Cell Museum

Cell Gallery Museum
Directions - Quietly and independently walk through
the cell organelle museum and answer the questions.
You may refer to your notes.
1. All of the structures below are
collectively referred to as
2. What is the jelly-like substance
in between the organelles in a cell
3. What is the name of the
“boss” of the cell?
4. What is the name of the
organelle labeled 9?
5. What is the name of the
organelle labeled 6?
6. What is the name of the
organelle labeled 5?
7. What is the name of the
organelle labeled 2?
8. What is the name of the
organelle labeled 7?
9. What
the organelle
labeled #2?
10. What is
the organelle
labeled #14?
11. Identify the organelle below?
12. What is the thin, flexible
barrier around a cell that
regulates what enters and
leaves the cell?
13. What organelle captures
the energy from sunlight and
converts it into chemical
energy in a process called
14. Which organelle
contains the genetic
information of the cell?
15. What organelles convert
the chemical energy stored in
food into compounds that are
more convenient for the cell
to use?
16. Which organelle is like a
small machine in a factory
that produces proteins?
17. Which organelle is the
strong supporting layer
around the cell membrane
and is located in plants,
algae, and some
18. Which organelle modifies,
sorts, and packages proteins
and other materials from the
endoplasmic reticulum for
storage in the cell or
secretion outside the cell?
19. Identify the following
20. Is the following a plant
or animal cell?
21. Is the following a
plant or animal cell?
22. Is the following a
eukaryotic or prokaryotic
23. Is the following a
eukaryotic or prokaryotic
24. What is the
difference between
eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells?
25. Which organelle puts the
finishing touches on proteins
before they are ready to
leave the “factory”?
26. How are plant cells
different from animal
List three differences.
27. Which organelle is describe
by the following?
Internal membrane system in
cells in which lipid components
of the cell membrane are
assembled and some proteins
are modified
28. Which organelle is a sac
like structure that stores
materials such as water,
salts, proteins, and
29. ________ are the
basic units of structure
and function in living
30. Cells _____________,
which means that they have
separate roles for each type of
cell in multi-cellular organisms.