155 (39) 1,260 (37) Emergency 1 1 1 (0) 1 (0) 2,466 2,251 1,872 380 2,042 424 Non-Elective 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maternity Pathway 2 2 2 0 2 0 2,346 2,142 2,235 (93) 2,438 (92) A&E 7 6 5 (0) 6 (0) 703 642 607 35 662 41 Out Patient 1st 7 6 6 0 7 0 742 678 796 (119) 869 (127) Out Patient Follow Up 10 8 7 (1) 9 (2) 687 627 620 8 676 11 Out Patient Procedure 1 1 1 0 2 0 207 189 288 (98) 314 (107) Unbundled Diagnostics 1 1 1 0 1 0 56 51 59 (8) 64 (9) Critical Care 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 226 427 (201) 466 (219) Direct Access 36 30 74 44 88 52 183 167 245 (78) 267 (84) Drugs & Devices 1 0 1 0 1 0 307 281 311 (31) 340 (32) Other 1 1 1 (0) 1 (0) 189 164 40 124 44 145 PTS CQUIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 225 62 205 63 196 (0) 9 68 213 0 11 9,650 8,801 8,913 (112) 9,723 (73) TOTAL Annual QIPP £000s 20 18 15 53 Commentary • The YTD over performance of £0.1m is mostly owing to an increase in activity in outpatients (£127k), maternity (£92k) and critical care (£219k). The over spend in critical care is owing to one long stay critical care patient (95 bed days) who was discharged in Month 7’s freeze position. Some of the over performance is offset by under performance in emergency (£424k). Direct access over performance (£84k) is a result of activity shifts from St Helier’s to Kingston NHSFT. The FY forecast is over performance of £0.1m. 10 NON ACUTE PERFORMANCE Budget Year to date Actual Variance 1 2 3 4 13,347 3,080 2,406 18,834 13,347 3,254 2,357 18,959 5 1,196 1,556 6 7 8 9 14,040 6,450 4,219 24,709 10 44,739 13,134 7,010 4,405 24,548 45,062 Feb-15 In £000's Budget Forecast Actual Commentary Variance • The £0.2m YTD and FY over spend reported on mental health placements is owing to an increase in the number of placements. • The YTD and FY £0.1m under spend on mental health ‘other’ relates to lower than anticipated costs on Mental Health enquiries and dementia services. Mental Health: SWL St Georges MHT Placements Other Total Mental Health 14,561 3,360 2,625 20,546 14,561 3,550 2,572 20,683 (0) (190) 53 (137) (359) Learning Disabilities 1,305 1,697 (392) • The YTD and FY over spend of £0.4m is primarily owing to a learning disability patient currently an inpatient in a hospital. 15,317 7,036 4,652 27,004 14,327 7,647 4,811 26,784 990 (611) (159) 220 • The YTD and FY under spend on community services is owing to slippage on investment schemes, namely, dementia nurses, rapid response team and step up and step down beds. The slippage has increased from previous months as further slippage is reported on dementia nurses and interface geriatricians. (0) (174) 49 (125) 907 (560) (185) 161 Community: Community Services SLA Continuing Care Other Total Community (323) Total Non Acute 48,855 49,164 (309) Community (cont’d) • A YTD and FY under performance of £0.2m on continuing care is reported. NHS Merton CCG has been over charged for block bed recharges, the over charge is currently being calculated, NHS Sutton CCG will be invoiced for the over charge before year end. • The YTD and FY over spend on ‘other’ mostly relates to an over spend on children’s placements offset by slippage on better care fund investments and musculoskeletal services. 