Las Vegas High School Course Expectations 2012-2013 Course Expectations ARMY JUNIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS (AJROTC LEVELS 1-4 AND DRILL & LEADERSHIP) Instructor: MICHAEL E. EVANS/ NELS E. NELSON/ CHRISTOPHER D. A. SIMMONS, SR. /GUY COOPER LVHS Room 503 AND 503A Phone: (702) 799-0180 EXTENTIONS 4068/(Evans) 4069 (Nelson)/4071 (Cooper)/4078 (Simmons) Email: Course Scope: The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Program originated as part of the National Defense Act of 1916, which authorized the Secretary of War to issue equipment to those secondary schools desiring military training programs. The concept was revalidated and expanded during the Congressional hearings preceding the passage of the ROTC Vitalization Act of 1964. Under this statute, the Army sponsors training in private and public schools at the secondary education level. The Junior ROTC Program of Instruction is an integral part of the institution’s curriculum; however, it is provided by the Army, and the overall performance of the program is closely monitored by the Army. ADVANTAGESSatisfactory completion of at least two years of the program can lead to advanced placement or advanced rank in the armed forces. Participation in the JROTC program does not obligate the student in any way for future military service. The Army JROTC program’s objectives are to develop in each cadet a sense of patriotism and good citizenship, leadership traits and self-discipline, communication and teamwork skills, and physical fitness as well as interest in a possible military career. All skills taught are useful in all career fields and in daily living. Course Goals: The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) program prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles, while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as a citizen. The program in a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school and provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, the community and the nation. Las Vegas High School Page: 1 It is a purpose of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training corps to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, and personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment (Title 10> Subtitle A> Part III> chapter 102 > 2031) Textbooks The following text(s) will be utilized in this course: JROTC Core Text (levels 1-4) JROTC Unit 1 (Introduction to JROTC) JROTC Unit 2 (Leadership Theory and Application) JROTC Unit 3 (Foundation for Success) JROTC Unit 4 (Wellness, Fitness and First Aid) JROTC Unit 5 (Geography and Earth Science) JROTC Unit 6 (Citizenship and American History) JROTC Unit 7 (Air Rifle Safety and Marksmanship) Student Supplies Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year: Student Journal Military Uniform (issued by the JROTC department) Tardy Policy Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings and understands that the Las Vegas High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first tardy, the student will be warned; on the second tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the third tardy, a thirty-minute teacher detention will be assigned; and all subsequent tardies will result in a referral to the deans’ office. In addition to the Las Vegas Tardy Policy, Las Vegas will utilize a random Tardy Lockout System. Grading Policy Academic Expectations Students are expected to complete all assignments in the class. It is impossible for a teacher to measure student mastery without the completion of assignments. The following procedures will be followed to assist students with the completion of assignments: Missing assignment – student will be given a warning and assignment will be expected to be completed during guidance period. Failed attempt to make up assignment during guidance period – student will be given academic opportunity time from 1:30-2:01 p.m. in classroom and required to complete the assignment. Failed attempt to make up assignment after school in classroom – parent will be contacted via telephone and student will be required to turn in the missing assignments within two school days. Noncompliance will result in a referral. Level of Mastery: 90% - 100% Accuracy = A 80% - 89% Accuracy = B 70% - 79% Accuracy = C Las Vegas High School Page: 2 60% - 69% Accuracy = D Below 60% Accuracy = F Description of Grading Procedures- identify: There are three weighted areas that determine your grade. Academics: Forty percent (40%) of the overall grade will be based upon academics. This consist of homework, class work, quizzes, and tests (written and performance). If you are absent from school, you will be expected to make up missed academic work on the day you return to class. Cadets are responsible for ensuring that they ask about and make up missed assignments. They have three days to contact the teacher to make arrangements for makeup work. Uniform: Thirty percent (30%) of the overall grade will be based upon wear and inspection of the uniform. Cadets will be taught how to wear the uniform properly. They will be required to wear the uniform to and from school one day per week or as designated by the instructors. The uniform is to be worn the entire day except when permitted by the instructors. Cadets will be inspected weekly by the instructors, the cadet chain of command, or a combination of both. The grade will be based on mastery of the subject. Participation: Thirty percent (30%) of the overall grade will be