Business and management research (ELIB 202) I. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Office Number: e-mail: Term/year Rawaa Muhandes 624 Semester two /2015 Office hours: W. M. 9-11 and 12:30-2:30 S. T. 12-2 II. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an overview of the nature of business and management research. It introduces the students to the fundamental tools of research methodology. It also includes training in the areas of primary and secondary data collection and qualitative and quantitative methods of organizing data and utilization of research findings. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students are expected to: A. Describe the nature of business and management research. B. Define the research process. C. Recognize the different business research designs. D. Develop a business research proposal. E. Discuss major techniques of data collection. F. Explain major sampling designs and strategies. G. Implement a research project. IV. COURSE TOPICS: A. The nature of business and management research. B. Formulating and clarifying the research topic. C. Brainstorming and critically reviewing the literature. D. Negotiating access and research ethics. E. Selecting samples. F. Using secondary data. G. Collecting primary data through observation. 1 - Semi-structured, in-depth and group interviews - Questionnaires H. Writing and presenting the project report. V. PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES: Research paper This course requires students to conduct a research and develop a proposal and a final report to apply the following: VI. The most appropriate methodology Data collection tools Analysis A presentation of the project TEXTBOOKS / RESOURCES: A. Assigned Textbook: Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2009). Research methods for business students (5th ed.). Essex: Prentice Hal. B. Alternative Textbooks: Ghauri, P, & Gronhaug, K. (2005). Research methods in business studies: A Practical guide (3rd. ed.). Essex: Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 0273681567. VII. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIES 1.Assignments & Homework submission: Please follow these guidelines. All writing must be spell-checked, well-organised, neat and reviewed (proofread) for errors in grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and capitalisation. Assignments are to be completed on time and follow the prescribed format. Papers/projects that are late will receive an automatic reduction of 10% per day late. Assignments will NOT be accepted after the instructor has returned the graded assignment, and a grade of "0" will automatically be assigned for this component of the course. Extensions will not be given except in extreme circumstances and only after consultation with your instructor. 2 2.Academic Integrity: All work that you submit must be your own The writing you do in this course must be your own. Presenting the work of others, whether it is used without acknowledgment (plagiarism) or submitted by you but written by someone else (cheating), violates the university’s policy on academic integrity. •An Academic Integrity Offense Report will be filed and kept in the Office of the Unit’s Director. Sanctions may include failure for the assignment, a grade reduction for the course, or failure for the course. •Using and citing sources in writing: If you use outside sources (Internet, books, articles) for your writing assignments, you must include a complete citation (reference) to these sources. In addition, every name or quotation included in your paper must be referenced in a Bibliography or Reference list. If the written work is not properly cited that particular assignment must be completely revised to avoid charges of plagiarism. 3.Attendance Policy: Students are required to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Each class meeting has its own dynamics and provides a unique opportunity for learning. According to the university’s policy on attendance, students who neglect their academic work, including assignments, may be refused permission to write the final examination in a course. Absences for reasons of serious illness, death in the student’s immediate family, or required participation in a university-sponsored event are, with the appropriate documentation, excused absences, and students will be given an opportunity to make up class examinations or other graded assignments. Faculty members are under no obligation to allow make-up work for unexcused absences 3 VIII. SEMESTER PLAN: Weeks W1 (12, Feb, 2015) W2 (19,Feb) W3 (26, Feb) Course Topics Orientation( Discuss course outline and weekly breakdown) Formulating groups What is critical thinking? Getting critical in research and reading Reading it: Tips for reading and taking notes Introduction to research The nature of business and management research. Research process Activity: Brainstorming research areas Identifying useful resources (visiting the library, using the Internet, evaluating web sources) Selecting a topic and guidelines for formulating the research topic Narrowing down topic. Critically reviewing the literature Referencing Write up- Draft Introduction W6 Research Methodology (19.March) Selecting samples Data collection tools: Surveys& Questionnaires, Interviews, observation, etc. Questionnaire structure, tips and introductory note ----------------------------Term Break (20 March – 28 March,2015)-------------------------------------W7 - Submit the introduction Oral Presentation Skills: Tips and guidelines (2.April) and literature review Peer critiquing , reviewing and piloting Section (3 points) questionnaire Negotiating access and research ethics W8 - Oral presentation: Data collection (9.April) Introduction and literature Online survey tools (survey monkey, review(2.5 points) googledocs,etc) Submitting the final data Finalizing and approving data collection tool collection tool section (3points) W 4 (5, March) W5 (12.March) W9 (16.April) Drafting and editing the methodology and results sections W 10 (23.April) W 11 (30.April) Data Analysis (Excel,SPSS,megastat) – Creating graphs Describing data and using graphs Drafting discussion and conclusion Writing the Abstract Choosing keywords W 12 (7.May) Presenting the methodology, result and discussion What is research poster? W13 (14May) Edit, proofread and submit final report (hard copy & softcopy) Final presentation and evaluation 4 Submitting methodology and result sections (3points) Submitting the discussion and conclusion section (3points) Oral presentation: methodology, result and discussion (2.5 points) Final report submission (3points) METHOD OF ASSESSMENT A. General instructions You are required to produce a research report. The aim of the report is: o To introduce the topic and scope of your proposed project and to establish the project aim o To demonstrate reading around the topic area and to appraise literature which is useful for your project o To appraise the sources and methods you will use to collect data for your project o To indicate the main tasks to be carried out and a time plan for the project The report should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font size, with 1.5 line spacing. The maximum length is 15 A4 pages, including references. The report will normally be submitted in Week 14. The actual date for submission will be given in the first session. Oral presentation Evaluation Rubric Category Description Opening and Greet Audience, introduce oneself, introduction set the agenda, make eye contact, formal dress Technical Clarity, layout, color, amount of aspect (ppt text, organization, grammar, slides) spelling, creativity, effort content Quality of information, facts, amount of information, choice, usefulness, multimedia use Language Fluency, grammar, voice, body use and language, confidence, giving delivery attention, subject knowledge, handling questions Overall Presentation: useful, informative, clear, original, enjoyable Presenter: efficient communication skills, well prepared (Total 2.5) 5 Scale .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Research report Rubric (15%) Category Cover page Abstract Introduction Methods Questionnaire Results (Data) Discussion & analysis Conclusion References Conditions not met Description Scale 1-3 4-6 Student name, class, ID, email, semester, instructor name, Title Clear and concise statement of purpose, context, methods and main findings 1.Describes issues showing its importance 2. gives clear & relevant background information 3. Appropriate & clear research questions 4. Relevant literature review using a minimum of 10 sources. Description and step by step list of how the study was performed is given -Coherent and understood -Introductory paragraph with correct grammar -Choice of relevant question -Results and data are clearly recorded, organized so it is easy to see trends. - All appropriate labels are included - Clear labels and titles for tables and graph The data and observations are analyzed accurately, trends are noted and enough data was taken to establish conclusion 1.Summarizes the essential data used to draw conclusions. 2.Provide overall solutions, recommendation and future agenda At the end of the proposal include an alphabetical list of any references used. References should be made in the text of your proposal using the ‘Harvard’ system, Plagiarism 10 points Table of content missing 2 Appendices, page numbering missing 1-2 6 7-9 10-12 13-15