11 PRESCRIBING AND PRIMARY CARE BUDGETS Year to date Budget Actual Variance 1 2 20,803 20,803 20,985 20,985 3 4 5 6 7 8 1,034 944 413 1,173 77 3,641 1,265 930 413 1,297 196 4,100 9 24,444 25,085 Feb-15 In £000's Prescribing: (183) Prescribing (183) Total Prescribing (231) 15 (124) (119) (459) Primary Care: Local enhanced services GP led health centre 111 service Out of hours service Other Total Primary Care (642) Total Prescribing & Primary Care Budget Forecast Actual Commentary Variance 22,694 22,694 22,893 22,893 (199) (199) 1,128 1,030 450 1,280 84 3,972 1,376 1,014 450 1,415 213 4,468 (248) 16 (135) (129) (496) 26,666 27,361 • The £0.2m YTD and FY over spend of £0.2m on prescribing is owing to an increase in items prescribed in particular for cardiovascular, central nervous system, respiratory and endocrine system. • The YTD and FY over spend of £0.2m on local enhanced services relates to an over spend of £0.3m on the Care of Older People LIS offset by a slight under spend on the Diabetes LES. • The FY over spend of £0.1m reported on Out of Hours is owing to recharges from Sutton CCG for Merton patients attending the Seldoc Out of Hours service. • The YTD and FY over spend on ‘other’ primary care relates to statutory medical fees, the over spend arose owing to a number of claims related to the last quarter of 13/14 received in 14/15. (695) 12 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (SOFP) Commentary STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28th FEB 2015 Closing Balance ADJ-14 Non-current Assets Property, Plant And Equipment 32,122.40 Non-current Assets 32,122.40 Current Assets Current Trade And Other Receivables 4,478,186.64 Current Assets Cash And Cash Equivalents 173,242.32 Current Assets Total 4,651,428.96 Current Liabilities Current Trade And Other Payables (14,931,084.71) Current Liabilities Current Other Liabilities (51,449.73) Current Liabilities Provisions (47,824.39) Current Liabilities (15,030,358.83) Non-Current Liabilities: NC Provisions (271,004.85) Non-Current (271,004.85) Grand Total (10,617,812.32) Closing Balance ADJ-14 Financed by Taxpayers General Fund Equity: Financed by Grand Total 10,617,812.32 10,617,812.32 10,617,812.32 QTR 1 92,098.33 92,098.33 QTR 2 89,316.80 89,316.80 QTR 3 190,929.79 190,929.79 Jan-15 315,223.57 315,223.57 Feb-15 489,161.04 489,161.04 2,330,770.02 (538,352.96) 1,792,417.06 2,572,511.21 (37,790.44) 2,534,720.77 2,316,247.56 (450,037.76) 1,866,209.80 2,513,876.29 (608,218.91) 1,905,657.38 2,338,715.15 221,673.62 2,560,388.77 (14,400,013.97) (13,624,010.61) (15,003,921.29) (14,711,244.17) (15,190,187.67) (1,268,020.69) (2,733.14) 18,681.53 (43,977.17) (172,882.21) (47,824.39) (47,824.39) (47,824.39) (47,824.39) 271,004.85 (15,715,859.05) (13,674,568.14) (15,033,064.15) (14,803,045.73) (15,092,065.03) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (271,004.85) (14,102,348.51) (11,321,535.42) (13,246,929.41) (12,853,169.63) (12,313,520.07) QTR 1 14,102,348.51 14,102,348.51 14,102,348.51 QTR 2 11,321,535.42 11,321,535.42 11,321,535.42 QTR 3 13,246,929.41 13,246,929.41 13,246,929.41 Jan-15 12,853,169.63 12,853,169.63 12,853,169.63 • The £315k for property, plant and equipment is made up of assets under construction which mainly relate to IT equipment for the Nelson Health Centre. • Accounts receivables balance has increased by £0.2m from previous month. The movement is due to an increase in aged receivables of £0.1m and an increase in the continuing care risk pool of £0.1m. • The cash position is as per the cash flow statement on slide 