Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership: Funding Expression of Interest Form Data Protection The Data Controller is Black Country Consortium Ltd. Details that you provide us with on this form on subsequent forms or by other means will only be used in connection with business support services offered by Black Country Consortium and partners (Dudley MBC, Sandwell MBC, Walsall MBC, Wolverhampton CC, the University of Wolverhampton, Birmingham City Council and the Business Growth Service). Information you provide may be input to a computer based recording system and/or paper record to enable us to inform you of related services and for statistical and research purposes 1. Project Overview 1a. Project Title 2. 1b. Project Duration 1c. Est. Start Date 1d. Est. End Date 1f. Total cost of Project 1g. Finance required 1e. When do you require the funding to be in place? Applicant Details 2a. Company Name 2b. Company Address including postcode 2c. Company Registration No 2d.Contact Name 2f. Email Address 2h. Which Local Authority do you pay your Business Rates to? 2i. Are you working with any Consultants who are supporting you with this bid and/or delivery of project? Is the business a family business? 2g. Tel No. Yes No If yes, are you happy for us to copy them in to any correspondence? Please provide their details below: Contact Name Email Address 2j. What is your main Business Activity 2l. Number of FTE Employees 2k. SIC Code 2m. % Control by non SME 2n. Have you, or any associated companies, in the last 3 yrs delivered projects using or have been awarded public sector funding? If so when and how much? 2o.. If a part of a group please provide turnover/employee numbers for the entire group, who is the (Global) ultimate owner or parent company Turnover Number 2p. What sectors does the business supply? 2r. What proportion of sales are exported? Key Financial Date - Please complete approximate data below for the last 3 years Year £000s 2s. Turnover 2t. Net profit before tax 2u. Balance sheet net worth £000s £000s 3. Project Details 3a. Investment location (including address and postcode) 3b. Site Area or existing built floorspace 3c. Is planning consent in place, if required? 3d. Number of jobs you expect to create (full time) 3e. Number of jobs to be safeguarded (full time) 3f. What training does the project involve and what will it cost? 3g. What research and development does the project involve and what will it cost? 3h. What potential is there for any other improvements such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions or involving the local community? 3i. Have you prepared a business or investment plan, including a cashflow forecast, for the project? 3j. Briefly outline what it is that you want to do and why: 3k. Why is your bank unable to fund the project? 3l. Why is the business unable to fund the project? 3m. What other forms of finance have you explored and why are they not suitable? 3n. What external advice have you had regarding finance, e.g. meetings with accountants, brokers etc? Please send completed forms to