Period 8 Macromolecule PowerPoint

By: Clay Bowes (leader), Joey Cristee
(Vocabulary), Sam Mohr (Elements), Nick
Alcock (Monomers), Olivia Roudebush
(Polymers), Clare Corr (Use in organisms)
Monosaccharide- Single sugar molecules
Polysaccharides- large macromolecules
Glycogen- Polysaccharide that stores excess
sugar; for animals
Starches- complex extra sugar carbohydrate;
for plants
Cellulose- used to store excess sugar in plants;
for structure (desks-slabs) wood
Made of Carbon
Contains Oxygen
Contains Hydrogen
The Monomer of Carbohydrates are
It is simple sugars like glucose(basic) and
fructose (fruits and plants), galactose (milk
Known as polysaccharides
Starches and sugars
Arranged in long chains
Common Starch
Plants and Animals uses carbohydrates as a
source of energy.
They are also used to store access sugar
These are called Glycogen
Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen. They are based in a 1:2:1 ratio. Carbohydrates are
the main source of energy for living things. Also,
Carbohydrates can be used for structural purposes. There
are two types of carbs: sugars and starches. Sugars are not
good for long-term energy but are good for short bursts of
energy. Starches can be stored for long-term use. Sugars and
starches have the same monomers. These monomers are
called monosaccharides. There are three types of sugars:
glucose, galactose, and fructose. Starches have many
monosaccharides called polysaccharides. There are animal
starches and plant starches; the animal starches are called
glycogen and the plant starches are called cellulose.
Glycogen is responsible for movement and cellulose is
responsible for plant rigidity and strength. Carbohydrates in
short, are the source for energy as well as the way to store
By: Emma, Gina, Kristi, Kate, Thomas, and Ryan
Proteins – Macromolecules that
contain nitrogen as well as carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen
Amino Acids – Compounds with an
amino group (-NH2) on one end
and a carboxyl group (-COOH) on
the other end.
R-Groups – The portion of each
amino acid that is different and is a
side chain.
• Amino Acids are monomer’s of proteins
• Proteins/polymers
• ● Proteins are polymers of amino acids lined
• covalent bonds
• ● Serve lots of functions
• ○ Catalysts (enzymes), structural roles
• (cytoskeleton), take ions and molecules across
• membranes, hormones.
Proteins in organisms
• Different types of proteins do different things
• Needed for tissue growth and repair
• Your body needs protein
Nucleic Acids
By: Halle, Lily, Jackie, lexi,
courtney, evan , AND
The nucleic acids are the building blocks of living organisms.
You may have heard of DNA described the same way. DNA
is just one type of nucleic acid. Some other types are RNA,
mRNA, and tRNA. All of these "Na's" work together to help
cells replicate and build proteins. They are actually made
up chains of base pairs stretching from only a few to millions.
When those pairs combine in super long chains (DNA), they
make a shape called a double helix. There are five easy
parts of nucleic acids. The five pieces are Uracil, Cytosine,
Thymine, Adenine, and Guanine.
Elements Found
 Carbon
 Oxygen
 Nitrogen
 Hydrogen
 Phosphorous
 Nucleotide
is the monomer
and RNA
 Stores
and transmits genetic information
Nucleic Acids- Macromolecules containing Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorous.
Nucleotides- consists of three parts: a five carbon sugar, a
phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
Ribonucleic Acid- RNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid-DNA
Protein: class of organic compounds which are present in and vital
to every living cell
Polymer: a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of
repeating structural units
Monomer: an atom or a small molecule that may bind chemically
to other monomers to form a polymer.
By: Nick Nagy, Lexi Lewis, DJ Estrada, AJ Krok,
Shelby Goble, and Terry Winston
Where Do We Find Lipids?
• Lipids are fats, oils, and waxes
• Some examples are olive oil and butter
Saturated Fats
Unsaturated Fats
fats are when
they contain the maximum
number of hydrogen atoms
—Ex. butter
when there is at least
one carbon-carbon double bond
—If there is more then one of those
double bonds then it is
—Tend to ne liquid at room
—Ex: Olive Oil contain unsaturated
fatty acids
• Lipids- Group of molecules. Usually not soluble in water.
• Carbon
• Hydrogen
• Oxygen
Uses Of A Lipid
• Stores energy
• Structure and cell membrane
• Hormones/Cell signals
Monomer of a Lipid
Glycerol and 3 Fatty Acids make up the monomer of a
lipid. These make up the structure for a lipid.
Polymer of Lipids
Lipids are not considered Polymers as they do not have
consist of repeating units.