14. • Current liabilities have decreased by £0.2m from last month. The decrease is due to a decrease in payables of £0.6m and an increase in accruals of £0.4m. The £15m total comprises of £11m of payables and £4.3m of accruals. • The £48k current provision and £271k non current provision is the £319k continuing care provision created in 2013/14. Feb-15 12,313,520.07 12,313,520.07 12,313,520.07 13 CASH MANAGEMENT AND BETTER PAYMENT PRACTICE POLICY Commentary STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS AT 28th FEB 2015 2015 Qtr1 Cash Flow s f rom Operating Activities: Net operating costs f or the f inancial year Depreciation and amortisation Interest Paid (Increase) decrease in trade and other receivables Increase (decrease) in trade and other payables Provisions utilised Increase (decrease) in provisions Net Total of Cash Flow s f rom Operating Activities Cash Flow s f rom Investing Activities: (Payments) f or property, plant and equipment Proceeds f rom disposal of assets held f or sale: property, plant and equipment Net Total of Cash Flow s f rom Investing Activities Cash Flow s f rom Financing Activities: Net parliamentary f unding received Net Total of Cash Flow s f rom Financing Activities Grand Total Qtr2 Qtr3 Jan-15 Feb-15 (53,658,718.00) 0.00 (70.00) (53,415,640.87) (54,905,662.21) (17,689,959.38) (17,587,560.81) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,147,416.62 685,500.22 0.00 0.00 (50,825,871.16) (241,741.19) 256,263.65 831,268.67 175,161.14 (2,041,290.91) 1,358,496.01 (1,258,915.82) 607,848.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (318,829.24) (55,698,602.97) (53,290,902.55) (18,117,606.53) (17,123,380.37) (14,077.56) 48,679.90 (101,612.99) (170,192.15) (173,937.47) (45,898.37) (59,975.93) (45,898.37) 2,781.53 0.00 (101,612.99) 45,898.37 (124,293.78) 0.00 (173,937.47) 50,174,251.81 50,174,251.81 (711,595.28) 56,196,383.96 56,662,796.59 500,562.52 52,980,268.22 52,980,268.22 (412,247.32) 18,083,719.16 18,083,719.16 (158,181.15) 18,127,210.37 18,127,210.37 829,892.53 Qtr1 (711,595.28) 173,242.32 (538,352.96) Qtr2 500,562.52 (538,352.96) (37,790.44) 2015 Qtr3 (412,247.32) (37,790.44) (450,037.76) Jan-15 (158,181.15) (450,037.76) (608,218.91) Feb-15 829,892.53 (608,218.91) 221,673.62 Cas h Movem ent Opening Cas h Balance Clos ing Cas h Balance • The cash target has been amended from 5% to 1.25% of the monthly cash draw down. The month end cash balance as at 31st January is – 3.51% of the cash drawn. • The BPPC is above target in terms of volume and value of invoices. Better Payment Practice Code Period Apr-14 Ma y-14 Jun-14 Jul -14 Aug-14 Se p-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 De c-14 Ja n-15 Fe b-15 Cumulative % Invoice Count 687 639 658 1051 668 785 946 612 1009 1129 865 9049 Invoice Count (Passed) 668 625 628 1028 662 773 902 590 994 1111 831 8812 % Passed 97% 98% 95% 98% 99% 98% 95% 96% 99% 98% 96% 97.4% BPPC Amount £000's 17,547 16,136 16,923 19,572 17,197 18,124 16,447 17,548 18,287 18,730 17,556 194,067 Invoice Amount (Passed) £000's 17,529 15,620 16,731 19,201 17,017 18,078 16,616 17,338 18,280 18,471 17,552 192,433 % Amount Passed 100% 97% 99% 98% 99% 100% 101% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99.2% 14 RISKS AND MITIGATIONS Financial Risk Analysis: Month 11 Worst £000's Likely £000's Best £000's 1 Planned Surplus 2,163 2 3 4 5 Risks Acute SLAs Continuing Care SLAs Total Risks -800 -200 -1,000 -441 -100 -541 0 -25 -25 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mitigations Contingency (0.5%) Contract reserves Non recurrent measures CHC risk pool adjustment Total Mitigations 0 0 0 504 504 0 0 541 504 1,045 0 0 600 504 1,104 12 Net risk -496 504 1,079 13 Risk adjusted performance 1,667 2,667 3,242 2,163 2,163 • Worst case acute risk relates to the risk of potential over performance in acute over and above the position reported and the reserves available. • The continuing care risk relates to higher than anticipated growth in placements. • Non recurrent measures to mitigate risks are year end settlements, continuing care block bed over charges and receipt of funding from other CCGs for GP Led Health Centre recharges. 15 APPENDICES Appendix number Description Slide number 1 Acute Commissioning 17 2 Mental Health 18 3 Other Non Acute 19 4 Primary Care & Prescribing 20 5 Corporate and Estates 21 6 Reserves 22 7 QIPP dashboard 23 8 Investments dashboard 24 16 ACUTE COMMISSIONING – Appendix 1 Year To Date Merton CCG - ACUTE COMMISSIONING Budget £000's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FOUNDATION TRUSTS KINGSTON NHS TRUST MOORFIELDS EYE HOSPITAL GUYS & ST THOMAS' HOSPITAL TRUST THE ROYAL MARSDEN HOSPITAL TRUST CHELSEA & WESTMINSTER HLTHCARE TRUST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON HOSPITALS TRUST KINGS HEALTHCARE TRUST THE ROYAL BROMPTON & HAREFIELD HOSPITALS TRUST ROYAL SURREY COUNTY & ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL TRUST THE ROYAL FREE (HAMPSTEAD) NHS TRUST ASHFORD & ST PETERS NHS TRUST GREAT ORMOND ST HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN NHS TRUST 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ACUTE TRUSTS ST GEORGE'S HEALTHCARE TRUST EPSOM & ST. HELIER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST LAS - EMERGENCY SERVICE CONTRACT CROYDON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST QUEEN MARYS ROEHAMPTON IMPERIAL COLLEGE NHS TRUST BARTS & THE LONDON NHS TRUST THE ROYAL NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL TRUST LEWISHAM HOSPITAL NHS TRUST NORTH WEST LONDON HOSPITALS TRUST WEST MIDDLESEX NHS TRUST GENERAL ACUTE COMMISSIONING Accrual Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's 8,801 3,051 1,627 1,556 1,009 648 874 311 175 96 (0) 113 9,798 3,512 1,775 1,253 1,106 547 927 380 133 102 8 92 (885) (229) (70) (37) 190 (50) 131 (49) (9) 12 (8) (15) 8,913 3,283 1,705 1,216 1,296 497 1,058 331 124 114 (0) 77 (113) (232) (78) 339 (287) 151 (184) (20) 52 (17) 0 36 9,650 3,328 1,775 1,697 1,101 707 953 339 191 105 0 123 9,723 3,583 1,865 1,326 1,414 543 1,156 362 136 125 0 84 (73) (255) (90) 371 (313) 164 (203) (22) 56 (19) 0 39 51,112 33,160 5,112 1,626 1,610 687 252 215 61 112 35 112,241 57,316 32,577 5,512 1,870 1,749 735 260 167 67 116 40 120,041 (5,507) 325 (399) (50) 137 19 (18) 6 16 (32) (12) (6,534) 51,809 32,902 5,113 1,820 1,886 754 242 173 83 84 28 113,507 (698) 257 (1) (194) (276) (67) 10 42 (22) 28 7 (1,265) 56,019 36,174 5,577 1,774 1,756 750 274 235 67 122 38 122,756 56,723 35,914 5,578 1,995 2,057 860 264 189 99 91 31 124,117 (704) 260 (1) (221) (301) (111) 11 46 (33) 30 8 (1,361) 1,664 1,987 324 2,311 (648) 1,815 2,522 (706) NON-SLA & OTHER ESH - LASERCARE CONTRACT (SK!)