based upon participation in JROTC. It include but is not limited to following instructions, motivation, attitude, initiative, demonstrated leadership, the ability to follow instructions, mentoring, and mastery of the subjects being taught. Citizenship: Is a separate grade and based upon a student’s scholarly conduct and demeanor as prescribed by school policy. Expectations General: Classroom Behavior Expectation. Cadets will present for all instruction at the prescribed time. If the cadet is tardy, they must sign the “tardy book.” Failure to sign may result in the cadet being marked absent. Preparation for Class: Cadet must be prepared and properly attired for the class being conducted on any designated day. It is the student’s responsibility to periodically check the “Weekly Training Schedule” posted on the bulletin board in the back of the classroom to determine what type classes will be conducted daily. Students will also be reminded by the instructors daily and are required to bring a notebook. Discipline: Cadets will conduct themselves in an acceptable manner. Lack of discipline will result in parent contact, departmental detention, and or referral to the Dean’s Office. Military Attire and Personal Grooming: Participation in the JROTC program is strictly voluntary. Students may enroll in the program for various reasons, i.e. to learn leadership skills, for the challenges offered, if they are considering joining on the branches of the armed forces upon graduation, or to receive Physical Education credit. Whatever the reason, students must realize that the unique requirements must be met that are not found in other programs or classes offered by the school. Las Vegas High School Page: 3 Students enrolled in the JROTC program are issued a military uniform, free of charge, at the beginning of the school year. Wearing the uniform weekly (according to the training schedule) to class is MANDATORY. Failure to wear the uniform when required will affect both their uniform and participation grades in the following manner: The first failure to wear the uniform will result in a stern reprimand from the instructor. The second offense will mean that the offender will be referred to the dean for the purpose of placing the offender on RPC (required parent conference). On the third offense, the offender is suspended from school for three days and requires the parents to return the offender to school. Students are required to keep their uniform clean and pressed, and to ensure that any part of it is not damaged, lost or stolen. At the end of the school year, it will be returned. If any item(s) are lost or damaged, the student will be required to pay for them. Additionally, proper military grooming is mandatory. Proper grooming is discussed in class. Student Attitude and Demeanor: In order to accomplish the JROTC mission of motivating young people to become better citizens, a student must always present an acceptable attitude and demeanor. Therefore, it is important that this be clearly understood at the time a student enrolls in the program. Students who fail to meet the established standards may be dropped from the program. Class Structure: Each class period will be formed into a military organization call a “Company.” The Company will be further subdivided into platoons and squads. Cadet Leaders will be selected for each of these elements. Leaders are selected based upon demonstrated leadership performances. A cadet will be responsible for their conduct and performance at all times. Individual squad members must obey all “lawful” orders from any of the Cadet Leaders (the definition of lawful orders is fully explained in class). Failure to do so will affect their participation grade. Physical Fitness Training: Each cadet will participate in physical fitness training. This training is conducted to challenge each student’s health, body, mind, and spirit. Periodically, all cadets will be tested against established national standards. Awards will be given to the top female and male cadets. Since physical fitness training is a major unit of the JROTC program, all student/cadets must participate to their best and within their physical abilities. Additionally, each student must be “properly attired” to perform physical fitness exercises, i.e. sit-ups, push-ups calisthenics, and running, etc. Cadets will have an opportunity to purchase a JROTC shirt however, special clothing is not required. The type of clothing should be comfortable and cadets are required to wear running or exercise shoes during this training. Co-Curricular Activities Parades: Cadets are required to participate unless excused In two co-curricular activities per year (i.e. one parade). We normally participate in three events per year. These are: Homecoming, Veterans Day, and the annual awards ceremony, usually conducted in May, in the gym from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Drill Teams: There are two teams, armed and unarmed. Both teams are comprised of male and female cadets. Cadets who are interested must be enrolled in our “Drill and Leaderships Class.” These teams compete against other JROTC units at various times throughout the school year. This class is an elective. Cadets have an opportunity to earn a JROTC letter in this class. Las Vegas High School Page: 4 Color Guard: The team is comprised of male and female cadets. This team competes at all drill meets, and performs in numerous color guard ceremonies at school functions (i.e. football games, assemblies, etc.) and