DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY "MUSTANG" ARMY JROTC BATTALION SOUTH ROBESON HIGH SCHOOL ROWLAND, NC 28383 "AN HONOR UNIT WITH DISTINCTION" Senior Army Instructor JROTC 25 September 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR Mustang Battalion JROC Cadets SUBJECT: Make-up Credit and/or Extra Credit 1. Cadets needing to make-up for missed class work are required to do the following to receive any type of grade credit. a. Cadets missing one period of physical training will write a one page essay on the importance of a physical training program. A second absence requires a two page essay on the importance of nutrition with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Third absences will result in writing a historical engagement or important historical figure. Any paper will raise the cadet’s grade from a zero to a maximum of and 80 depending on the quality of their paper. b. Cadets missing uniform inspections are required to wear their uniform prior to the next inspection date. Cadets absent from school will receive a grade of 100 minus their uniform discrepancies. Cadets, who are present but not in uniform during inspections, will receive a grade of 80 minus discrepancies. Cadets will have until the next uniform inspection to make-up for the absence by wearing their uniform. Any further make-up requirements will result in writing a historical engagement or important historical figure with the highest grade being a 75. c. Cadets missing days that require additional course work to make-up for absences will write an essay on either a military engagement or a historically military significant individual that is approved by the Senior Army Instructor. This essay will be at a minimum of two pages and a max of five pages long. Any material drawn from source material (webpage, book, etc.) will be properly cited and credited. 2. Essays will be typed, single spaced and use size 12 Courier New font. Pages will have margins of 1” on all sides. Individuals without a computer may hand write the essay, but, the minimum requirement for pages will be three. 3. Historical engagement essays will contain three major sections. Section one is the introduction and will include the name and date of the engagement, and will include the major participants of who fought in the engagement. The second section is the body and will provide a description of the engagement to include events leading up to the engagement, and its outcome. The third section is the summary section and will include how this engagement impacted the US and a selfreflection section on what the cadet personally learned about the engagement. 4. Historical important individual essays will contain three major sections. Section one is the introduction and will include the name and life span of the individual, and will include what this person is best known for. The second section is the body and will provide a description of the individuals defining moment in the context of the class and what the impact of this moment had on the US and/or the world. The third section is the summary section and will include how this person would be accepted in the world today and a self-reflection section on what the cadet personally learned about this individual. 5. Individuals wishing extra credit may write on any of the topics discussed in this memorandum. Prior approval for extra credit is required. 6. Cadets will be evaluated using the attached rubric. 7. Point of contact is the undersigned. ANDREW J. BLISS Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Senior Army Instructor Encl. Grading Rubric