/ DEXA (ST ANTHONY'S)/DERMATOLOGY 239 170 CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME / LIQUID BASED CYTOLOGY / PATH FORMS 106 (ESH) 83 SYSTEMS RESILIENCE 1,042 1,112 DRUGS - IFR 8 26 PARTIALLY COMPLETED SPELLS & MATERNITY PATHWAY (0) 5 (91) 16 (42) 0 (386) 78 99 1,070 26 (381) 160 7 (28) (17) 381 212 116 1,137 9 0 85 108 1,167 31 (416) 127 8 (30) (22) 416 499 25 NON CONTRACT ACTIVITY 26 27 28 29 30 Actual before Accrual £000's Full Year Forecast Outturn 31 TOTAL NON-SLA & OTHER 32 TOTAL ACUTE COMMISSIONING 1,395 1,395 (503) 892 503 1,473 975 115,301 123,423 (6,713) 116,710 (1,409) 126,045 127,614 (1,569) 17 Mental Health & PLD – Appendix 2 Year To Date Merton CCG - NON ACUTE COMMISSIONING 1 2 3 4 MENTAL HEALTH CONTRACTS SOUTH WEST LONDON AND ST GEORGES MENTAL HEALTH TRUST SUSSEX FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIP - TIER 4 DETOX SERVICE SOUTH LONDON & MAUDSLEY SABP & MH NCAS 5 6 7 8 JOINT AGENCY, VOLUNTARY & INDEPENDENT SECTOR CONTRACTS CAMHS DEVELOPMENT FUND/YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM MERTON VOLUNTARY SECTOR / CARERS SUPPORT ADVOCACY SERVICES DEMENTIA SERVICES (Alzheimer's) Full Year Forecast Outturn Budget Actual before Accrual Accrual Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's 13,347 295 231 37 13,261 315 175 7 87 (26) 79 66 13,347 289 254 73 (0) 6 (23) (37) 14,561 322 252 40 14,561 315 277 80 (0) 7 (25) (40) 183 76 12 156 87 75 10 58 54 1 1 17 140 76 11 75 43 (0) 1 81 200 83 13 171 153 83 12 82 47 (0) 1 89 NAMED PATIENTS & PLACEMENTS 9 MENTAL HEALTH PLACEMENTS AND UNCONTRACTED ACTIVITY 3,080 3,091 163 3,254 (174) 3,360 3,550 (190) OTHER MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 10 TALKING THERAPIES IAPT, CDAS, ADHD, SUN 11 MENTAL HEALTH RESILIENCE 12 MH ENQUIRIES/NSF IMPLEMENTATION COSTS 1,180 110 126 1,135 0 0 183 110 10 1,318 110 10 (138) 0 116 1,287 120 138 1,438 120 12 (151) 0 126 18,834 18,214 744 18,959 (125) 20,546 20,683 (137) 0 0 1,196 1,196 0 220 1,055 1,276 0 43 237 280 0 263 1,293 1,556 0 (263) (96) (359) 0 0 1,305 1,305 0 287 1,410 1,697 0 (287) (105) (392) 13 TOTAL MENTAL HEALTH 14 MERTON ROAD LD 15 LEARNING DISABILITIES NCA (CNWL) 16 LEARNING DISABILITIES CONTINUING CARE 17 TOTAL LEARNING DIFFICULTIES 18 Other Non Acute – Appendix 3 18 END OF LIFE - LOCAL ENHANCED SERVICE 19 NURSING - MARIE CURIE - CANCER 20 BEREAVEMENT SERVICES 21 HOSPICES 22 SWL CANCER NETWORK AND ESH CANCER NURSE 23 TOTAL END OF LIFE CARE AND HOSPICES 38 83 79 590 156 946 9 98 1 652 180 940 8 (6) 8 (53) (14) (57) 17 92 9 599 166 883 21 (8) 70 (9) (10) 63 42 91 86 643 170 1,032 19 100 10 654 181 964 23 (9) 76 (11) (11) 68 24 HOME OXYGEN SERVICE 25 CARDIOLOGY 26 TOTAL LONG TERM CONDITIONS 198 53 251 160 22 182 36 (22) 14 196 (0) 196 2 53 55 216 58 274 214 0 214 2 58 60 42 67 11 175 69 0 601 31 189 1,186 19 55 6 148 84 53 436 13 170 985 8 19 5 8 20 (3) 165 0 (30) 192 28 73 11 156 105 50 601 13 140 1,176 15 (6) 0 20 (36) (50) (0) 18 49 9 46 115 19 191 75 0 656 34 206 1,342 30 80 12 170 116 55 656 16 153 1,288 16 35 7 21 (41) (55) (0) 18 53 54 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 URGENT CARE GPSI'S COMMISSIONING - MINOR SURGERY OPHTHALMOLOGY (LOW VISION SERVICE) BPAS MARIE STOPES INTERNATIONAL HEALTH COACHING INTERMEDIATE CARE COMMISSIONING (BEDS) DIABETES EYE SCREENING PROGRAMME BETTER CARE FUND TOTAL URGENT AND INTERMEDIATE CARE 37 38 39 40 41 42 COMMUNITY SERVICES PODIATRY MERTON ICES PATIENT TRANSPORT MERTON MUSCULOSKELETAL SERVICE TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 14,040 