off campus events. Rifle team: The team is comprised of male and female cadets. Members practice before school with JROTC air rifles. They compete with other JROTC units. Membership is open to all students enrolled in the JROTC program who demonstrate a strong interest and competitiveness. Fundraisers: Throughout the year the cadets participate in various fundraising activities, i.e. entertainment books sales, car washes, etc. Their purpose is to raise money to purchase goods and services to support the unique requirements in the JROTC program. Participation is on a voluntary basis. Cadets electing to participate are responsible to collect all monies raised and turn it into the Military Instructors. Students who have a debt to the program from a fundraiser will not be promoted or receive any awards until the debt is settled. Military Ball: In the spring of each year a joint JROTC military ball (formal dance) is conducted. All cadets and their escort are invited to attend. Tickets must be purchased in advance. The ball is usually held in the Rivera Convention Center. Community Activities: The purpose of being involved in community activities is to foster good relations between the JROTC Corps of Cadets and the community at large. Students will be advised when help is required by the community. Students who participate in any of these volunteer activities will receive recognition. Award and Decorations: Cadets that distinguish themselves in participation in scheduled activities, academic achievement, school, and community service programs will be recognized for their achievements. The criteria for all awards are found in the Student Handbook. Cadet Rank: Is earned based upon individual performance, high standard of conduct, positive attitude, potential to lead, excellent military bearing, and satisfactory academic performance (Mastery of material taught in the cadets grade level). Military rank constitutes authority and responsibility within in the Corps of Cadets. Movement upward in rank is considered a “promotion.” Cadets that are selected for promotion can also be selected for a leadership position within the company or at the battalion level. Normally Senior Cadets assist the Military Instructors in running the Corps of Cadets. Training Schedules: There are two training schedules posted on each classroom bulletin board. The top schedule is the annual training schedule. This indicates by week and student level what subjects will be taught and how many hours will be used to cover teaching each subject. The lower posted training schedule is for the current week and is a weekly training schedule. This informs the cadet by class level, and period, each subject being taught and the instructor for every class period. Questions pertaining to these policies should be addressed to the undersigned at 799Las Vegas High School Page: 5 0180, ext. 4068/4069/4071 or 4078. Semester Grading Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade 45% Quarter 2/4 Grade 10% Semester Examination Standards of Preparation: All classes need to include a statement regarding the impact spelling, grammar, neatness, and adherence to standards of preparation will have on the grades received. Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance Make-up procedures: After an absence, students will be expected to check the make-up work area in each class. Make-up work will be located on a wall calendar or in a notebook. These centralized locations will hold standardized procedures for all students. Students must obtain make-up work within three days of an absence, unless other arrangements with the teachers are made. Students are responsible for getting/requesting make-up work and scheduling before or after school to make-up tests/quizzes. Hours of Availability- Daily- Indicate daily times when you will be available to assist students. Explain how students may schedule an appointment for special assistance. Explain how students will be notified when parent conferences, club activities, etc. may alter your schedule and availability to students. All make-up work must be submitted before the test/quiz for the unit. Attendance: Attendance is required for students to experience maximum academic growth. After the seventh unexcused absence the student will be referred to the deans’ office and a conference will be scheduled with the parent. After the tenth unexcused absence, the student will lose credit for the course. Classroom Behavioral Expectation: Classroom discipline, indoors and outdoors, is much more stringent in the JROTC program than in any other school classroom. Every cadet company is required to stand at attention beginning and end of class. They will remain standing until instructed to do something else by their cadet leaders or they are dismissed. Las Vegas High School Page: 6 Michael E. Evans Major, USA (R) Senior Army Instructor Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to the teacher by September 12, 2012. Acknowledgement of Course Expectations ARMY JUNIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS (AJROTC LEVELS 1-4 AND DRILL & LEADERSHIP) We have read and discussed the course description and expectations. ________________________________ Student’s Name [last, first] ________________________________ Student’s Signature ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________ Home phone ________________________________ Work/Cell phone Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Las Vegas High School Page: 7