Community Data on Shelter, Housing and Services For the week ending 11 April 2014 All numbers are an unduplicated count Number of People Served YTD (Change) This Week 100% Total 4,246 6,783 (183) 100% 77% Adults 3,260 5,463 (163) 81% 23% Children 963 1,271 (18) 19% Number of Individuals in Shelter This Week YTD (Change) 100% Total 1,312 3,536 (144) 100% 69% Adult Men 908 2,418 (97) 68% 23% Adult Women 307 847 (34) 24% 7% Children 93 236 (10) 7% Individuals Served by Subpopulation YTD (Change) This Week 6% Veterans 252 451 (11) 7% 15% Chronically Homeless 615 1,042 (19) 15% 26% Severely Mentally Ill 1,123 1,800 (58) 27% 10% Chronic Substance Abuse 403 694 (14) 10% 0% Unaccompanied Children 9 41 (5) 1% Successes in Stable Housing 2014 2013 2015 YTD (Change) 1,282 Former Homeless 1,276 478 (29) 261 Former Chronically Homeless 217 85 (5) 174 Former Homeless Veterans 104 72 (5) Veterans Stabilized in 337 191 131 (9) Housing 3,336 Total Stabilized in Housing 3,377 1,025 (62) Additional Community Information This Week YTD (Change) Austin Children’s Services 43 88 (2)