74 226 0 275 14,616 13,209 61 185 0 67 13,522 (75) 13 41 0 6 (15) 13,134 74 226 0 73 13,507 907 0 (0) 0 202 1,109 15,317 81 247 0 300 15,945 14,327 81 247 0 80 14,735 990 0 0 0 220 1,210 43 44 45 46 47 48 PAEDIATRIC, AUDIOLOGY AND DESIGNATED CHILD DEATH DOCTOR CONTRACT 527 MERTON CHILDREN - SCPS 701 CHC CHILDREN PERSONAL HEALTH BUDGETS 0 SLAM CAMHS AND AD HOC 0 SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD 32 TOTAL CHILDREN SERVICES 1,260 559 1,127 0 113 20 1,820 (5) (2) 0 (50) 12 (44) 555 1,126 0 63 32 1,776 (27) (425) 0 (63) 0 (515) 575 765 0 0 35 1,375 605 1,228 0 69 35 1,937 (30) (463) 0 (69) 0 (562) 49 50 51 52 53 FUNDED NURSING CARE JOINT FUNDED PERSONAL HEALTH BUDGETS CONTINUING CARE PLACEMENTS - MERTON TOTAL ADULT CONTINUING CARE 1,375 427 0 4,648 6,450 1,035 166 (5) 5,642 6,837 28 222 5 (82) 173 1,062 388 0 5,560 7,010 312 39 0 (911) (560) 1,500 465 0 5,071 7,036 1,159 423 0 6,065 7,647 341 42 0 (993) (611) 44,739 43,775 1,287 45,062 (323) 48,855 49,164 (309) 54 TOTAL NON ACUTE COMMISSIONING 19 Primary Care & Prescribing – Appendix 4 Year To Date Merton CCG - PRIMARY CARE & PRESCRIBING 1 2 3 4 PRESCRIBING SCRIPTSWITCH CENTRAL DRUGS TOTAL PRESCRIBING 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LES - NEAR PATIENT TESTING LES - ATRIAL FIBRILATION LES - ANTI COAG LES - PHLEBOTOMY LES - POST OPERATIVE WOUND CARE LES - MENORRAGHIA LES - GYNAECOLOGY LES - UROLOGY LES - DIABETES LES - CARE OF OLDER PEOPLE LES - OTHER LOCAL ENHANCED SERVICES Full Year Forecast Outturn Budget Actual before Accrual Accrual Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's 20,132 75 595 20,803 14,777 72 353 15,202 5,571 16 197 5,784 20,348 88 550 20,985 (216) (13) 46 (183) 21,962 82 650 22,694 22,198 96 599 22,893 (235) (14) 50 (199) 6 5 194 139 22 79 59 28 44 458 0 1,034 (0) 3 202 125 10 23 44 20 3 668 (257) 840 6 1 2 13 8 53 23 16 12 33 258 426 6 4 204 138 17 76 67 36 15 701 0 1,265 (0) 0 (10) 1 5 3 (9) (8) 29 (243) 0 (231) 7 5 212 152 24 86 64 31 47 500 (0) 1,128 7 4 221 151 19 83 73 39 16 765 (2) 1,376 0 1 (9) 1 5 3 (9) (8) 31 (265) 2 (248) 17 111 CONTRACT 18 PMS - OUT OF HOURS 19 TOTAL OUT OF HOURS 413 1,173 1,586 275 1,257 1,532 138 40 178 413 1,297 1,710 0 (124) (124) 450 1,280 1,730 450 1,415 1,865 0 (135) (135) 20 21 22 23 77 0 944 1,021 110 40 930 1,079 46 0 0 46 156 40 930 1,125 (79) (40) 15 (104) 84 0 1,030 1,114 170 43 1,014 1,227 (86) (43) 16 (113) 24,444 18,652 6,433 25,085 (642) 26,666 27,361 (695) GP - STATUTORY MEDICAL FEES QMS WILSON WALK IN CENTRE (UNREGISTERED PATIENTS) TOTAL PRIMARY CARE OTHER 24 TOTAL PRIMARY CARE & PRESCRIBING 20 Corporate and Estates – Appendix 5 Year To Date Merton CCG - CORPORATE & ESTATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 ADMINISTRATION & BUSINESS SUPPORT CEO/ BOARD OFFICE CHAIR AND NON EXECS CLINICAL SUPPORT COMMISSIONING CORPORATE COSTS & SERVICES EDUCATION AND TRAINING ESTATES AND FACILITIES FINANCE GENERAL RESERVE - ADMIN PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PERFORMANCE QIPP QUALITY ASSURANCE SERVICE REFORM & PLANNING 17 TOTAL RUNNING COSTS 18 19 20 20 21 22 GP IT (SLCSU) CONTINUING CARE TEAM (SLCSU) ISPS (SLCSU) RECLASSIFICATION OF RUNNING COSTS TO PROG COSTS INFECTION CONTROL (SLCSU) TOTAL CSU CHARGES 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MEDICINES MANAGEMENT SAFEGUARDING INTERPRETING SERVICES CLINICAL LEADS/TRANSFORMATIONAL SERVICE MANAGERS NELSON LOCAL CARE CENTRE DEPRECIATION LEVIES/PPI/PRC TRAINING TOTAL OTHER CORPORATE COSTS 31 PROPERTY COSTS 32 TOTAL CORPORATE & ESTATE COSTS Full Year Forecast Outturn Budget Actual before Accrual Accrual Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's 139 545 155 277 361 2,310 41 332 7 141 24 153 70 20 0 185 540 152 166 372 2,170 (144) 92 58 0 38 179 (6) 26 89 (44) (71) 3 19 (27) (70) 166 65 1 (0) (2) (15) 65 (2) 385 140 469 155 185 345 2,100 23 158 59 (0) 36 164 59 24 474 (2) 76 0 93 15 210 18 174 (51) 141 (12) (11) 11 (4) (474) 151 595 169 303 393 2,520 45 362 8 154 26 167 76 22 0 153 512 169 202 377 2,291 25 172 64 0 39 179 64 26 517 (2) 83 0 101 16 229 20 190 (56) 154 (13) (12) 12 (4) (517) 4,576 3,918 472 4,391 185 4,992 4,791 201 504 299 23 0 27 853 504 299 23 394 27 1,247 (45) (0) 0 145 0 100 459 299 23 539 27 1,347 44 0 (0) (539) (0) (495) 550 326 25 0 30 930 501 326 25 588 30 1,470 49 (0) 0 (588) (0) (540) 299 69 18 634 0 0 69 1,089 316 123 8 509 (150) 0 104 910 (5) (34) 3 93 785 0 19 860 311 88 11 602 635 0 123 1,770 (12) (19) 7 31 (635) 0 (54) (682) 326 76 20 691 0 0 75 1,188 353 96 12 657 693 0 134 1,945 (27) (20) 8 34 (693) 0 (59) (757) 575 (1,181) 1,390 209 366 627 228 399 7,092 4,895 2,822 7,717 (625) 7,737 8,434 (697) 21 Reserves – Appendix 6 Year To Date Merton CCG - Reserves & Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 CCG SLA RESERVE CONTINGENCY (0.5%) NON RECURRENT FUND (1.5%) QUALITY PREMIUM NETA RESERVE TOTAL RESERVES Full Year Forecast Outturn Budget Actual before Accrual Accrual Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's 1,431 991 2,693 426 603 6,145 0 (438) 1,633 0 0 1,196 0 616 (20) 426 464 1,487 0 179 1,613 426 464 2,683 1,431 812 1,080 0 139 3,462 1,559 1,081 2,938 465 658 6,701 0 195 1,760 465 507 2,926 1,559 886 1,178 0 151 3,774 22 QIPP DASHBOARD – Appendix 7 GROSS QIPP SAVINGS ID Transformational QIPP CATEGORY and transactional 1 PROJ. DESCRIPTION Total Scheme Value Investment to deliver Project Net QIPP PROJECT COSTS NET QIPP SAVINGS QIPP IN MONTH Planned YTD Actual YTD Variance Planned YTD Actual YTD Variance Planned YTD Actual YTD Variance Planned Actual Variance Movement (£000s) (£000s) YTD (£000s) (£000s) (£000s) YTD (£000s) (£000s) (£000s) YTD (£'000s) February 15 February 15 YTD (£000s) in Month (£000s) (£000s) (£000s) Full Year NET FOT Forecast (RAG RATED) (£000s) (£000s) 1 Transformational Urgent Care Expansion of CPAT 300 - 300 270 270 - - - - 270 270 - 30 30 - - 300 G 2 Transformational Urgent Care Review and Development of Intermediate Care Beds 62 - 62 47 16 31 - - - 47 16 31 16 16 - (31) 31 R 3 Transformational Urgent Care Inreach nursing 18 - 18 16 78 (62) - - - 16 78 (62) 2 10 (8) 70 88 G 4 Transformational Urgent Care Development of HARI 120 - 120 90 - 90 - - - 90 - 90 30 - 30 (120) - B 4 Transformational Urgent Care Care delivery by Locality based MDT 120 - 120 108 113 (5) - - - 108 113 (5) 13 15 (3) 8 128 G 5 Transformational Planned Care MSK - deliver on appropriate pathway 260 137 123 234 170 63 123 - 123 110 170 (60) 12 50 (37) 39 220 G 6 Transformational Planned Care Cardiology - new models of care 130 58 72 115 - 115 52 - 52 64 - 64 8 - 8 - - B 7 Transformational Planned Care Respiratory - Reduce attendances at Hospital 40 - 40 36 - 36 - - - 36 - 36 3 - 3 (40) - B 8 Transformational Planned care Dermatology - Review & Redesign Dermatology 161 114 47 143 - 143 101 - 101 42 - 42 5 - 5 - - B 9 Transformational Planned care DESP Surveillance Clinic - - - - - - - 17 (17) - (17) 17 - - - (15) (15) G 10 Transformational Planned Care Diabetes- Tier 3 86 - 86 71 5 66 - - - 71 5 66 16 - 16 (57) 5 R Transformational Planned care Health Coaching - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (61) - G 11 Transformational Prescribing Care Homes Pharmacy 75 60 15 65 - 65 55 - 55 10 - 10 5 - 5 (30) - B 12 Transformational Prescribing Prescribing Workstreams & Clinical Interventions 400 1 399 381 351 30 1 - 1 380 351 29 19 0 19 (30) 370 A 13 Transformational Prescribing Nutrition 30 49 (19) 25 34 (9) 45 29 16 (20) 4 (24) 1 (3) 4 16 2 B 14 Transformational Prescribing MMT Care Homes 60 - 60 59 6 52 - - - 59 6 52 2 - 2 (52) 8 R 480 395 (162) (95) 29 - 43 70 (14) (70) 65 523 465 G G 158 1,479 2,558 6,067 0 (190) (161) 14 117 232 553 14 77 232 554 0 40 (1) 150 (88) 173 1,556 2,790 6,642 15 Transactional 16 Transactional Mental Health Placements 17 Transactional 18 Transactional 19 Transactional Continuing Care Placements Acute portfolio Acute Challenges Acute portfolio Curtailing Growth PROGRAMME TOTAL (£000s) Mental Health Contracts Mental Health Placement Review 347 400 0 0 347 400 318 300 480 395 (162) (95) - - - 318 300 173 1,406 2,790 6,977 0 0 0 419 173 1,406 2,790 6,558 159 1,289 2,558 6,283 158 1,479 2,558 6,112 0 (190) 170 377 46 331 159 1,289 2,558 5,906 23 G G G INVESTMENT DASHBOARD – Appendix 8 INVESTMENT CATEGORY 1 BCF 2 BCF 3 BCF 4 BCF 5 BCF 6 BCF 7 BCF 8 BCF 9 BCF 10 BCF 11 BCF 12 BCF 13 BCF 14 15 16 17 18 19 QIPP QIPP QIPP QIPP Total Investment (£000s) Planned YTD (£000s) Integrated locality teams (tfrd to reserves) Integrated Complex Older Patients Pathway (ICOPP) Dementia nurses Expert Patient Programme Telehealth Rapid Response Team at ESH and STAR team at STG's Community Preventions Admissions Team (CPAT) Nursing homes (tfrd to reserves) Prevention of admission (step up beds) Step down beds In reach into St George's - 72 hr intensive rehabilitation Increased night nurses to support carers Interface Geriatricians OPARS Reserves Total - - - - - 104 95 54 41 300 96 96 275 88 88 50 - 200 183 - Funding for cardiology QIPP plan MSK Dermatology Care homes pharmacy 20 QIPP Prescribing workstreams and clinical interventions 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 Nutrition Total QIPP Dementia screening Additional resource in Liaison Psychiatry Other Bereavement services for bereaved parents Other Bereavement services Other IVF Other Cardiology - Rehab Other LES - Care of Older People Total PROGRAMME TOTAL (£000s) Other Other Year to date (YTD) Actual YTD Variance YTD (£000s) (£000s) PROJ. DESCRIPTION Planned (£000s) Full Year (FY) FOT (£000s) Variance (£000s) NET FOT (RAG RATED) (£000s) - - B 104 59 45 A-R 275 38 88 300 96 96 60 - 300 36 96 B A-R B - 183 200 - 200 B - - - - - - B 245 245 225 225 - 225 225 245 245 30 245 215 B R 150 138 138 - 150 150 - G 66 109 50 381 2,041 60 99 46 349 1,871 242 60 99 46 349 1,629 66 109 50 381 2,041 299 66 109 50 381 1,742 58 137 114 60 53 126 105 55 - 53 126 105 55 58 137 114 60 - 58 137 114 60 B B B B R B B B B B 1 1 - 1 1 1 0 A-R 49 419 45 384 29 29 16 355 49 419 33 34 16 385 103 50 26 60 800 0 500 1,539 3,999 94 46 24 55 733 952 3,207 701 701 972 94 46 24 55 733 (701) 251 2,235 103 50 26 60 800 0 500 1,539 3,999 10 100 765 875 1,208 103 50 26 50 700 0 (265) 664 2,791 A-R R B B B B R R B G A-R 24